
Chapter 629 Chutian's Choice

Chapter 629 Chutian's Choice

[This chapter is [-] words, I don’t have much time today, so I can’t separate it into several chapters, so I’ll post them together. The price of chapters is based on the number of words, not the number of chapters. I hope everyone will not misunderstand]

Tiandaomeng, of course, means doing justice for the heavens. Yue Chuan has already deeply realized the importance of names, and a good name can indeed achieve twice the result with half the effort.Just like the Tiandao League, countless people who have the ambition to do justice for the sky will subconsciously regard joining the Tiandao League as their goal. No matter what Shang does, it will be simple and convenient.

Sure enough, as soon as the Tiandao League was established, Shang received countless inquiries from players, and many players who were ranked on the level list returned to the town to prepare for an interview with Shang.Some people who often hang out in the duel arena also stopped dueling, rushing back to the town.

At the beginning, those players at level 20 still took themselves seriously, thinking that joining the guild was to save face, but when players at level 30 gathered around one after another, the players at level 20 silently backed away. When players approaching level 40 appeared one after another, the level 30 players also kept their mouths shut.

The Continent of Demons is a world where the strong are respected. People's respect for strength has been deeply rooted in their bones, so soon, all the people gathered around Shang were above level 38. When their duel levels surfaced, all the black venerables , the people of Hong Zun were embarrassed to lean forward.

The people in the Demon Continent have already learned about the guild from Borken, and they know that the guild can improve the players. Moreover, the guild is a symbol of organization and power. Everyone wants to create a guild and recruit a group of younger brothers. The king dominates.

That's what the Demon Killing organization thinks. If Demon Killing can create a guild and type out the name "Mo Killing", it will immediately have a shocking effect in the game world, and those with lofty ideals will also gather in the guild. The magic organization can instantly network a group of talents.

It's a pity that the Demon Killing Organization has no money. The cost of 30 gold coins is not a small number at all, and a part of Chutian’s weapon rental money is also intercepted as a reserve fund for the establishment of the guild. Coupled with the contributions of experts such as Meiying, the speed of saving money is very fast, but even so, Not even a third of it.

But Chutian is very optimistic, because his money-raising speed is the fastest in the entire game world, and other people's money-saving speed will only be slower than him.However, Chutian never imagined that the first guild was born so abruptly.

Although Shang founded the guild according to Yue Chuan's wishes, she was also in contact with this aspect for the first time. She didn't know how to screen and operate it. She wanted to consult Yue Chuan, but she couldn't contact Yue Chuan at all. If they refuse, those players will be included in the guild according to the order of the rank list and the order of the duel level.

The first created guild has an incomparable advantage, that is, all players do not have a guild, and the masters are simply picking everywhere. Moreover, everyone is scrambling to join the guild, only you don’t want it, if you don’t, why don’t you come? of.

Chu Tian watched silently from the side, feeling a drop of blood in his heart.

The masters of the Devil's Continent server are all investigated and researched by the Demon Killing Organization. Among them, those who came from bad backgrounds were all killed by the Demon Killing Organization silently. If it is possible, you can directly receive the important task entrusted by your subordinates.

However, all these are talent pools selected by the Demon Killing Organization for themselves, and they will all be developed into the Demon Killing Organization in the future. Seeing the cooked duck fly into someone else's pot, Chu Tian is really heartbroken.

If Yue Chuan knew what Chu Tian was thinking, he would definitely scoff at it. The entire Devil’s Continent server was created by himself, and the talents in the server are naturally his own. time.

There is really no way to say something like possessiveness, just like Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou. He knew that Jingzhou was borrowed, but he just didn't want to pay it back.Chutian is the same now, he has ignored how this game world came about, and his mind is full of "Heavenly Dao League" that appears above more and more people's heads.

This should have been the glory of killing demons, and these people should all be members of killing demons.In this world, there should be only demon killing, and demon killing is the defender of human interests. The Heavenly Dao League has done its job of killing demons.

Chu Tian had already lost his calmness and meticulousness, but he still had a clarity in his mind. He was thinking about the impact of the birth of the Heavenly Dao League on killing demons.

From now on, people in this world will only know the Heavenly Dao League, and Demon Slayer can only be reduced to a second-rate organization.If this situation extends to the real world, Demon Killing will have an additional opponent.Because Zhumo and Tiandaomeng share a common mission, they will sooner or later be rivals.

Therefore, Chu Tian couldn't help thinking, what if the Tiandao League is not the defender of human interests?After all, Tiandaomeng never said anything about its purpose.What if the Tiandaomeng stands on the opposite side of human beings?
The more Chu Tian thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. In the end, he himself was deeply afraid.So, Chu Tian gave Shang a cold look, and then went offline silently.

Although the Devil's Continent is shrouded in the power of the moonlight, and everywhere looks gloomy and cold, there are still many bustling cities full of people and hustle and bustle.

The status of the human race in the Devil's Continent is low. They are slaves inside the city, and beasts outside the city. They can be enslaved and hunted at will.But there are also some noble people in the human race, because of his talents, even the nobles of the Demon Continent must rely heavily on them.

For example, blood clans, their long lives have given them enough time to practice, even if they sleep every day, blood clans can naturally increase their strength, as long as there is enough time, blood clans with not too bad aptitude can touch the edge of the sanctuary, as long as there is a certain chance , it is not impossible to cross that threshold.

However, the long life also brought a disadvantage to the blood race, that is, their thinking is relatively rigid.Many races in the Devil's Continent know that the blood race is the most stubborn and conservative. They keep a straight face all day long, eating the same food and talking about the same topics for years, or they don't have any topics.

Strong men of some races went to the blood clan as guests, and then went to the blood clan as guests hundreds of years later. They actually saw the same people, received the same reception, listened to the same greetings, and ate the same food.The seats of the host and the guests are almost the same as they have been for hundreds of years, making people mistakenly think that it is going back in time, or history is repeating itself.The long time has obliterated too many things of the blood race. Their lives are not new, their thinking is not creative, and they will always be the same.

Therefore, human beings who can play the piano, sing, write, and paint are very popular. They are ten thousand times more valuable than other human slaves, especially those who are at the master level, whose value is beyond imagination.

There was once a blood lord who exchanged a rich city for a human slave from another blood lord, because that slave could play many heavenly tunes.But the lord refused, because the lord felt that his musician was degraded, which was an insult to his own aesthetics. In order to punish the vulgar lord, the lord who thought he was elegant launched a war and took the castle by force. city, and there are more than a dozen surrounding cities.

That priceless human slave is Chutian's ancestor. Of course, Chutian in the real world is not called Chutian, he doesn't have any name, and his existence is an instrument, an exquisite instrument, to that blood lord.When the owner is in a good mood, he may give the instrument a name, such as "Jiaoweiqin", such as "Long Lovesickness" or something. The instrument absolutely dare not name itself, and only in the game world, Chutian is Chutian .

In reality, he is like a canary in a cage, which is the common fate of his ancestors.The blood of their family is full of music. This is their family's luck and their family's sorrow.They were raised as objects, but it was precisely because of this kind of feeding that they could avoid the fate of being enslaved and hunted.

However, this was not what Chutian wanted, nor was it what his ancestors wanted. They had been resisting this fate from beginning to end, so when the Demon Killing Organization found his ancestors, everything was logical.Chu Tian knew his other identity since he was a child, and it was that identity that allowed him to persevere in this life of walking dead.

That is the mission of Chutian's existence, and it is also the motivation for him to live—to kill demons!Chutian does not allow anyone to destroy the plan of killing demons, and does not allow anyone to hinder the interests of killing demons.


The strings trembled, but there was no feeling of elegance. There was only endless chilling. The cold-resistant flowers and trees in the courtyard were all affected by the chilling contained in the sound of the piano. They first withered and then withered.Chutian's musical attainments have reached the level of Tongxuan.

Only one person in the whole city can own a musical instrument, and only one person can play a musical instrument. When the strings sound, everyone understands that the lord's luthier is practicing music.Although those lower blood races don't know what music is, this doesn't prevent them from showing a look of intoxication. This is a wonderful piece of music that only the lord can enjoy, and it's a piece of music played by priceless musicians.

However, just as everyone seemed to be intoxicated by the music, a human slave who was cleaning up the sewer silt suddenly stopped the work at hand and listened carefully to the sound of the piano from a distance.

The other human slaves around laughed mockingly, but that slave didn't take it seriously, his ears trembled slightly, taking notes one by one into his ears and remembering them in his mind.The sound of the zither was repeated three times before it subsided, but the human slave set off a storm in his heart.

"Level [-] Hunting Order, Shang!"

This is the content contained in the sound of the piano. Only he can understand this kind of thing, because he is Chutian's partner. Chutian is responsible for spying on the information, and he is responsible for passing the information out.Chutian's family has worked as musicians in the lord's house for generations, and his family has been lowly slaves in the lord's mansion for generations.Their tacit cooperation has lasted for several generations, and there are countless secret partners like them in the entire Demon Continent. All of this is the background of the Demon Slayer Organization.

"Why did you issue a first-level killing order? Who is Shang?"

Chu Tian's partner didn't know, but he didn't need to know at all. He just had to pass on the information, and someone would naturally screen and execute it.It's just that this slave will never understand what the consequences of the news he sent out have caused.Because of this piece of news, the entire Demon Continent was in turmoil.

In the lord's mansion, those blood lords shook the goblet comfortably, the virgin's blood swayed in the goblet, and the viscous blood left lines like waves on the edge of the goblet, with distinct and clear layers.In less than three centimeters, 99 lines of blood were left densely.

The lord opened his eyes regretfully, because the music stopped, he glanced at the lines in the goblet, and couldn't help but sighed, because an old friend of his could leave more than 360 lines on the edge of the quilt.But soon he became happy, because his old friend's family didn't have a good musician, and he would never be better than himself in this regard.

"That musician is as good as his ancestors, and the piece he just created is very pleasant and comfortable to listen to. According to the logic, he should be given a name. What should he call it?"

Just as the blood lord was thinking about bestowing a name, several people from the Demon Killing Organization also briefly met, because the news from the code-named musician was too important, and the first-level hunting order was not something that could be issued casually. Moreover, this order has exceeded the authority of that musician.If it weren't for the kind of piano sound that couldn't be faked at all, they even wondered if someone was passing false orders under the guise of a musician.

"The news is indeed from the musician. It cannot be faked. Maybe the musician has encountered some urgent matter and cannot explain it to us in detail, but we should trust the musician. After all, three generations of their family have worked for us in killing demons. Returned a lot of important information."

"I've heard about this person, Shang. The luthier has already investigated her background and said that she can be included in the organization. Why did she suddenly want to kill her, and he did not hesitate to issue a first-level killing order."

"Shang seems to be the number one expert in a mysterious world, but it's a pity that we can't enter that world. Our devil-killing monsters are in that world, but we have been overwhelmed by Shang."

"Everyone knows the strength of the monsters. The four major assassins of the ghosts and demons are deadly and betrayed. They are the pillars of talent. Even he can't compare with Shang. If Shang is our enemy, the harm will be unimaginable."

"Didn't the musician say that there is a faster channel to deliver news in that world? Why not use the piano sound instead?"

"My subordinates received news that Shang established the Heavenly Dao League in that world. I think there should be hidden dangers in the channels of the musicians in that world, so I dare not use them."

"Since the musician issued a first-level killing order, let's find out what he wants to do. I believe he will give us an explanation afterwards."

"I agree."

"Isn't Ryo just around Shang? Let him go."


Several leaders of the Demon Killing Organization quickly made a decision, and Meiying quickly received this task.

This is the second time that Meiying has received a mission about Shang.Last time, he just came to investigate Shang. If Shang was of a foreign race, he would get rid of her mercilessly. If Shang was not loyal to his race, he would also kill her.Demon Killing does not allow a threatening hidden danger to exist and grow.

However, the results of Meiying's investigation show that Shang is a pure human race, both physically and psychologically, and her potential is huge, so she is a target worth cultivating.Meiying is very optimistic about Shang, and even feels that it is a great credit for her to be able to introduce such a person into Execution Mo.

It's a pity that Meiying soon received the order to kill Shang, and it was a first-level killing order.This is the first time that Meiying has received a first-level hunting order.

Meiying has never questioned the Demon Killing Organization, and the Demon Killing Organization does not need to question it. Meiying will always have only loyalty and trust in Demon Killing.As an assassin trained by Demon Slayer, Meiying can sacrifice the butcher knife to anyone, even if that person is a parent or a teacher, as long as their names are on the list of tasks, they can only die.This is the training that Meiying has received since she was a child. Those who can't do this will die in the training base.

Therefore, Shang must die!No why, no why.

Yue Chuan didn't know all this, because he was paying attention to Shang and the Tiandao League created by Shang at this time. He was looking at the talents in the Tiandao League happily, thinking about the prospects of the Tiandao To what extent will the seed planted in the mainland grow step by step.

Yue Chuan never thought that Chutian would make such a crazy move. He felt that Chutian was a smart person, and a smart person would naturally understand the pros and cons. It was a smart person like Chutian who could read people's hearts best.

But Yue Chuan neglected one point, that is, once a smart person digs into a dead end, he will never die and never turn back.If a hanging wire is a dead end, at most it will be masturbating and sleeping, and it will not threaten the interests of others at all.But Chutian has power and powerful power in his hands. He has the ability to do evil, and he belongs to the type of staring at someone who is pregnant.

Therefore, Yue Chuan didn't know that a butcher knife had already been sacrificed, and it was about to fall on Shang's head.

When the charm turned into a cloud of green tobacco and flew up, Chu Tian sat blankly in his attic, looking at the guqin in front of his eyes without focusing at all.

Because he has always claimed to be exhaustive, he missed one point, that is Lei Ze.

Killing Demons can indeed kill Shang and eradicate the Tiandao League, but what about Lei Ze?It is not Shang who sees through his secret, but Lei Ze. As long as Lei Ze is alive, the threat will always exist. .

Moreover, if Shang died, would Lei Ze turn against Mo Zhu?How many secrets has he mastered to kill demons?Will he spread these secrets?If your identity is exposed...

Chu Tian looked at the lord who was tasting the blood in the pavilion not far away, and the boundless cold air rose from behind him and condensed.

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[Thanks to _Smallsky for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

[Thanks to _Smallsky for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

[Thanks to _Smallsky for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

[Thanks to _Smallsky for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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