
Chapter 1115 Elemental Holy Spirit

Chapter 1115 Elemental Holy Spirit
Sissi's power is so incredible that even the Dark God would never have imagined that she would die like this, and her death was inexplicable.Being directly erased from fate and history, this kind of death... No, it cannot be called death, because he has never appeared, there is no life, and naturally there will be no death.

This is the power of fate, the most incredible power.Just don't know what the price of that power is.

"Strength is relative. Just like punching someone else, your own fist will hurt. The damage to each other is the same. This is the backlash of power. If it is serious, it is backlash. The difference is that the backlash suffered by the warrior is aimed at the body. , The backlash suffered by the magician is aimed at the spirit. The fundamental purpose of cultivation is to infinitely expand the damage to the enemy, while infinitely reducing the backlash that one suffers."

Yue Chuan has come into contact with countless cultivation theories, but this is the first time Qianqian has heard such a statement, but after careful consideration, what Xixi said makes sense, the effect of force is relative, and this can also be proved by Newton's law.This simple and unadorned principle is the ultimate principle of cultivation, and it is a category that some martial arts cannot escape.

Protect yourself as much as possible while attacking the enemy as much as possible. This is the true nature of martial arts, fighting, and martial arts, and it is also the original driving force for the emergence and continuous improvement of armor and weapons.

"Eliminating the enemy from fate is also relative. The Dark God and I have suffered equal obliteration."

Yue Chuan turned pale with shock, grabbed Sissy's little hand covered in cold sweat, and felt the cold and slippery touch, Yue Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.He was afraid, he was really afraid that the one in front of him was not the real Sissy, but a phantom, a remnant soul that was flying away like bubbles.

Seeing Yue Chuan's panicked appearance, a smile appeared on Qianqian's face, and she said immediately: "Fortunately, I was a watcher in my previous life. Although I didn't grasp the true meaning of the power of destiny, I still knew a little bit about it, and I was immersed in this power countless times. years. Therefore, the damage I suffered was very small, far less than that of the Dark God."

The power of fate cannot be moved rashly, anyone who touches fate will be backlashed by fate.Ordinary fortune tellers often talk about "the secrets of the heavens must not be revealed". In fact, when they touch fate, they will be backlashed by fate.

While the new fortune tellers are still scratching their heads on how to peek into the secrets of the sky, the skilled fortune tellers are racking their brains on how to block their own power of fortune telling.Because of the power of fate, one thousand wounds to the enemy and one thousand self damages.The backlash Cici received was neither physically nor mentally, but in fate.

Although Chu Tian has been taught by Alice, his comprehension of the power of fate is still very shallow, and he will not be able to arouse much power of fate, nor will he suffer much backlash.Sissi is different, she is proficient in this way, her cognition of the power of fate is still higher than that of Alice, but her ability is only limited to cognition, without any ability to control.It's like a person has infinite power, but doesn't know how to display and use it.

Until Chutian appeared...

Sissy's fate was not as tragic as that of the Dark God, but it was not much better.But Sissy didn't blame herself or regret it. Her eyes were full of excitement and she was eager to try, just like a child who got a new toy.

"You have a good rest."

Yue Chuan made up his mind that Sissy should not be allowed to intervene in the next battle against the Dark World and the Divine Kingdom of Light. Who knows if she will use the power of fate again on a whim.This time I was lucky and saved my life, what about next time?

Qian Qian nodded obediently, but there was no obedient look in her eyes.

After Yue Chuan left, Qianqian gathered a mass of dark power between her hands, an incomparably pure dark power.Sissi wiped out the God of Darkness from her destiny, and everything about the God of Darkness disappeared from the world, but the dark power of the God of Darkness remained. After all, darkness existed forever, and Sissy could kill the God of Darkness, but she couldn't.

It's just that these dark forces fell into Sissy's hands and were controlled by Sissy.

"What is darkness?"

Sissy asked herself again, she always thought that darkness is the opposite of light, that where there is no light is darkness, that darkness is the opposite of truth, goodness and beauty, that...

But now Sissy understood that that was not the true face of darkness.True darkness is everywhere, even if there is darkness in light, light cannot erase darkness, and darkness does not need to depend on light.Darkness is darkness.

When Sissy divination the future, she can see the fragmented future, but more is unknown.Sissy suddenly realized that those unknowns are darkness, darkness is not nothing, but full of all possibilities.

The nameless is the beginning of all things; the name is the mother of all things.

This is the essence of darkness, nothing is darkness, existence is also darkness, all changes of all things are in the midst of being and non-existence, all the birth and death of all things are in the midst of being and non-being.The past is in the darkness, the present is in the darkness, and the future is also in the darkness. The rules of darkness run through everything, as omnipresent as destiny.

Light is not qualified to confront darkness. The reason why the dark world is suppressed by the kingdom of light does not mean that the darkness is weak, but that the dark god is incompetent.It is impossible for light to be in balance with darkness, just as it is impossible for an oil lamp to illuminate this room, and it is impossible for a sun to illuminate the entire universe.

Light is fleeting, but darkness is eternal.

"This is the essence of darkness, the real rule of darkness."

Sissy quickly understood the essence of darkness and the rules of darkness. The dark light lingered on her body and spread around her, and the bright lights in the room could not illuminate the darkness on her body.

"annihilate black holes!"

The dark power in Sissy's hand spun rapidly, a black hole slowly formed in her palm, countless dark power emanated from the black hole, an irresistible devouring power came out from the black hole, countless tangible substances and invisible energies flowed from all directions Come together and be swallowed by the black hole.

The light emitted by the lights was also pulled by the black hole, and the rays of light twisted and twisted, and the light projected into the distance was also pulled by the black hole, turning a corner and sinking into the black hole, even the light could not escape the swallowing of the black hole.


The room was plunged into absolute darkness, but this was not the darkness of elemental energy, but a deeper and more mysterious "darkness".This dark force does not belong to any matter, nor does it belong to any energy, it is a state of pure "nothing".

But in the next moment, the black hole rotated in reverse, spewing out everything it swallowed before, including matter and energy.As if going back in time, the room instantly became transparent, the same as before.It possesses all changes, all possibilities, and the characteristic of "being".

The same annihilation black hole, performed by Sissy is much better than other elementalists, because Sissy's annihilation black hole has surpassed the category of "darkness" and is a more advanced power.

"It turns out that this kind of power is called the sixth element. Well, what a strange name. The sixth element is the symbol of the holy spirit of the element, and the second awakening of the element master is the holy spirit of the element. I'm so disappointed, I thought it was Emperor Su Shitian... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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