
Chapter 238

Chapter 238
Pope Hynes did indeed promote Yue Chuan to be the Archbishop of the Bava Diocese, and the envoys sent to bring over all the staff, clothes, seals, etc. needed by the Archbishop, and waited for Yue Chuan to take up his post.

But Yue Chuan was puzzled, why did the Pope give himself the position of archbishop?After all, the two sides belonged to the type of face-to-heart disagreement. Although they didn't tear each other up publicly, they had already clashed several times in private.However, Yue Chuan thought about it from a different angle. Although the two sides had confronted each other for several times, they did not tear themselves openly after all.This also gave the two sides room for change. Now that the Pope is throwing an olive branch to himself to recruit himself, he can think about it.

Yue Chuan understands that although the Pope gave him the position of archbishop, it does not mean that he owns the entire Bavaria diocese. , out of this range, my own warrant is not as good as a piece of toilet paper.In the final analysis, he only has the name of the archbishop, but does not have the real power of the archbishop. The Bava diocese is still under the control of the Pope's confidants.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Yue Chuan didn't think about bringing the entire Bava Diocese under his control, as long as he could firmly grasp the parish of Parsenhofen, although the status of the archbishop did not bring him any Such a great right, but at least his status has been greatly improved.

In the past, Yue Chuan was just a priest in the parish, and it sounds like a high-level church member, but to put it bluntly, the Guangming Church has eight hundred if not one thousand priests like him, but the archbishop is different. There are only twelve archbishops in the church, and the archbishops are almost lifelong. Except for retiring, committing major mistakes, or dying, it is impossible for the Illuminati Church to have a new archbishop. This time, it is Alexis who is ruined. There is an archbishop, otherwise, even if the Pope wants to promote Yue Chuan, he will not be promoted.

After becoming the archbishop, Yue Chuan was considered a person of status. If he was just a priest, he would be trampled upon by others, but if he was an archbishop, he would have to weigh the reaction of the Bright Church before others stepped on him.After all, this is the figure second only to the Pope in the Church of Light. To move the archbishop is to humiliate the entire Church of Light, and will inevitably face revenge from those fanatics.

However, the identity of the archbishop also pushed Yue Chuan into a delicate and embarrassing situation.

In the past, Yue Chuan was the earl of the empire and the lord of Parsenhofen. Because he only belonged to the empire and was only loyal to the emperor, he was like a harmless neutral faction. hostile.But now, the Pope has elevated Yue Chuan's status to Archbishop, and the radiance of this status immediately covered up the earl and lord of the empire. Huofen City's large and small forces were on guard and fearful when dealing with Yue Chuan, and the harmonious atmosphere before was gone.

This is the Pope's plan. While giving Yue Chuan a high position, he will also brand Yue Chuan with an eye-catching logo, so that people will know that the city lord of Parsenhofen is the archbishop of the Church of Light. The matter of the family magic relic was full of ups and downs. Yue Chuan, who was in the sensitive position of the city lord, suddenly became the archbishop of the Guangming Church. It would be strange if others didn't have any ideas.

But Yue Chuan didn't bother to care about what others thought of him, or what he liked to think of him.Anyway, the entire city of Parsenhofen is now their own private property. At worst, they will be expelled from the country. Neither the imperial law nor those forces will say anything. After all, this is the right of the lord.

By the way, what is this called, my territory is mine!

However, besides the city of Parsenhofen, Yue Chuan also has the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".

In a dungeon in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", four magicians teamed up and took turns using magic star bombs to bomb poor goblins.Although these four magicians are only at level four, their magic control ability is definitely comparable to those at level forty.

People say that once a magician becomes obscene with magic star bullets, the star bombs are flying like stars all over the sky. Not to mention facing enemies with magic star bullets, even magicians who use magic star bullets don’t know how much they have used. A magic star bomb, and where did these magic star bombs hit.

But these magicians in the dungeon, the magic star bombs they released were like homing missiles, they were extremely accurate, and none of them missed, and the most amazing thing was that all of their magic star bombs hit Goblin without exception. Lin's eyes.The distance between the two sides was more than ten meters, and the magic star bullet the size of a ping-pong ball accurately hit the goblin's eyes. This accuracy was not much inferior to that of a hundred-step piercer. Without strong mental power and control, it was impossible. do this.

What is even more astonishing is that the magic star bullets of the four of them flowed continuously like clouds and flowing water, and the skill cooldowns of the four were perfectly connected, making the magic star bombs pouring out all the time, and every second there was a brother Brin screamed and fell to the ground, turned into coins and other items, and turned experience into the experience slots of the four of them.


A ray of light rose from the four of them at the same time, and the four of them upgraded at the same time.

"I didn't expect that the magic in this world is so wonderful. Although this magic star bullet is the most basic magic, it is also full of mysteries. If we can figure out the principle, the enlightenment education of our magic guild will be improved. In the future There will be more and more magic apprentices trained, and they will become stronger."

"However, what I'm more curious about is the skill tree of this world. This skill tree is really a remarkable creation. It summarizes all the magic into categories, and then learns it step by step, which can save learners from many detours."

"Don't you think this skill is the most amazing? We don't understand the principle of the magic star bullet and the arrangement and combination of magic runes, but we can use it proficiently, as if we have practiced for many years. If we can educate students in the same way, it is not impossible for all human beings to become magicians, we can even create an era far surpassing the elves and dragons, and let us humans become a race that keeps pace with gods and demons."

Hearing this, the other three magicians were all excited. That's right, if it is true that all human beings can master magic like learning skills, then millions or even tens of millions of human beings will emerge. At that time, it was not a daydream to form a pure magister army. With this kind of heaven-defying army, those forbidden curses and magics that were dusty in the ancient ruins would be able to see the light of day again. The trembling power can also be driven by humans.

"However... the most important thing now is to find a way to enter this world. The Elemental Sons of our Magic Guild are trying their best to enter this world, but they can't!"

When the other three people heard this, they all sighed. Although the idea is good and the prospect is beautiful, they cannot enter here, everything is a castle in the air.However, thinking of their happy experience here, and the children of the elements, who have always been aloof, have struggled to find a way out, and they all felt a sense of joy in their hearts. This feeling of being above the children of the elements made them realize. Pleasure without orgasm.

"It's level five, and there are so many new magics that can be mastered on the skill tree. Well, this Jack Bomb is pretty good, but why is this magic called Jack Bomb, why is it not called Tom Bomb? Hey, the ancient magic book , this skill is really amazing..."

The same scene appeared in many copy dungeons. Unlike the previous players who came in to experience it, the players who came in Parsenhofen all had the mood of expanding their territory and conquering new continents, and they were full of curiosity about everything. Seeing any strange things, I want to find out the mystery, and then lead them to the real world, especially these magicians who have always been famous for their research.

In another dungeon, several old-faced magician players picked up a bottle of potion from a goblin explosion, and exchanged praises with each other.

"This is a potion of magic power. It's amazing that the potion can supplement the loss of magic power. If we can find out the formula and refining process of this potion, we can definitely leave a name in the history of alchemy!"

"That's right! Magic power is an important factor that restricts a magician's combat effectiveness. A magician without magic power is not as good as a melee infantry. This is the consensus on the mainland. If a magician wants to recover his magic power, he can only recover slowly through meditation, or recover from magic power. Extraction from crystals, although there are some drugs that can achieve similar effects, but firstly, it is unstable, secondly, it has side effects, it cannot be used frequently at all, and the cost is high, so the mana value can only be obtained by relying on the mana in the sea of ​​spirit In combat, those magic props that can store magic power have been sold at sky-high prices and are hard to find. If we can replicate this potion in the real world, our association will definitely not be stingy with the status of a veteran."

"This may be our biggest gain from entering the magical ruins of the elves!"

"However, how can I identify the ingredients of this potion? Looking at the smell and touch, I have used all four methods, and I can't even distinguish a single raw material."

There is a way that laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. How many materials are used in a potion and what kind of refining techniques are used, in the eyes of experienced alchemists, there is nowhere to hide like palm patterns. Teacher, just look at it, smell it, taste it, you can basically guess the prescription of a medicine by six or seven points, and go back and try to improve it, basically it is not bad.

Therefore, many alchemists will add some secret ingredients to their medicines, and although these things cover up the secrets, they also make the medicine less effective, and the effect is not as good as before.Perhaps, a well-written prescription only has seven or eight ingredients, two or three procedures, and four or five points of attention, but after adding various confidentiality methods, it will become hundreds of ingredients, dozens of procedures, and hundreds of points of attention. Matter, if it is not the kind of disciple who inherits the mantle, it is impossible to touch the core of alchemy, and he will spend his whole life wasting time and wasting life on those cloudy detours.

Although these four alchemists are not the ones who would shake the entire continent three times, they are all veterans who have been immersed in alchemy for decades. It is impossible for ordinary medicines to have any secrets in front of them. .But they are the ones who can't see the way this novice-level magic potion has. Not to mention the refining method, they can't even distinguish the most basic ingredients.

"I know one of the ingredients. You should all know this one."

One of the alchemists said suddenly, and his little friends immediately looked at him with wide eyes, looking forward to his sage talk.

"Uh, actually, I just wanted to make a joke and liven up the atmosphere." Seeing the murderous eyes of his friends, the alchemist finally bit the bullet and said, "It's water!"

Well, where is the knife, where is the knife, I want to kill this unscrupulous soul!

But by the way, the weapons in this world are too difficult to get. After scanning the map for so long, I can't even get a weapon.

Originally, Yue Chuan was eavesdropping on the conversations of these alchemists through the authority of the administrator. When the alchemist said that he had found the ingredients of the formula, Yue Chuan was also a little curious. Ingredients for magic potions.But when he heard that answer, Yue Chuan had a feeling that he couldn't laugh or cry, this alchemist was too funny.

But what he said is correct, most medicines, especially medicines in the form of doses, contain water to some extent, and what he said is not wrong.

But the reactions of these alchemists also reminded Yue Chuan, because when Yue Chuan was poor and empty, the first bucket of gold he dug up was bought in exchange for life potion, but Yue Chuan never sold the finished product of life potion later. , Sometimes through the hands of Harvey, the life potion is mixed with other medicines for sale. Although this can be kept secret, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be noticed someday.

"It's time to think of an impeccable excuse, and you need to consider all aspects of the impact when you take anything out in the future, otherwise you may cause trouble for yourself!"

Yue Chuan has never disclosed the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" to the public. He is worried that someone will notice him because of this, and even make up his own mind. If he has not become a peerless master, he has not formed enough to protect himself. Before the influence of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, it is better not to appear in front of the public.

Right now, Yue Chuan has his own territory, how to manage this territory has become a problem that Yue Chuan must consider.The prosperity of a city requires the accumulation of time, and in addition to the accumulation of time, it must also have many innate advantages, such as transportation, military politics, resources and minerals, etc.

The city of Parsenhofen is on the border, but it has no transportation advantages at all. Although it has something to do with the military, most of them are invaded, and it is not superior. Although there are a few mines, they are not considered rich ore, and have no development value. .

Just such a territory with nothing but people, if you want to build it into a leading city on the mainland, let alone overnight, it will be impossible even for two or three generations.No one can afford to wait for such a long time, especially Yue Chuan.

However, Yue Chuan has a good idea. Since it is impossible to build it locally, he can "attract investment" from the outside. This trick is a method that every country on the planet is about to use, but it cannot be denied that it is very useful.

There is nothing attractive in Parsenhofen City, so Yue Chuan will make him attractive.The heat of the magic relics of the elves has passed, then, well, just use the trick, use the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", I believe that none of these outsiders can resist the charm of "Dungeons and Warriors".

No, as soon as the news was confirmed, the Elemental Sons of the Magic Guild hurried over. A few old fellows from the Alchemy Guild also directly moved the entire laboratory here, and various other organizations also dispatched manpower and resources here one after another. , in order to be favored by the elves and let their members enter the mysterious elves magic relic.

There are so many rich and wealthy people who have to dress and eat every day. After keeping warm, they always think about some **. Since they are needed, they will naturally drive consumption.

The streets of Parsenhofen are full of potholes, and those sons and daughters are uncomfortable walking, so they asked their servants to level the road in front of the door, but it seems too petty to repair only a short section, and the son's family is not short of money. He simply repaired the whole street, and in the end, the son, who had nothing to do, directly repaired several nearby streets.Originally, it was just an unintentional act for his own convenience, but who would have thought that one night, this son-in-law felt the "call" of the elves and entered the world that everyone dreamed of.

The news got out somehow, and those who were looking for ways to get in like headless chickens seemed to understand something.But before they could act, all the streets and pavements in Parsenhofen City had been refurbished. This group of goddamn people didn't leave any room for future generations to survive.

But it doesn't matter, the city of Parsenhofen is not just a few streets.

The city wall of Parsenhofen is a bit old, and this sum of money is considered to be donated by me to the city lord to rebuild the city wall. You are welcome, I am **—oh no, I am Chachacha from the Leifeng family. Very interested in sprites...

How can the city gate of Parsenhofen be so dusty? This place must be high-end and elegant. This young master is willing to donate [-] catties of gold to build a pure gate for our city of Parsenhofen. The Golden Gate, let’s call it the Elven Gate...

By the way, didn't someone donate [-] catties of gold, and I will add another [-] catties.Gold alone is too rustic. Our family has been in the business of gold and silver for thousands of years, and has a lot of research on the art of the elves. I would like to carve and describe this golden gate to reproduce the beautiful art of the elves era.

For a while, the threshold of the city lord's mansion in Parsenhofen City was about to be stepped down. The city lord of Parsenhofen City was still confused, but since the new lord came, he never dared to be greedy for a penny. I also made up for the previous deficit. Why are there so many people here today? Is there something wrong?
But then the city lord's brain short-circuited. These people are not looking for trouble for him, but giving him money... Oh no, they are giving money to the lord, eh, that's not right, why did they say something Can't say no to elves...

(End of this chapter)

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