Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 281 3 Great Heavenly Venerates

Chapter 281 Three Heavenly Venerates
Qin Ke's words resonated with the scripture learning team.

After all, the humiliation they suffered in Tiangong was too great!
This time Qin Ke opened the way himself, and it only took a few breaths to reach the Tiangong!

For their arrival, many heavenly people in Tiangong were caught off guard.

The four heavenly kings didn't dare to move at all.

"Di Shitian, you dare to play Xiaoyu's idea, I give you a choice, you kill yourself!"

Looking at that old fellow Di Shitian, Qin Ke decided to show mercy and give him a chance after thinking about it.

A chance to commit suicide.

Otherwise, if Qin Ke were to make a move, Di Shitian's life would be worse than death!

"Damn it! The Four Heavenly Kings! Hurry up and take down this arrogant person for me!"

Hearing Qin Ke's words, Di Shitian was furious!
He, Di Shitian, is the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, and he was threatened to commit suicide by others!This is simply the greatest insult to him!

But do the four heavenly kings dare to move?

Don't dare to move!Especially Dongfang Tianwang, he wished he could run away now!
And the two heavenly kings who had already joined the shadow did not dare to move at this time.

The guy who killed the heart-killing Guanyin in seconds, they dare to go there!

"Since you don't want to kill yourself, then I have to help you!"

Seeing that Di Shitian was going to resist, Qin Ke didn't keep silent anymore.

The star-catching hand held Di Shitian tightly with one hand.

Di Shitian suddenly exploded, intending to break away from Qin Ke's control.

But all in vain.

This Emperor Shitian, his cultivation base is no more than an immortal.

Although it is said to belong to the top class among the gods, it is really not enough to look at in front of Qin Ke!
"Die! The position of the Emperor of Heaven! I will find someone to replace me!"

Qin Ke was very calm. To him, crushing a Heavenly Emperor was as easy and boring as crushing an ant.

"You killed me! This emperor will not let you go! This emperor is just a clone..."

Before Di Shitian died, he said such a sentence.

But Qin Ke didn't take it to heart at all.

Doppelgänger?So what if you are a clone?What can you do to Qin Ke?
He can find this small world, but can he find the God Realm?Can you find the Three Realms?
Obviously, this is impossible!

Since it was impossible, why should Qin Ke worry about it?
Seeing Qin Ke's methods, the people behind him were extremely surprised.

Emperor Shitian?That's how he got killed?It's unbelievable!
The four heavenly kings are now more honest, and they dare not move at all!

" dare to kill my Tiangong! You really have a lot of guts!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared outside the gate of Tiangong.

The oppression brought by this figure made the four heavenly kings, even Monkey King, feel the pressure.

This person is Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the three Tianzun in Tiangong.

The backer behind Di Shitian is him!
"Hehe! A mere true immortal dares to make trouble in front of me! You die for me too!"

The goal of Qin Ke's trip.

The small goal is to kill Di Shitian, occupy Tiangong, and avenge Tian Yuzhi.

And the deepest goal is the three heavenly gods of Tiangong!

Yuanshi Tianzun!Lingbao Tianzun!Moral God!

These three guys have the same name as Sanqing among the Six Saints in Honghuang.

But the strength is much weaker than Sanqing, not at the same level at all.

But even so, they are even more attractive to Qin Ke than Qi Jing.

These three cleans are definitely not the other three cleans.

Qin Ke guessed that they might have something to do with the real Sanqing.

If he can get through them and obtain the real magic method of the Sanqing part, it will really benefit Qin Ke endlessly.

"Go to hell!"

Hunyuan Tianzun was furious.

They had never been provoked like this before, not even Rahu from the Asura clan.

Now being ridiculed by Qin Ke, how could he not be angry.

Qin Ke hit the star picker, ready to catch Hunyuan Tianzun.

But he never thought that Hunyuan Tianzun was prepared for this.

After all, Qin Ke, the star picker, has already used it. How could Hunyuan Tianzun be unprepared?

Seeing Qin Ke's missed move, the four heavenly kings had to admire Hunyuan Tianzun as worthy of being an old monster. His strength was indeed much stronger than them, and they didn't know who would win in the end.

Of course, they naturally hope that Hunyuan Tianzun can win.

"The Star Picker escaped, so what about this move?"

Qin Ke was not surprised that the star picker failed, and immediately stretched out left and right.

Hunyuan Tianzun immediately felt a strong sense of depression around him.

He was about to dodge, but for some reason, no matter how he tried to dodge, he couldn't dodge.

Qin Ke smiled slightly.

The Three Heavenly Venerates of this world have only slightly touched the ability of "creation".

Little did he know that Qin Ke's power to create the world had already matured.

Hunyuan Tianzun had already been recruited and didn't know it yet.

"Die me!"

Qin Ke didn't want to talk too much, and put his left hand and five fingers together.

I saw Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly seemed to be squeezed by something and shrank into a ball.

Then, with a sound of "jumping", Yuanshi Tianzun immediately exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

As for the fairy spirit of Yuanshi Tianzun, it was captured mercilessly by Qin Ke.

The power of the magical power of holding Buddha in the palm is not a joke.


At this moment, another old man came.

This is one of the three heavenly gods, the moral heavenly god.

"It's just in time! Zhengchou couldn't find you! I didn't expect you to come to my door!"

Qin Ke looked happy.

The three celestial beings are all at the level of true immortals, and they can just become the whetstone for Qin Ke to practice supernatural powers!
"Eye of the candle dragon!"

This time, what Qin Ke used to deal with Daode Tianzun was the supernatural power candle dragon's eye.

Daode Tianzun, who had rushed over in a hurry, suddenly stopped, his eyes were blank, and he fell directly to the ground.

His celestial consciousness has been shaken away by Qin Ke.

"Where is another Lingbao Tianzun?"

Of the three Heavenly Venerates, two disappeared in an instant.

Many celestial beings in the heaven couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

The three founders... just disappeared.

Judging by Qin Ke's appearance, it seems that he has to deal with the last one.

"Lingbao still in a deep sleep."

Dongfang Tianwang stood up and spoke obsequiously.

"Still sleeping? Can you wake him up?"

Qin Ke looked at Dongfang Tianwang with a smile on his face.

It was obviously a harmless smile to humans and animals, but in the eyes of Dongfang Tianwang, it was extremely terrifying.

"Yuanshi Tianzun has awakened, presumably Lingbao Tianzun will wake up soon..."

Dongfang Tianwang replied with a look of panic, for fear that Qin Ke would be unhappy and give him a second.

"Well, then I'll just wait!"

Qin Ke nodded.

He is not a big murderer, Qin Ke did not kill other heavenly people in the heavenly realm.

As expected, Lingbao Tianzun recovered quickly.

Comparing the relationship between Lingbao Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun has always been hostile, Yuanshi Tianzun has woken up, and Lingbao Tianzun will get up no matter what.Lest Yuanshi Tianzun play tricks.

Poor him, if he doesn't get up, it will be difficult for Qin Ke to find him.

But once he woke up, there was nothing he could do. Qin Ke kindly sent him to see his two brothers.

There aren't many good people like Qin Ke left!

(End of this chapter)

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