
Chapter 236 Going to Parsenhofen City to Stay

Chapter 236 Going to Parsenhofen City to Stay
The magical relics of the elves are indeed attractive, and they are fatally attractive to all forces, large and small. Countless young people dreaming of adventures and reaching the sky in one step all come to Parsenhofen to try their luck and see if they have a leading role. fate.

During this period, many people could not help but get the small objects of the elves that Yue Chuan threw out. These were obtained by Yue Chuan from the relics of the elves in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Lark appraises small items of little value.Although it seems worthless in the eyes of Yue Chuan and others, each item is a rare treasure to the outside world. Those who get the items dream about what unborn treasure they are getting. Possession can make people change overnight. The mysterious energy to become a peerless master.

It's just a pity that after such a long time, there is still no rumor of anyone getting rich or becoming famous overnight, and some are just some useless trivial objects, or even decorations that don't see any use.At the beginning, some people bought these items with a fluke mentality, or used them for collection, but gradually, no one paid a high price to buy those elf items, and people's enthusiasm for the elf magic relics also began to fade. up.

Yue Chuan thought about it for a while, and thought to himself, his act of burying items outside was actually the same as the item explosion rate in the game. If he wanted to attract others for a long time, he had to give them the opportunity to unearth top-quality equipment, otherwise, others would be tired. Working hard, beating life and death, and getting things that are not even as good as a whiteboard, who will continue to kill time here.

Before, Yue Chuan thought that as long as it was an item from the elves, he would be able to guarantee absolute attraction, and would keep these forces in Parsenhofen for a long time, but now Yue Chuan finally understood that his previous thinking was too simple.

The large and small forces in Parsenhofen began to leave and withdraw one after another. The formerly popular city gradually became lonely and returned to its former desertedness.But at this time, Yue Chuan didn't take any action immediately.It is true that he wants to keep these people, but at the same time, he must teach them a profound lesson, let them know how unforgivable it is to give up halfway.

Those who still had doubts about the existence of the magical relics of the elves left one after another. After all, so many forces, large and small, had been searching for nearly a month in Parsenhofen, and almost every inch of the turf had been searched, except for some Worthy rubbish, nothing good found.

They also questioned the mercenary union and those small sects that first reported the news. Even the mercenary union also questioned the head of the mercenary union who vowed to guarantee the existence of the magical relics of the elves. To cover up weak governance and suffer heavy losses, so willfully lie.

For a while, the existence of the magical relics of the elves became the number one hot topic in Parsenhofen. On the one hand, the believers represented by the head of Edi, because they had witnessed the emergence of the elves, and they had seen the elves show their power. scene.The other faction is the skeptic who can't eat the grapes and says the grapes are sour. The reason for their doubts is that they haven't seen any traces of the remains for so long.

Of course, there are also some people who say that the magic relics of the elves exist, but they have all been removed by the people of the Church of Light, as evidenced by the magic traps of the Templars and the elves.This statement has been recognized by many people, and those forces have put pressure on the Church of Light, making Pope Innocent very irritable.

The number of people in Parsenhofen City is still decreasing day by day, and the voice of doubt is getting louder and louder, so that Captain Edie and other believers are a little bit overwhelmed, and even they can't help but wonder if they appeared in the first place Illusion or something, otherwise why haven't found the magic relics of the elves for so long?
Finally, Yue Chuan made a move.

Head Edi and other people who firmly believe in the magic relics of the elves entered a strange world in a daze, and saw strange and strange scenes. At the beginning, they didn't understand what was going on, but then they Then I realized that what I saw should be the elves I was looking for, and the world in front of me should also be the world where elves live.

The login interface of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world is controlled by Yue Chuan. He can use the original version, the carefully crafted version of the God of Light, and the mysterious version of the God of Assassin. Now, Yue Chuan An elf version of the login interface was carefully concocted in order to give the people who logged in the illusion that they had found the legendary magic relic of the elves.

Captain Edie and the others have always wondered why so many people searched so hard for him, and almost dug three feet into every corner of Parsenhofen, but they haven't found any magical relics of the elves yet. Finding the magic relics of the elves, it would be nice to give some clues, but apart from some insignificant little things, there is nothing at all!
If he hadn't seen those elves with his own eyes, Captain Edi couldn't help but doubt whether the magical relics of the elves really existed. But facing so many people's doubts, Captain Edi and others gradually began to doubt Did I read it wrong.Otherwise, where are the three elves hiding?But now, Captain Edi can finally say with certainty that the magical relics of the elves exist, but they exist in a place that the world cannot touch.

This is indeed a world that cannot be figured out with common sense, because Captain Edi couldn't figure out what channel he entered it through, and what form he existed in it. It was just such a strange trance, and then he saw these things Bizarre scenery.

Huh... I still need to create a character, what does this mean?
Although he didn't understand, under the guidance of the system (Yue Chuan's suggestion), Captain Edi still chose the swordsman profession. After all, he is a master of swordsmanship in the real world, and his dedication and love for swords is almost deep in his bones.

When I was on Earth, some people complained that "Dungeon and Warriors" should be called Ghost Swordsman and Dungeon to be more worthy of the name, because more than half of the occupations on the street are ghost swordsmen.At the beginning, Yue Chuan also felt that this statement was reasonable, after all, the number of ghost swordsmen was really indisputable.But in this world, Yue Chuan discovered that the profession of swordsmen is really prosperous. More than half of the warriors in this world choose swords as their weapons, and the proportion of swordsmen among warriors far exceeds that of ghost swordsmen. proportion of the home.Among other things, Yue Chuan selected 200 people from those who were looking for the magic relics of the elves this time, and among these [-] people, more than [-] chose the swordsman profession.

He is also a swordsman, but the ghost swordsman gave Commander Edie a different feeling, allowing him, who has been using swords all his life, to see another brand new swordsmanship system. The head is suddenly enlightened, the state of mind is improved, and great benefits are obtained, not to mention that it can be fed back to reality as the level in the game increases.

As a matter of course, Head Edi received the secrecy rules that Yue Chuan warned with the system voice, and after hearing this simple but strict rule, Head Edie finally understood why the magic relics of the elves had never been discovered.Because the people who enter it will not reveal it to the outside world at all, and they are all making a fortune silently. Perhaps those skeptics who are accusing themselves of themselves are those who have already benefited from it, and those who have already benefited from it. Those who left might have already benefited, and there was no need to stay here before leaving.

Captain Edie's mind was spinning rapidly. He felt that everyone was very suspicious. Everyone seemed to have found the magical relics of the elves and benefited from it, but they kept their secrets tightly.However, as a matter of personal preference, Captain Edi himself will not tell others these secrets. How good it is to make a fortune in silence, let those who doubt themselves continue to clamor.

Then he saw a woman named Celia, and Captain Edi was immediately overwhelmed by Celia's peerless beauty. A feeling of suffocation spread from his heart, and quickly spread throughout his body, making him feel numb for a long time. can not breath.

There are not a few people who are fascinated by Celia's charm like Captain Yidi, but Captain Yidi's concentration is not bad, and he quickly regained his composure, and learned some useful information from Celia After that, he pushed open the door of the hotel and appeared on the bluestone path in Luolan Village.

The bright sunshine made Head Yidi squint his eyes a little uncomfortable. When his eyes got used to the light, Head Yidi was stunned by the scene he saw in front of him. The bustling crowd was coming in and out at the end of the village. , and some people disappeared instantly after stepping into the teleportation magic circle at the entrance of the village...

Wait, teleport the magic circle!

After all, he is the management of the mercenary union. Captain Edie is naturally well-informed and knows the existence of the teleportation magic circle, which is a magical magic circle with the power to reverse space.It is rumored that in ancient times, gods and demons had the ability to tear apart space and walk in the void, and could enter and exit any place or space as they wished.In the subsequent era of elves and giant dragons, although these two races did not have the space-tearing ability of gods and demons to walk in the void, they drew magical magic circles, retaining the effect of walking in the void in a permanent form. , This is the teleportation magic circle.It's just that with the end of the age of elves and giant dragons, all the teleportation magic circles have been destroyed one by one. Humans haven't even obtained a complete teleportation magic circle, so they can only study the ruins of a few destroyed magic circles. Even just a few ruins are regarded as treasures by those powerful forces, and they will never show others easily.

And now, Captain Edi actually saw the teleportation magic circle again, and it was a teleportation magic circle in operation. If the secret of this teleportation magic circle was researched and applied to the real world, what would be the consequences?

Captain Edi, whose heart was beating wildly, approached the teleportation magic circle stealthily like a thief, but when he reached a certain range, he was stopped by the power emanating from the magic circle. A prompt appears, "The teleportation array can only be used at level 10."

Level 10?Captain Edie immediately recalled the basic knowledge that Celia told him just now, knowing that the strength levels of this world are divided by "levels", and he needs to kill monsters in the dungeon to gain experience points and improve his level.Well, let's upgrade first, I hope it won't take too long to reach level 10.

However, the appearance of this teleportation magic circle made Captain Edi firmly believe that this world is the world of elves, and the three elves he saw passed from this world, and so many forces dug three feet to find the so-called elves. The ruins of the elves are because the world of the elves exists in a space that cannot be fathomed by common sense.

Head Edie, who was planning to upgrade, suddenly saw a familiar face when he passed by the door of Celia Hotel. Looking carefully, it was his old buddy. At this time, his old buddy was looking at him with curious eyes He looked around, and then met his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Head Edie was a little embarrassed. When he created the character, he didn't change his appearance, but modified it a little. After all, in his mind, the chance of entering this world is so small. How could he meet familiar people? There is nothing wrong with your original appearance.But who knows, in less than an hour, he met his old buddy in reality.

cough cough...

Captain Edie coughed twice, gave the old guy a look, then turned around and left. The old guy showed a knowing look in his eyes, and then put on a flat look, and walked out of the Celia Hotel , and then hung up Captain Edie, and after a while, the two met in a secluded corner.

"Hei Niu, is that you?"

The old man immediately nodded excitedly, "It's really you, Captain?"

With just a few simple sentences, the two confirmed each other's identity, then their arms were tightly hugged together, and they patted each other's back.

"Damn it, are you going to beat me to death? Let go quickly, I can't breathe!" Head Edie pushed Hei Niu away, laughing and cursing. In a moment of excitement, he forgot the origin of this guy's nickname, and went with him Play bear hugs.

"Captain, how long have you been here, why don't you let the brothers know!"

Captain Edie rolled his eyes angrily, "Damn, I've only been here for less than an hour, okay, look at my level!"

Sure enough, Hei Niu raised his head and looked at the top of Captain Edie's head. There was a big "1" on it.

"Hey, Captain, are there any other brothers here?"

Head Edie rolled his eyes again, "When I first came in, I met you alone, so I don't know who else is there. By the way, how did you get in?"

Hei Niu scratched his head, "I drank a few glasses of wine just now, I felt a little dizzy, then I lay down on the table, and then I woke up... oh no, I don't know if I woke up Well, anyway, it appeared here as soon as I opened my eyes."

Although what Hei Niu said was a little confused, but Captain Edi could understand that he came in just like himself.

"By the way, let's stop sticking around here, go to the hotel entrance and have a look, maybe we can meet other brothers."

Hei Niu nodded quickly, and rushed to the Seria Hotel with Captain Edi, thinking of meeting some other brothers.But at the moment when the two of them were reminiscing about the old days, other people had already entered Luolan Village one after another, and entered the dungeon dungeon. Captain Edie stayed there for half an hour, but only met two unfamiliar people. Moreover, as soon as the two sides met each other, they turned their faces away from each other with scruples, and did not talk to each other in a very tacit understanding.

"Damn, it turned out to be that gray grandson, Captain, why don't we find a chance to kill him secretly!"

Captain Edie rolled his eyes, "Didn't that woman named Celia tell you when you came in, that adventurers are not allowed to fight each other, if you want to fight, you can only go to the duel arena."

Hei Niu was stunned for a moment, as if he had realized something, but then he said something that made Captain Yidi vomit blood, "Oh, so that woman is called Celia. , didn’t listen to what she was saying at all.”

However, seeing people of hostile forces in this world, Captain Edi immediately felt a sense of crisis.In this strange world, there must be many secrets that I have never known, and how many secrets I can discover from it all depends on my own ability, but before that, I must improve my strength, that is, my level, fist The older one is the elder brother, this is an eternal truth.

"Hei Niu, let's go, let's upgrade. I've been delayed for too long, I'm afraid I'm going to be left behind."

Although Hei Niu was a little messy, but it was related to strength and cultivation, but he was not sloppy at all. He nodded immediately, accepted the invitation of Captain Yidi, and formed a team to kill the dungeon area of ​​Luolan Village.

In the crowd, several groups of people were secretly staring in the direction of Commander Edie. These people all came from Parsenhofen, but they changed their appearance when they created their characters, so even if they followed the Head Yi Di faced to face and was not identified.

"I didn't expect that Captain Edie also entered this world. In this way, the power of the mercenary union also appeared here."

These people are all organizations and forces in the city of Parsenhofen looking for the magic relics of the elves. They found nothing when they searched, and they originally wanted to give up, but they suddenly entered this mysterious world. They thought it was luck that favored them, but Immediately afterwards, they discovered that they were not the only ones who entered this world.

"It seems that there is still a lot of competition in this world to find the treasure of the elves!"

"No, no, being able to enter this world is the greatest treasure in itself."

"How the hell did we get in here?"

"Send more people to Parsenhofen, let them try their luck!"

Therefore, when some organizations and forces withdrew from the city of Parsenhofen one after another, some forces and organizations continued to increase their staff in the city of Parsenhofen one after another. The residents of Parsenhofen didn't realize that there were already many new faces around them.

And these new recruits have received a very strange order: go to Parsenhofen and stay there, waiting for the opportunity to come!

As for the opportunity, the above did not say a word, and those people could only wander around the city of Parsenhofen in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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