
Chapter 381

Chapter 381 He Can Still Rescue

"Why, are you trying to murder your compatriots?"

Several dragon clans had no choice but to end Yinlong's life. Even if they all closed their eyes, Yinlong's painful expression, despairing eyes, and desire for relief continued to appear in front of them.And everything will become a lingering nightmare in their lives.Therefore, any language Yue Chuan said at this time was regarded as a provocation and ridicule by the Dragon Clan.

Roar!to die!

A giant frost dragon proudly showed its body. Its 15-meter-high body was like a hill. The strong sense of oppression on its body was so strong that it seemed to block out the sun.

However, the guardian knight was unafraid, instead of retreating, he took a step forward against Long Wei, and the shield in his hand shone with a faint red halo.Several other knights also entered a state of alert, and the auras of the five merged into one to fight against Long Wei.

Seeing the figure of the guardian knight and remembering the tragic situation of the black dragon and the silver dragon, the dragon's breath held in the mouth of the frost dragon was like thick phlegm stuck in its throat, and it couldn't be coughed up no matter what.

Yue Chuan waved his hand, and the five knights immediately disarmed and returned to Yue Chuan.Yue Chuan, on the other hand, ignored the existence of the Frost Dragon, looked at the dying Silver Dragon beside him, and said, "Although his injuries are serious, he doesn't have to die, and there is still room for rescue."

The elder of the dragon clan snorted coldly, is he still not clear about Yinlong's injury? That abominable human can stand and talk without pain in his back. He must have taken this opportunity to deliberately mock our dragon clan.

"Even the Dragon Soul Grass of our Dragon Clan can't recover from this kind of injury..."

"You dragon clan can't do it, but it doesn't mean others can't do it."

Although he knew that Yue Chuan was telling the truth, the truth was too ugly. If possible, the elders of the Dragon Clan really wanted to give Yue Chuan a hard blow.

"Don't the elves have a fountain of life? Besides, the golden apple tree..."

Yes, why didn't I think of it!The Dragon Clan has such a treasure as the Dragon Soul Grass, and the Elf Clan also has such a rare thing as the Spring of Life, not to mention the golden apple tree that has existed since the age of gods and demons.

It's just that the elders of the dragon clan also know that no matter the fountain of life or the golden apple tree, they are the heart and soul of the elves, and they will definitely not give up easily.No, no, I will never give up, no matter how expensive the Dragon Clan pays.What's more, for a silver dragon, the Dragon Clan can't possibly pay too much.

However, the elders of the Dragon Clan couldn't bear to watch Yinlong die in front of him, even if he couldn't recover, as long as he could save his life.So the elders of the dragon clan looked at the patriarch of the elves.

"Cough, although the fountain of life of our elves is called a spring, it is actually a collection of drops of water of life, and each drop of water of life is the condensation of decades or hundreds of years. These waters of life Everything has to be turned in, you know..."

The elders of the dragon clan cursed secretly, although the water of life is to be handed over to the backers behind the elves, but if you don't keep some of it privately, the sun will come out from the west.Anyway, no one checks your account, so the evil pen is paid in full.But the elders of the dragon clan did not dare to say such words blatantly, otherwise, the elves would definitely turn against them.

"Then, Mr. Golden Apple Tree..."

"Hey, you don't know, Mr. Golden Apple Tree is old and his vitality is starting to wither. It hasn't produced fruit for thousands of years. We can't let him lose his vitality..."

The elders of the Dragon Clan cursed even more in their hearts. When they came in just now, they clearly saw that the golden apple tree was full of vitality and exuberant, and there was no sign of withering at all.As for the golden apples, it seems that they have just borne fruit hundreds of years ago. Golden apples will not rot for a thousand years or ten thousand years. It is no wonder that the elves have no stocks.

However, the elders of the dragon clan also understand that the elves are determined to stand by and watch, and they are desperate to save them!

Originally, the elders of the Dragon Clan still held a grudge against Yue Chuan, after all, the two juniors were all injured by Yue Chuan's subordinates.But now, the dragon elders have transferred their hatred to the elves.Not to mention him, even the wounded black dragon and the dying silver dragon were the same.

Losing in the hands of the guardian knights is inferior to others, and there is no resentment if they are beaten to death, but the behavior of the elves is clearly driving them to their death. This kind of villain is the most hateful.

"Old guy, you sent someone to our Dragon Clan to report that the boy who sells dragon blood is a guest here, you old boy is really vicious, you borrowed a knife to kill people, and now you can't use our hands to get rid of that human being, you just Instead, you want to use that human's hand to get rid of us, right? Once the silver dragon dies, our dragon clan will never die with humans? Ha, you are too naive!"

The elder of the dragon clan simply tore his face and revealed everything. The elves wouldn't let him have a good time, and he couldn't let the elves succeed.

"Xiao Hei, you guys remember to report the truth to the patriarch after you go back, and you must not be tricked by a despicable villain!"

Hearing the words of the elders of the Dragon Clan, the faces of all the elves turned black.It is one thing for Yue Chuan to guess the tricky things before, but it is another thing for the elders of the dragon clan to tell the truth in public. Before, they could still deal with Yue Chuan with a superficial smile, but now...

Yue Chuan thought to himself, these dragons are really strong-bodied and simple-minded, and a small misfortune caused them to transfer their hatred to the elves.Now, the Dragon Clan hates the Elf Clan.

Time to stop.Otherwise, let the elders of the dragon clan spray it down, maybe the elves will be ruthless to kill people and destroy their bodies.

"Ahem...Actually, I can heal this kind of injury."

The elders of the dragon clan were stunned, and the elves beside him were also stunned. Only Aipel, who was beside Yue Chuan, had a glimmer of clarity in his eyes, as if he understood Yue Chuan's plan.

"If the elder is trustworthy, I can help this little kid..."

If Yue Chuan said "little boy" just now, the dragons would be furious, but now, the dragons would like to learn the dog's tail wagging ability to express their joy and approval.And when he heard that Yue Chuan was willing to help Yinlong, the dragon clan elder was full of gratitude, he didn't look like a rascal when he raped the spirit clan just now.

"Tsk tsk, the little baby is the little baby, and it doesn't matter how important the shot is. If the golden apple tree hadn't wiped out five magics just now, do you think you will only be backlashed by one fire magic?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, several dragon clans suddenly realized that if the golden apple tree hadn't attacked and all six spells had erupted, the silver dragon might have been wiped out long ago.To be able to look half-dead now, speaking of it, is still favored by God.

Seeing how the dragons bowed their heads and ears, Yue Chuan no longer reprimanded them old-fashionedly, but took out a lot of master-level life potions and distributed them to the dragons, saying, "Sprinkle these potions on his wounds."

The silver dragon's figure is relatively petite among the dragon clan, but it is still a giant compared to humans. It is really not an easy job to apply medicine to him.Fortunately, there are a few free laborers around.

Several dragons took the medicine bottle handed by Yue Chuan and felt the life energy overflowing from the bottle. The dragons knew that what Yue Chuan said was true. Recovery, at least not to continue to deteriorate.

Yinlong's whole body organs are almost destroyed, and it is impossible to have the ability to swallow, so this method can only be used. Bottles of life potion are poured on the silver dragon, and the bright red potion dries up along the silver dragon's body. The flesh soaked into the body, stimulating the last bit of life that was about to dissipate.

At the same time, Yue Chuan took out a cross and cast spells on the silver dragon one by one.

Source of life!Heal fast!Slow healing!Wind of Holy Healing...

Two little angels, one blue and one green, floated and rotated above the silver dragon's head, constantly sprinkling bits and pieces of life energy, not only repairing the silver dragon's body, but also protecting the silver dragon's soul, preventing his soul from collapsing and drifting away.The Wind of Holy Healing directly blew up a storm of life energy. This strong storm reverberated around, and the vitality in the entire golden apple tree suddenly became more than a hundred times stronger.

Yinlong let out a comfortable moan. Originally, his whole body was roasted and scorched, but bathed in the wind of healing, he felt that his body that had lost its vitality recovered little by little, and his dead muscles, bones, and flesh recovered little by little. , and slowly repairing and growing, the itching of the muscle wriggling and growing was transmitted along the newly repaired nerves to the still somewhat dull brain, Yinlong couldn't restrain himself from moaning in pleasure and suffering.

"I... my hand..."

The one who spoke was not the silver dragon, but the black dragon on the side. All the other dragons and elves looked at him, only to find that the right arm of the black dragon, whose scales, armor and muscles were all shattered by the shock, grew out under the wind of holy healing. Strings of muscles grew wildly like mushrooms after a spring rain. In the blink of an eye, a thin layer of flesh and blood was attached to the originally bare bones, and this thin layer of flesh and blood was even more unbearable. Creep, grow.


At this moment, not only the dragon clan, but even the elves on the side also sighed sincerely. This kind of reversal power is really incredible. The fatal injury of the silver dragon was easily solved in his hands, and he looked at him with ease. , it doesn't seem to consume much power at all, and this is the most terrifying.

"You are using the magic of the Church of Light..."

Aside, the head of the elves asked curiously.However, Yue Chuan didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and several dragons also snorted loudly through their nostrils, making the patriarch of the elves very bored.

"Umont was the holy son of the Church of Light before, and his fiancée is the saint of the Church of Light, and that saint became a god some time ago."

"That is a real god, an invincible existence in the world."

"If Umont disappears with us..."

Several elves dare not think about it.Compared with the great existence behind Yue Chuan, the great existence beside Yue Chuan is more dangerous.The goddess of light is definitely the most feared existence of the elves, because she is a god and walks in the world.

At this time, Yue Chuan, who was doing his best to treat Yinlong, didn't know that he had saved himself a lot of trouble because of his fiancée who had already parted ways.

However, the Goddess of Light, who was cultivating divine power in the boundless light, suddenly discovered that the evil fate she hadn't cut off had increased out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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