
Chapter 1024 Nightmare

Chapter 1024 Nightmare
If other players see this scene, they must know to drive farther away, because this is the signature skill of the berserker - the landslide slash, no matter how strong you are, you can only avoid the edge when facing this move, no one can Take this trick hard.

If other players see this scene, they will definitely exclaim, because the height of this landslide is too high, and the speed of landing is too fast, Jiuri's figure almost flashes on the ice wall It's fleeting, and if you don't pay attention, you won't even notice his existence.

Nine days fell down violently with the force of star sinking and ground shaking, and the blood-filled weapon hit the ground, but it was like a drumstick hitting the drum heavily, the whole earth trembled violently like an eardrum, hard The land turned upside down like a wave, even more like a howling raging wave.

Blood energy poured into the ground, instantly shattering the weak surface, and piercing through the magma below. The blood energy and magma roared and rolled, and rushed up along the narrow cracks, bloody and hot.The power of this avalanche was brought into full play. After all, this is not magma simulated by blood, but real magma. This avalanche has surpassed the limit of manpower and achieved the effect of communicating the power of heaven and earth.


This idea popped up in the minds of angels and believers at the same time, but many people were engulfed by the bloody magma before they could put it into practice. Starting from the place where the nine sunsets landed, it extended forward for more than 1000 meters and was more than ten meters wide horizontally. The ground is all cracked, and the twisted cracks stretch forward, as if someone has torn a deep bone wound on the ground, causing the ground to bleed.

Nine Rides slowly raised his head amidst the bloody flames, his savage figure was engulfed by the bloody magma, making it impossible for the people around him to see his face clearly, but those bloody eyes shone in the raging flames. It was so eye-catching, and the pale killing intent emanating from the blood-colored pupils was also extremely clear.

In the background of the sky full of flames, a demon that seemed to crawl out of magma was raging crazily. The flames he summoned from hell engulfed the entire army. Five hundred cavalry and three thousand infantry rushed out of the city gate just now. Before they had time to start the queue, they were all engulfed in flames.

No one can be spared, because it is a flame from hell, a flame attracted by magma, a flame that can burn blood, and it will kill you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it.Even if they survived by chance, those blood pupils full of murderous intent would become their lingering nightmare. Whenever those people recalled what happened today, they would tremble so hard that they could not speak.

This is Memories of Doom!
It's a pity that this is not the real Memories of Doom, or no one knows the meaning of the word "Memories of Doom", because the progress of the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter" has only reached the Creeping City, and has not yet touched the Ancient Three. .

However, this does not prevent Jiu Ri from comprehending the Bending Mountain Slash. The ultimate reckless suit he wears also improves the Bending Mountain Slash to a certain extent. Without the blessing of Memories of Misfortune, the power of the Mountain Cracking Earth Slashing was still brought into full play.

Alien equipment can indeed improve the power of skills, but this is not the only way to improve the power of skills. The player's own mastery and understanding of skills can also change the quality of skills and produce more powerful power.For example, Qian Duoduo is a good example.

Qian Duoduo's adventures cannot be replicated, but Qian Duoduo's example has given Jiu Ri a great inspiration, making him no longer stick to the rules, and he can examine skills from another angle, analyze skills, and tap the stronger power of skills.

"Good job!"

Yueyingfeng started the moon dance, and her figure passed Jiuri like a phantom, and when she passed by, she still had time to praise him by biting Jiuri's earlobe.

The surviving angels and the army shouted the battle song loudly, and the impassioned shouts came one after another, and finally merged into one. The shouts and battle songs containing the magic of light inspired the craziest fighting spirit in people's hearts. , People who are as timid as a mouse will also be inspired to swallow the sky.

The loud battle song made those believers and angels charge bravely. The magma was still erupting violently, but a group of infantrymen with large shields had already launched a charge.

The priests in the team and the angels in the sky waved out guardian badges to bless the shields and armors of these soldiers, and then bless them with weapon blessings, making them more powerful in combat.

The infantry holding the shields all urged out the holy light shields, and a white holy cross appeared in front of their shields. Some soldiers' holy light shields were instantly smashed by the erupting magma, but more soldiers survived The impact of the magma quickly approached Jiuri.

The land-splitting battle is powerful, but there is a short period of stiffness after landing. Nine Ridge's comprehension and mastery of the land-splitting slash has not yet reached the level of proficiency. While the power of the attack just now was enormous, the burden on him was also extremely heavy. , Nine days fell into a state of powerlessness, just like the process of being upside down to the extreme and then falling into the clouds.

It can be said that the current Jiu Ri has no self-protection ability, and a few infantrymen with shields can knock him to the ground, with swords and axes.

But Jiu Ri has no worries, because Yue Yingfeng has already stood in front of him!
In the world of mortals, get out of the sword.When the magma soaked in blood power erupted to the highest point, Yue Yingfeng rushed into the crowd, the deadly dagger flashed with deadly light, one head after another flew into the sky, and one after another blood-colored fountains wet the ground.

One hit kills, one hit kills, the defense of the guardian badge and the Holy Light Qin Shield can only be aimed at one direction, not 360 degrees without dead ends, and any gap can become a breakthrough for Yueyingfeng's attack, she is as pervasive as water , the heavy shield and the clumsy armor couldn't avoid her nimble figure at all, let alone her sharp dagger.

Make a move, accept a move!Yue Yingfeng's movements are unimaginably fast, and the power that erupts between moves and moves is unparalleled. None of the enemies she targets are alive, let alone a whole corpse. The ground is covered with headless corpses, rolling heads. There is also an expression of disbelief on the face, which even changes a few times.

Except for a few enemies with the protection of the holy light who survived by chance, the others were all beheaded by Yue Yingfeng. Her dagger was as sharp as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and she cut grass and roots ruthlessly.

The blood-filled magma splashed down, Yue Yingfeng was like a lone boat in the wind and rain, flying back, and stopped suddenly, looking back, all the angels and believers stopped in shock, even the loud and clear battle song came to an abrupt end end.

【Fourth update from yesterday】

(End of this chapter)

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