
Chapter 1399 Collision of the future

Chapter 1399 Collision of the future

Yang Wudi has a fair complexion and a tall figure. His plump frame and coordinated muscle lines make his body full of inexplicable beauty. It is the perfect ape-armed wolf waist. A person with this figure, even if his appearance is slightly unsatisfactory, is still " Handsome boy", not to mention Yang Wudi was born very handsome.Coupled with that face as calm as iron, eyes as sharp as a knife, and clothes full of unique styles, he is definitely a girl killer, friend of women, and killer of all ages.

Yue Chuan knew that this was the characteristic of the Dark Knight.Living in the darkest age of the Arad world, they have already forgotten what laughter is, and they don't know what pleasure is at all.The only two thoughts in their lives are survival and fighting, and the will to fight has already been integrated into their blood and soul.

In the future world, Kahn has opened up all his martial arts to human beings. These martial arts are the martial arts cheats looted in the age of Emperor Kahn, and combined with his lifelong insights. Every move and style is a martial arts The ultimate in learning, the infinite tends to be perfect.

The dark knight is also a new profession that emerged under the influence of this kind of martial arts. Every bone and muscle fiber of them perfectly meets the requirements of martial arts. Every drop of sweat and every hair of theirs embodies martial arts. breath.They are the embodiment of Wu.

Yang Xinai's complexion is slightly dark, but this kind of blackness is only compared with Yang Wudi. In reality, it is a healthy wheat color, the skin color that many women on earth pursue.

In the future world, Herder opened up all magic. Magic is no longer the patent of a certain group of people. Those magics with secrets, secrets, and high reputations are also optional. After all, what is precious in the future world is not Magic, but people who use magic.

After Carlos comprehended the power of the gate of time and space, he taught the power of time and space to the magicians through contracts. Although the magicians could not grasp the power of time, they communicated with many special spaces through Carlos, such as the sun, the moon, and black holes. ...

When a magician uses fire magic, he no longer condenses the surrounding fire elements, but directly communicates with the sun through the power of time and space, and guides the real fire of the sun to roll down. The power can be imagined.

New magic rose rapidly and soon replaced the old magic, which is the origin of the creator.

"Welcome to World Creation." Yue Chuan said straight to the point.

Yang Wudi and Yang Xinai looked at each other, then turned to Yue Chuan at the same time, and said in unison: "Thank you!"

The indifferent voice, the concise words, the words and sentences without the slightest moisture.If it wasn't for the most basic etiquette, they would even just nod their heads and be stingy with a "thank you".

Moreover, their voices are almost exactly the same. If you close your eyes, you may think that there is only one voice. Yue Chuan carefully looked at the appearance of Yang Wudi and Yang Xinai, and found that their eyebrows and eyes are very similar. Coupled with their surnames, they are probably a pair of twin brothers and sisters. (siblings).

Yue Chuan couldn't help guessing that Carloso sent this couple from the future world because he wanted them to become Adam and Eve, leaving the last spark for mankind.Obviously, Caruso is very pessimistic about the world of Allard and has no hope at all.

"Well, I don't know what you are doing here?"

The creator, Yang Xinai, thought for less than a second, "What does it matter to you?"

Although the dark knight Yang Wudi didn't speak, he expressed his thoughts with actions, like the five fingers of a dragon's claw slowly stretched, coiled tightly on the hilt, the blade rubbed against the retaining spring of the scabbard, and let out a clear dragon chant.

There is hostility!
Yue Chuan took a step back and looked at the couple with a little vigilance.

According to the script, this couple was sent by Carlos from the future world. They should have a good relationship with Yue Chuan and get support from Yue Chuan.But why do you feel so gunpowder when you meet each other?
But if you think about it carefully, the trust and dependence between people in the future world has already dropped to freezing point, because everyone around you may have been controlled or taken away by Apophis, and they may show their fangs or pull out their fangs at any time. It is foolish to go out of your way and give your back to other people, the only one you can trust is yourself.

Not to mention anything else, even if Yang Wudi and Yang Xinai still have a gap of two or three meters between each other, even if they are twin siblings, they can't be called "intimate", and they always stand side by side, not "fighting side by side". ", but wary of each other, unwilling to hand over their backs to each other.

Even his own siblings are so lacking in trust, it is reasonable for Yue Chuan, a stranger, to interrogate him like checking his household registration, drawing his sword to face him.

Yue Chuan helplessly raised his hand to show that he was not hostile, then pointed to the Moonlight Tavern in Socia next to him, and said, "Why don't you sit there and talk?"

Clang, Yang Wudi's sword was half out of its sheath, Yue Chuan saw a bright sword light, but the sword body of this sword showed a faint red color, as if it had just been soaked in blood, the color of blood had already soaked into the sword In his bones, this is definitely a peerless weapon that drank countless blood.

"Good sword!"

Yang Wudi snorted coldly, exerted force on his wrist instantly, and made a slash with a sword drawn to improve the future world.Unlike the original version of the sword-drawing chop, which has a cumbersome power-storage action, the improved sword-drawing chop is quick and fierce, retractable and free, and there is no warning when it is activated.

But in the next instant, Yang Wudi's cold snort turned into a muffled snort, because there was severe pain from his wrist, and Yang Xin'ai who was at the side could even hear a crisp clicking sound, and the mysterious telepathy between the siblings made him feel sick. There was also a strange pain in her wrist.

Yang Wudi and Yang Xin'ai lowered their gazes at the same time, and were shocked to find that Yang Wudi's saber was still inserted in the scabbard, and Yang Wudi's hand was still on the hilt, but he couldn't pull out the sword with all his strength, because Yue Chuan A finger was on Yang Wudi's sword hilt.

A single finger, like the giant peaks of the Five Sacred Mountains, prevented Yang Wudi from pulling out his sword, and even broke his wrist bone.

Yang Wudi was horrified in his heart, and his whole body was icy cold. However, he is a dark knight who has been tempered tens of thousands of times on the edge of life and death. His fighting instinct made him make the most fierce and effective counterattack.

But at this time, Yue Chuan moved his lips lightly, and said in an extremely low voice: "Caruso!"

Yang Wudi's eyes widened instantly as if struck by thunder, and Yang Xin'ai, who was at the side, also stopped casting spells in his hands, his heart was full of shock.

Calculated according to the current time, Master Carlos will wake up in 400 years. People in this era should not know Lord Carlos at all.But he...

Yang Wudi and Yang Xin'ai made brief eye contact, then nodded at the same time, followed Yue Chuan's back into the Moonlight Tavern.

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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