
Chapter 722 Where to Go

Chapter 722 Where to Go
Chu Tian has always hated Mo Zhu, and felt that Mo Zhu was using his family and then abandoning his family. He even hated himself for working for this decadent organization.But it was only at this moment that Chu realized that the crux of all this was not in killing demons, but in himself, or in other words, the generations of his family.

The demon-slaying organizations in the past had no scruples and were unscrupulous. Anyway, they had one life, even if there was no disaster or disease, it would be a hundred years. It was nothing compared to other races who lived for thousands of years. It's all earned.This kind of demon killing is the most troublesome, and it also makes other races helpless.

Lord Dracula made a clever move, using spies to pass on the secrets and movements of the high-ranking nobles to Demon Killing, so that Demon Killing can understand and yearn for the high-level world of the Demon Continent.During this process, the demon-slaying organization naturally developed the habit of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, seeking profit and avoiding harm. They learned the limits of nobles' patience, and in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, they always controlled their behavior within the range of tolerance .

Zhu Mo himself didn't realize that they had unknowingly changed from a wolf on the snowy field to a dog in the town. They lost their wildness and gave birth to inertia.And when they find that they can still enjoy the support and support of ordinary human beings without having to make too many sacrifices and endure too many dangers, they lose their aggressiveness. Gradually become comfortable and corrupt.

This is Dracula's plan, and the musician is the key and core of this plan. When he conveys various secrets, he is also conveying an ideology, which subtly influences and changes the demon-killing, towards Dracula. The direction of hope changes.

"I did use you and your family, and your family also sent a lot of news for killing demons. This matter is evened out. For the sake of your ancestor, I will not kill you, and give Freedom with you. What to do in the future, you can choose for yourself."

After finishing speaking, Dracula left a space ring on the case, and said: "Here are some belongings, and the identity certificate I prepared for you. With these, you can be rich for generations in the territory of the blood clan. In addition, The qin that your ancestors carried with them is also inside, I originally wanted to keep it, but after thinking about it, I’d better return it to you.”

Chu Tian looked at the back of Lord Dracula leaving, and suddenly asked loudly: "My ancestor, what's his name?"


Chutian just wanted to know the name of his ancestor from Lord Dracula, because his elders would never mention these things, but Chutian never expected that Lord Dracula would say such a name.The name Chutian was only used in that world by himself, and was not mentioned to outsiders at all. It is impossible for Lord Dracula to know this.Then, the only explanation is that his ancestor was really called Chutian.

A cloud of doubts emerged in Chutian's mind. His ancestors, his life experience, and his experiences were all full of mysteries. Like a product of failure.

Yue Chuan's voice sounded in Chutian's mind, "I never thought you would have such a tortuous past and future, what are your plans?"

The scene just now Yue Chuan saw through Chu Tian’s perspective. The purpose of Yue Chuan’s coming to the Demon Continent was to rescue Chu Tian, ​​but that earth-shattering battle delayed Yue Chuan’s trip, and he has not yet arrived at Chu Tian’s side. , Hearing that his identity was leaked, Yue Chuan had no choice but to stare at Chutian's place all day long. If the worst happens, he can only reveal his identity to protect Chutian.

The power of the server is inconceivable, even Lord Dracula failed to notice the existence of Yue Chuan, and had no idea that there was a third insider in the secret conversation between the two.Yue Chuan naturally lamented the plans and plans of the blood king and Dracula, and the blood race he met at the World Tree Seed in the Continent of Gods should also be part of their plan.But now Yue Chuan is more concerned about Chu Tian's mind.

It can be said that the depravity of killing demons was caused by Chu Tian and his ancestors. What you get is long-term benefits. The two sides have different visions and different strategies, so there will naturally be such a huge contrast.

All this is not Chutian's fault, he and his family are just being used, the fear is that Chutian will go to the edge of his own horn and try to make up for the demons. The heart of the camp is in Han.

But Yue Chuan had no way to explain this kind of matter, and Chu Tian had to solve this kind of knot by himself.

Where do we go from here?Chu Tian was confused.In other words, his heart is now empty and lost, his life has been turned upside down, his beliefs have collapsed, and his whole being is on the verge of collapse.

Chu Tian really wanted to kill the demons and make up for his mistakes, but then he shook his head.He is not a fool, he knows that if he goes to kill the devil now, he will be killed 100%.Demon Killing has always pursued the policy of "the minds of people who are not of our own race must be different". The organization is all pure human beings, both physically and psychologically. Those who get close will also be beheaded by Demon Executioner.Chutian's current state is like this.

It is impossible to turn back to kill the demons. The Tiandao League seems to be his only choice, and Chu Tian has always thought so.But now, Chu Tian suddenly shook his head.

"I can't go to your place for the time being, sorry, I have to check some things, let's talk about it later."

Yue Chuan also knew that although he had been trying his best to rescue Chutian, but he failed to put it into action after all, Chutian would inevitably have some thoughts and compare himself with Demon Executioner.Regarding these, Yue Chuan could only shake his head, and he had nothing to say.Moreover, there are indeed some mysteries in Chu Tian that need to be solved, and it is appropriate to give him some time.

"That's fine. I've unlocked your authority in that world. Also, the medicine I gave you last time is more effective than you imagined. Don't be stingy when you encounter danger."

The effects of these alchemy medicines are inconceivable. Yue Chuan relied on these to escape from the siege of countless strong men. As long as Chu Tian used these medicines, he would understand that even if Yue Chuan did not go to rescue him, he would still be safe and sound. Yue Chuan will come forward to negotiate again.

Perhaps he will understand later.

(End of this chapter)

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