
Chapter 262 Contribution Store

Chapter 262 Contribution Store
What is the use of guild contributions?After all, guild contributions are meaningless numbers if there is no practical use for them.However, thinking of the fact that the president gave everyone the potion in reality, everyone's heart became hot, could it be...

Soon, everyone received a reminder: the contribution store is open.

Everyone sees a new page in the guild that says Contribute to the Store.


Immediately, everyone clicked in.

It is indeed a contribution store, which contains a variety of exquisite items, such as life potions and magic power potions that are commonly used for drawing pictures, and then look at the exchange prices later.Primary pharmacy requires 10 points of contribution, intermediate pharmacy needs 100 points of contribution, and advanced pharmacy needs... Damn, high-level pharmacy is vacant.Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems that no high-level potion has been released yet.But there will always be in the future.The price of the potion is a bit expensive, but when I think about the effect of the living dead and bones, I feel relieved. This is a peerless holy potion. It's a good thing to be able to exchange for something that money can't buy.

Then there are all kinds of equipment, but the items here are very monotonous, mostly blue equipment.There is indeed nothing outstanding about these blue equipment in the game, but on the mainland, they are all in the category of "magic equipment", and the additional attributes such as strength and physical strength are fatal to practitioners.However, the contribution requirements of these blue equipment are not low. A level 5 blue equipment needs 300 contribution points, a level 10 blue equipment needs 1000 points, a level 15 blue equipment needs 3000 points, and a level 20 blue equipment needs [-] points.Then there are some purple outfits, but almost everyone has skipped the required contribution value.

There is also a grocery page in the contribution store. At first, everyone thought that there would be no good things on the grocery page, but when it was opened, almost everyone's heart was beating wildly, and many people exclaimed...

Dragon blood!

This word was thrown into the meeting place like a depth charge. Every guild member stared wide-eyed, looking at the bottle of potion exuding a faint golden light in disbelief, feeling the unexplainable but real majesty in it , and the majestic flowing energy breath, all doubts disappeared, and all the guild members shut their mouths.

This is definitely dragon's blood, genuine dragon's blood, it is impossible for the president to put some fakes here, it will not do any good to the guild.

Almost subconsciously, everyone looked at the exchange price of dragon blood, 1000 contribution value 1 drop.But this is only the primary dragon blood. There are intermediate dragon blood and advanced dragon blood on the grocery page, but they are all out of stock.

The role of dragon blood, you don’t need to read the introduction in the store at all, this is deeply imprinted in everyone’s mind. On the one hand, human beings are afraid of the destructive strength of the dragon clan, and on the other hand, they covet the power of the dragon clan against the sky. Blood is the simplest and most direct way.

Dragon blood can directly change a person's physical fitness. It has the effect of washing tendons, cutting marrow and reshaping muscles and bones. It can make an ordinary person have excellent cultivation talent, make the strong stronger and have higher potential, and let humans have the strength of a dragon. ——Although this statement is exaggerated, there is no doubt that dragon blood can indeed enhance a person's strength, whether it is current strength or future potential.

In addition to improving strength, dragon blood can also be used in alchemy and magic, such as writing some special magic runes, depicting some special magic array diagrams, making some special magic scrolls, magic equipment, magic potions... ...And because of the extinction of the dragon clan, the price of dragon blood has been raised to an unbelievable height, but even so, there are still many people flocking to dragon blood.


Everyone was breathing deeply, as if a fire was burning in their hearts, and it spewed out from their nostrils and pupils.

A drop of dragon blood only costs [-] contribution points, which is not expensive. Judging from the list of contribution points, many members can already exchange for dragon blood. Among them, those with the highest contribution value can exchange several drops of dragon blood. It is not a dream to exchange for a drop after working hard for a period of time.

At this moment, many people regret why they didn't work hard to develop some paladins, influence more believers in the light, and do more good people and good deeds.Only when the contribution value is really used can it feel like a drop in the bucket.

However, at this time, Yue Chuan said with a smile: "In order to recognize everyone's support for the guild, and to help everyone improve their strength more quickly, now, each guild member rewards three drops of dragon blood. Whether it is the rewarded dragon blood or the dragon blood you exchanged in the future, it can only be used on yourself and your own people, and you are not allowed to sell it, and those who violate it will be severely punished!"

Although Yue Chuan didn't say what kind of punishment this severe punishment was, no one dared to try the law by himself. After all, the guild had a deep understanding of the degree of supervision on the mainland, and no one dared to take chances.

Dragon's blood is too little for my own use, so whoever takes it out and sells it.Although there is a limit to the improvement of dragon blood, when he reaches the limit, his strength will definitely change drastically.Then again, even if dragon blood is useless to you, you can still use it for your relatives and cronies to enhance the strength of your subordinates and consolidate their loyalty. This is a benefit that money cannot buy. .

Soon, everyone received an email called "Guild Administrator", but this email could not be opened in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", but everyone knew that this email was sent to the real world, You can see it after you go offline and get three drops of dragon's blood.

The goods in the guild's contribution store are still very scarce, but each of these items is very precious, and they are treasures that can set off a storm when they are brought to the mainland.However, seeing all the fields that only listed their names but said that they were temporarily unoccupied, everyone immediately understood that many new products will be added to the Contribution Store.Don't worry about anything new now, let's talk about your contribution first.

From the point of view of the acquisition of contribution value, no matter recruiting paladins or developing believers, it is a one-time acquisition. Although cultivating paladins and improving their strength level will also increase the contribution value, but this contribution value is relatively slow and relatively limited. .Moreover, there is a limit to both recruiting people and probating believers, and it is impossible to obtain unlimited. In this way, we can only start from punishing evil, promoting good and helping the poor.

Many people thought to themselves, in this way, even people with bad natures will be forced to change their minds. There is no way, only by doing good deeds can they get contribution points, and if they accidentally do bad things, being deducted for contributions is a minor offense. Yes, if he is expelled from the guild, he won't even be able to cry.

Originally, some people thought about recruiting paladins frantically in order to get contributions, and implemented a stocking policy, but when they thought of the regulations on maliciously making contributions, they suddenly felt awe-inspiring.Even if you don't get punished for doing this, if there are any scumbags among these free-ranging men, and if they do anything outrageous, they will all be blamed on you.Grandma, after returning home, not only can't recruit people frantically, but also must strengthen the management of those people, and must not let any black sheep appear in it.

When Yue Chuan formulated these rules, it was to let the members of the guild develop the Knights with all their heart and improve the combat effectiveness of the Knights, instead of asking them to only seek quantity and not quality.The so-called good deeds are only for the needs of the "spirit of the paladins" and "bright teachings", and also to win over people's hearts and gain people's approval and support. After all, it is very important to win the people's hearts.

The knights built by the guild members can obtain various resources from the guild to improve their strength. After their strength is improved, their influence on the mainland will become greater and greater, and will eventually develop into an unrivaled force. A force that can compete with the Magic Guild, Mercenary Alliance, etc.Now, these giants may not feel the development of the paladin organization, but by the time they realize it, the paladin organization has already established an unshakable force.

After explaining some things, Yue Chuan broke up the meeting immediately, and immediately, the dense crowd disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only Yue Chuan with his mouth open in astonishment.These guys are too impatient!

How could it be blamed for the impatience of the guild members. It can only be said that the temptation of dragon blood to everyone is too great. No one can resist the charm of dragon blood, let alone the temptation to become stronger.

Louis XV went online in a hurry, and went offline in a hurry. He sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he made it in time, otherwise he would have missed such an important meeting. It's time for him to calm down.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard a knock on the door. The guard said that the priest of the Guangming Church asked to see him. Louis XV ignored the dragon's blood, straightened his clothes and opened the door, and immediately saw the priest of Guangming.Judging by the impatient look on his face, he seemed to have been waiting for a long time, but he was blocked by the guards and couldn't go in. That's all.

"Master Knight, what are your thoughts on the matter I just mentioned?" Pastor Guangming quickly put away the impatience on his face when he saw Louis XV, and even squeezed out a few smiles, "Just now I and His Majesty the Pope contacted and told the Pope about your request, the Commander, and the Pope said..."

Louis XV was originally in a good mood, but when he saw this guy, he seemed to have eaten a fly. Before he could continue talking nonsense, he said, "The Pope agrees to give me [-]... oh no, [-] barrels of holy water?"

When Pastor Guangming heard this, his face turned dark with anger.Nima, you really think of holy water as something in the toilet, and you still have [-] barrels, what the hell, barrels?You have a hole in your brain!
"The knight commander is joking! His Majesty the Pope said that he can reward you with ten drops of holy water, but..."

Louis XV hurriedly waved his hands, ignoring the priest's request, but asked, "How is the holy water of light compared to dragon's blood?"

"Of course it's not as good as Dragon Blood, but..."

"Then it goes without saying."

"Knight Commander..."

"Someone gave me some dragon blood, I don't need this bright holy water for now..."

Seeing the skeptical gaze of the priest of light, Louis XV silently took out a drop of dragon blood in a container and shook it in front of his eyes. Although it was just a moment, it was enough for the priest of light to feel the breath of dragon blood.Then Louis XV let out a hearty laugh, and went back to the house to fiddle with his own dragon's blood, regardless of the stunned priest of light.

[Today I saw the matter of the Lao Na's Dharma name Qinshouwenshu group. Let me mention here that the group was established when the book was opened, but it has not been promoted much. It was written at the end of the introduction, but it was not displayed.This book group book group: 137176178, the introduction on the cover is also written, interested friends can add it.The two updates of [-] words have been completed, and I hope I can persist tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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