
Chapter 207

Chapter 207
Indeed, Yue Chuan now has a lot of gold coins in his hands, and Yue Chuan still has many feasible means of making money, so he is not short of money at all.It's just that after he started to collect goods in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", countless money flowed out every day, oh no, every minute and every second, although the money was exchanged for goods of higher value , But for Yue Chuan right now, those goods are useless except for dragon blood, maybe they will find their use later, but definitely not now.

You have to think of a way to transform these things into something useful or valuable to you, otherwise the funds will be broken sooner or later.

So Yue Chuan came to the warehouse opened by Celia, and the things in the warehouse were sorted out into categories, including equipment, consumables, materials, corpses, and other fragmented items. Together, there is no messy pile.

Yue Chuan just glanced at the equipment category. Now that the player level has generally improved and the equipment has become more abundant, he can conquer more difficult dungeons, and the abyss trial has become easier, so the drop rate of purple equipment is very high. Players more or less have some purple equipment in their hands.However, these are low-level purple equipment, and for advanced players, their utility is far less than that of a blue equipment.Therefore, low-level players are looking for purple equipment, and advanced players are looking for blue equipment. It's not that they don't want purple equipment, but that high-level purple equipment is too rare. With the player's current level, it is still impossible to conquer the abyss of high-level maps.

The low-level blue equipment Yue Chuan was thrown aside, these equipments were of no use except throwing them back to the smithy to be reworked or disassembled, while the high-level blue equipment Yue Chuan was kept.Many players who created the guild just need it, and these equipment can be distributed to guild members as benefits.

As for those purple outfits, Yue Chuan also took a look at them. With the mentality of picking up the leaks, he really found a few small top-quality items such as autumn leaf knives and swollen shoulders. Yue Chuan put these in his pocket. , It can be used in the game, and it can be regarded as a magic weapon in reality.For the remaining ones, Yue Chuan also picked up some that could be used in reality, and planned to throw them at the Golden Apple Auction House in exchange for some funds, while the rest continued to be shelved.

Then there are materials and the like. There is no quality problem with these things. The only problem is the quantity. Let’s continue to save. With the improvement of the level and the expansion of the new dungeon, many tactics and styles of play will be developed by the players. , It is bound to use various materials and medicines, and when players need them in the future, they can return them to the market to make a fortune.

What Yue Chuan cared most about were the parts taken from various monsters.

In reality, a large part of the mercenary missions released by the mercenary union are related to Warcraft.Some patients need to use a certain kind of flesh, bones and bones for medicine, some need the scales and furs of monsters to refine certain weapons and armor, and many of them use the cubs of monsters bought at a high price to cultivate them, or adults to use them battles and such.

There are a lot of people in the mercenary union who post missions. Even a tailor who needs cowhide can send a mission to let people hunt and kill cattle monsters in the wild. A cook who wants to cook but lacks a game can also send People can capture them, and they can even prescribe conditions such as size, male and female, life and death, so that the mercenaries can complete them as needed.But now, the Minotaur leather in front of Yue Chuan was piled up like a hill. If all these cowhide were thrown into the market, the mercenaries who hunted the bull monsters would have to change their careers for a long time in the future.

Yue Chuan picked up a piece of cowhide, touched the blood that hadn't dried up on it, felt the tough texture of the cowhide, and thought to himself: "As expected of the leather on the king-level Minotaur, it has such a strong texture without processing. Tough defensive power, through the hands of a craftsman, should become a very good armor. I wonder if anyone will be willing to buy it?"

In the past, the Lei Ze family had a blacksmith shop, specializing in smelting weapons and making some equipment.It’s just that something happened to the Lei Ze family later, and these workshops were embezzled. Although Yue Chuan asked for it back later, those craftsmen left and scattered, and some were ashamed to continue to make a living in Starn City. They all left their hometowns and went to other places. So these workshops have not been able to reopen.

Yue Chuan also didn't have time to run the workshop. Although he had a lot of raw materials in his hands, he had no intention of continuing to open the shop. Instead, he packed the cowhide into his space backpack, and then went offline to return to reality.

In the mercenary union, Yue Chuan spread a piece of bloody cowhide on the table in the hall. The blood on his face made people very uncomfortable, but the female receptionist of the mercenary union did not show any disgust.After all, what they came into contact with every day were mercenaries licking blood from their knife-edges. After seeing all kinds of hunted monsters and mercenaries who died in battle, a piece of blood-stained cowhide could not touch their nerves at all.

After cleaning the corner of the cowhide very skillfully, the receptionist's eyes lit up immediately.She has seen all kinds of Warcraft furs, and she is very knowledgeable about the grading and pricing of Warcraft furs. As soon as she touched this cowhide, she immediately understood that it was a piece of Warcraft leather with excellent texture. Impeccable, this leather is very large and undivided, not only can be used to design leather armor.

"This customer, I don't know what you need? Do you want to sell this cowhide, or do you want to entrust us to find a tailor to help you process this leather?"

Yue Chuan shook his head, "I want to release a mission, this mission is a bit special."

"Guests, rest assured, as long as your request does not violate the laws of the empire, we will do our best to fulfill it. Your will is our mission."

Yue Chuan knew that the phrase "Your will is our mission" is the service purpose of the mercenary union, which is somewhat similar to the phrase "Customer is God" on Earth, but this sentence has another meaning, that is, As long as the price you pay, even if it violates the laws of the empire, our mercenary union can help you achieve it.Of course, this kind of secret cannot be brought to the table.

"I have a lot of this kind of cowhide in my hand. I need to find a buyer. This buyer must be a bulk buyer. I can supply it for a long time."

The female receptionist looked at Yue Chuan in surprise. In her opinion, this piece of cowhide must have been peeled off from the body of the bull king of a certain group of cow monsters. It is already very good to have one, and it is absolutely impossible to appear in large quantities. However, the customer in front of him said that he has a lot in his hand, and it must be a bulk buyer, and the supply will be long-term.

How can this be!You must know that monsters are also like crops in the field. They have a growth cycle. Generally, mercenary hunts are hunted by three or five people. The large-scale hunting of those mercenary groups is divided into seasons. Once or twice, otherwise it will affect the reproduction of the monster group. As long as it is a mercenary group with a little common sense, it is impossible to do this kind of thing. Even if they insist on going their own way, other mercenary groups around them will jointly resist.

"Guest, we will not ask about the source of these things, but we need to remind you that excessive hunting of monsters, even if they are not boycotted by other mercenary groups, will provoke revenge from the beast king in the monsters."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "Don't worry, there will be no consequences. Just issue the mission as I want."

"Okay." The female receptionist wrote something in the notebook, and then said: "May I ask if this mission is only released in our city of Starn, or will it be released in other places at the same time? If the mercenary unions in other cities also For the release, you need to provide a few more leather samples. Don't worry, we will take good care of these samples."

Yue Chuan nodded, took out a few more cowhide and put them on the table, and the bloody atmosphere around him suddenly became more intense.

The other mercenaries around all noticed what was going on here, and some with vicious eyes even saw that the blood-stained cow hides were not ordinary goods, and their eyes were full of light.

"Boss, today a stunned young man went to the mercenary union to issue a mission, and took out a large pile of high-quality cowhide. I dare to use this pair of tricks to bet that it was definitely peeled off by the bull king of the herd."

"Are you sure? If this is the case, there must be a wild herd of cattle around, and they were lucky enough to find it. Damn it, hurry up and throw our people out, and we must find this wild herd of cattle."

Many people who noticed the movement here secretly contacted their leader. Some people wanted to be blackmailed, but when they saw Yue Chuan's appearance, they shrank their necks in fright. This is the leading local snake in Starn City. But the richest man in Starn City is even the priest of the Illuminati Church, and it is said that he still has the status of an imperial nobleman. It is definitely boring to play with his idea.

However, even if you can't get Yue Chuan's idea, it's okay to get the idea of ​​the wild cattle. After all, these cattle are migrating around, and they are all ownerless. Whoever kills them will be theirs. That is to say, in the city of Starn, when it comes to the wilderness, it is natural to follow the rules of the wild.

However, this group of people traversing mountains and mountains aimlessly, searched hundreds of miles around Starn City, but did not find the so-called wild herds, but some small gangs had frictions and fought dozens of battles This caused a small change in the ranking of the Starn City Mercenary Group.

The character list of the mercenary group is like a media like a radio station. Yue Chuan's mission quickly spread through the channel of the mercenary group and the word of mouth among the mercenaries. Many people in the leather business went to watch the samples Some people who didn't do the leather business originally planned to do the leather business after seeing the quality of the samples and Yue Chuan's mission requirements.

Yue Chuan refused all businessmen with small workshops and small fronts. He clearly stated in the task requirements that he would provide [-] cowhide every month, each cowhide would cost ten gold coins, and the payment would be delivered in one go.

The price of ten gold coins is not high, but frighteningly high. After all, ten gold coins can buy a similar horse in the market, or two or even three cattle.But here at Yue Chuan, he could only buy a cowhide.But after seeing the quality of the cowhide, everyone was speechless. Is this him? , how to process it?

Many of the small tailors who watched the excitement started to quit, no matter the price or the quality, they could not participate. Without the diamond, they would not be able to do this porcelain job.However, the fine texture of the cowhide also attracted the attention of many people.

Lockheed is a businessman. With his strong desire for wealth, unique vision and flexible management methods, Lockheed has accumulated a substantial net worth over the years.However, unlike other businessmen, Lockheed does not have a fixed industry. His style of doing things is to make money wherever he can, but he has never lost money. Other businessmen hate Lockheed for robbing them of their wealth. While on the road, he often humbly ask Lockheed where there is a way to make a fortune, or whether Lockheed can take them with him when he makes a move.

But this time, Lockheed, who had been silent for several months, was finally ready to take action again. After seeing the mission issued by the mercenary union and the samples on the spot, Lockheed immediately rode his horse and whipped his horse and sent a message to Starn thousands of miles away. to the city.

This time, Lockheed did not find any partners, but met and talked with Yue Chuan alone.

"Umont, I think if possible, we can sign a contract. From now on, I will buy all your cowhide, and I want all the cowhide."

Yue Chuan smiled. Originally, he wanted to find a long-term buyer, but he didn't expect that Lockheed was more anxious than himself. Not only did he want an exclusive acquisition, but he also wanted to sign a purchase contract with him that would last for decades.

"I'd love to know why."

Lockheed looked at Yue Chuan cautiously, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Well, since you asked, I'll tell you the truth. I was born in a noble family, but I'm the youngest son, and I can't be like my elder brother." Inheriting the family business like that, that’s why I left the family to work hard. I need a piece of wealth, a career, to prove how foolish it was for my old and dazed father to pass on the family business to my older brother who only knows how to spend money.”

"Oh? You see an opportunity now?"

"That's right! This kind of cowhide can create leather armor with strong defensive power. Its defensive power is no less than that of iron armor, but it is lighter and thinner than iron armor. You should understand what kind of impact this kind of equipment will have once it is put into the army! "

Although Yue Chuan thought of this, he only thought of this possibility, but he couldn't guess to what extent it would be affected.

"To tell you the truth, the empire's economy is also very depressed, and the equipment in the army is old and outdated. Except for the border troops on the front line and the guards guarding the palace, they can get some new equipment every year. Other troops even They are all using decades-old equipment. As for the reasons, one is lack of money and the other is lack of steel!"

Yue Chuan's eyes widened in disbelief, the empire lacks steel?Isn't this nonsense? When I traded with Xinda, I could easily buy a lot of ore and iron ingots from the market.

He seemed to have guessed what Yue Chuan was thinking, "The ore and steel you see are in the hands of the lords and nobles, not the royal family. Even if the empire wants it, it has to be bought with money, you know. I heard You are also an aristocrat, so you should know something about the empire, our empire was established through marriage inheritance, so the lords in many places are very powerful and have various resources in their hands, and iron ore is one of them."

Yue Chuan chuckled, cursing secretly in his heart, it seemed that he really had to make up his lessons and learn the structure of the upper echelons of the empire.After all, he is also an earl. It would be a shame if he turned his eyes black when he mentioned the high-level of the empire.

"Why, do you want to ask for a discount from me in the name of righteousness? Sorry, I only accept money!"

Lockheed also smiled, "Umont, do you really think I'm here for money? No matter how much money I have, I'm just a businessman, and what I want is identity and status, and I must be better than my elder brother. I am taller than my father. I am not afraid to tell you that I am going to use this batch of cowhide to make excellent battle armor and present it to the royal family to seek a title. No matter how bad it is, I can use the money in my hand to pull up a servant Corps, equipped with this kind of battle armor, go to destroy a few small countries, and establish territories by yourself."

Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes, "If you tell me this, aren't you afraid that I will steal your work?"

"Don't be afraid, you will never look down on such small profits." Lockheed said confidently, "I did some research on you before I came here. Your Lei Ze family clearly has a blacksmith shop, but your blacksmith shop You did not continue to operate, and you did not put these resources in the blacksmith shop, but sold them to outsiders, which shows that you do not look down on the benefits generated by these resources. Moreover, you have the title of Earl of the Empire, and I am from my I learned through my own channels that this was jointly recommended by the four major families. You have this kind of connections and the title of earl. It is not a matter of asking for a fief. Do you need to compete with us poor people for your identity? Furthermore, I think, with your wisdom, you should know which is more helpful to you, a fief that no one manages or a lord friend who has a fief."

Yue Chuan admitted that there are indeed many smart people in this world. Even though he is a time traveler in the 21st century, it does not mean that he is superior in IQ to them. On the contrary, Yue Chuan was persuaded by this Lockheed.At this moment, even if Yue Chuan is exempted from the payment, it is not impossible to consider.After all, this can be regarded as a political investment, training Lockheed to act as his partner in the empire, or a spokesperson for interests.

In just a short contact, Lockheed showed enough advantages.He is shrewd and wise, has a unique vision, is thoughtful, and is ambitious and enterprising. Most importantly, he has a network of nobles who can inquire about many private matters. As long as he has enough resources and With capital, he can definitely use these relationships to gain enough political status.

Rather than saying that Lockheed came to buy cowhide today, it would be better to say that he came to Yuechuan to seek political support.However, Yue Chuan needed such a person very much now to do things for him.

"You are an excellent politician!"

"However, I will never forget that you are my friend."

(End of this chapter)

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