
Chapter 1394

Chapter 1394

Ozma is very talented and savvy, and worked very hard, plus some chances and luck, and later became the number one magician of the Perus Empire.

Yue Chuan almost skimmed through the experience of the past few decades, because these contents are really boring and there are no secrets worth exploring.

I don't know how this magic handbook was made, Yue Chuan felt like he had turned through thousands of pages, but the rest of it was still a thick stack.

Soon, Yue Chuan turned to the paragraph where Ozma became the number one magician of the Perus Empire.

During this process, the god of death asked Ozma to sign the contract many times, but Ozma refused without exception, because he felt that he could climb to the peak of magic with his own strength.

Relying on the strong national strength of the Perus Empire, Ozma searched many manuscripts, autobiographies, cheat books, etc. of previous generations of magicians, especially the records of various religions about gods.

During this process, Ozma discovered many strange things, for example, many religions recorded devils.The devil is a very common thing. People always call the powerful things they fear and hate as devils.

However, Ozma discovered from the records of those religious classics that although these devils have strange appearances, their abilities are almost the same.Dark and vicious, cunning and treacherous, good at deceiving people's hearts and deceiving people's minds, it is easy to turn human beings into their own puppets.

Ozma couldn't help but wonder if the devils in these religious records might be the same thing.

Ozma still wanted to continue exploring, but the materials and conditions at hand were very limited, so these things were left alone, so he put all his thoughts on cultivation.Ozma believes that when she becomes stronger, she will find the answer to all these.

80% of the magic books in the entire Arad continent are obtained by Ozma. If he is given enough time, he can become a god.Moreover, Ozma at that time had already touched the edge of God's Domain.

It's a pity that Ozma has no time, because he has received a secret order from the emperor of the empire - Kazan is guilty, capture him, rebels, kill him!

People in the world wondered why Ozma would accept this incredible order from the emperor and carry it out.Even Yue Chuan thought that Ozma betrayed his friendship with Kazan for the sake of glory and wealth.

However, the answer is recorded in Ozma's letter: Kazan was controlled by the devil, so he killed 40 prisoners of war to forge the magic sword.Kazan, I will save you!

(In the era of Ozma and Kazan, the words were indeed very strange. It can be seen from the original words of Ozma when he proposed to Kazan: You will become the ghost of destruction, and I will become the ghost of chaos. Therefore, Ozma The manuscripts should be regarded as written in classical Chinese)
Although Yue Chuan didn't use the power of time, he could feel the weight of history on the pages of the book. These handwritings were definitely left thousands of years ago, and they were definitely not forged by later generations.Moreover, Ozma has no reason or need to forge such things.

"After all, they share a good friend who is a child molester. Ozma didn't want to harm Kazan, but worried that he would fall into the devil's way. It's a pity that Ozma thinks too much."

The following things are very simple. Ozma led the army to besiege Kazan. Kazan found out that he was arrested by Ozma. He immediately felt extremely disappointed and angry, and his words and deeds were a little abnormal. Zima believes more and more that Kazan is controlled by the devil.

When Ozma and Kazan were fighting, Dreyfus, the god of death, came and wandered around the battlefield, waiting to pick these two delicious souls.However, under the influence of Dreyfus' momentum, neither Kazan nor Ozma dared to do their best. In the end, the two were captured and captured by the hidden ambushes of the empire.

Ozma in prison regretted it very much. He knew that he had wrongly blamed Kazan, but then he suspected that the devil had controlled the emperor of the empire and wanted to use the emperor's hand to destroy the empire.Just like the end of the world recorded in those religions, the Perus Empire will be completely destroyed.

After her death, Ozma accepted the proposal of the god of death and turned into a chaotic ghost.Ozma found Kazan again and wanted Kazan to fight with him, but Kazan hated Ozma's betrayal and rejected his request.

"Kazan, my friend, you will eventually understand my sincerity."

Ozma came back from the dead under the power of the god of death, and the reversal of life and death was against the sky. Even the god of death paid a heavy price.It's all worth it, though, because Death loves Ozma.

Anyone who knows divination knows that the last divination of a fortune-teller before his death is the most incredible. Even a fortune-teller with very low strength can display incredible strength during his last fortune-telling before his death.All this is because of the moment of transition between life and death.This moment, involving the power of time, is the moment when one time ends and another time begins.It was also at that moment that Ozma saw the reflection of the future and the true face of the devil. Although there were only a few broken pictures, it was enough.

Ozma knew that her worries had become reality, the devil was quietly approaching and destroying the continent of Arad.

After much thought, Ozma finally decided to spread the curse of blood to the human world and turn humans into pretenders.This is not only revenge for the Perus Empire, but also the salvation of mankind.

The Curse of Blood is a curse spell that Ozma searched for magic books and summed up in countless books during his lifetime. The Curse of Blood is just one of the curse spells.

Seeing Ozma's original intention of spreading the blood curse, Yue Chuan pondered for a long time.In Ozma's self-report, he wanted to enhance human power in this way. After becoming a pretender, human power will skyrocket, and will become indifferent, cruel, and full of suspicion about everything.In this case, the devil can no longer confuse human beings.

Just like people on the earth are vaccinated to make themselves produce antibodies to resist diseases, the curse of blood spread by Ozma is a vaccine to resist the bewitching and control of the devil (Apophis).

It's a pity that no one understands Ozma, and human beings unite to fight against Ozma under the command of the Perus Empire, causing heavy damage to the Pretender Legion.

"Stupid humans, ignorant ants. These pigs who will eventually become devil's rations and puppets should be wiped out, destroy them!"

Ozma was annoyed that humans supported the Perus Empire, and was also annoyed that humans did not understand his painstaking efforts, so he raised his butcher knife to the rebels.Because he didn't want these humans to become puppets manipulated by the devil.

Knowing the truth, but not being understood by the world, this is the pain of Ozma.He insisted that he was right and that it wasn't him who was wrong, but the whole world.Therefore, he is very eager to destroy this world, and then re-establish the order of this world according to his own will.

As Ozma's backer, Reaper naturally acquiesced in Ozma's behavior. After all, Ozma's plan will cause a large number of souls to flow into the hands of Reaper, which will strengthen Reaper's power in disguise.

Just soon, Ozma ushered in his old enemy - Michelle.

【Second Update】

(End of this chapter)

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