Chapter 273 Three-eyed General
Qin Ke stayed in Tianyu Mountain for 13 years.

In 13, the little dragon loli that Qijing became was also gradually turned into a beautiful girl of the dragon clan.

It is impossible for someone who is not someone with profound magic power to see her true identity.

Qin Ke not only cultivated the Buddha Kingdom in her palm to [-]% fire, but also comprehended the way of fire.

It is the Dao, one level higher than the Dao of Flame.

That is to say, Qin Ke's current qi training is about the same as that of Chunyang Zhenxian.

As long as Qin Ke understands the context, he can directly reach the Pure Yang True Immortal through Qi training.

There is no way, an "eternal fire" is burning on the lotus flower represented by this strange scripture, as if it will never go out.

Qin Ke studied well, and naturally got what he wanted.

In this way, Qin Ke naturally regarded it as a treasure.

It's really a treasure girl, and I don't know how many secrets it contains.

Of course, Qin Ke also became interested in the "other world" where this wonderful scripture was born.

Could it be that this world on the other side is a higher world than the Westward World he is in now?
Qin Ke is not very clear now, because he doesn't know much about the plot behind it.

He doesn't know where the other side of the world is, although Qin Ke can definitely find it if he looks for it, after all, his strength lies here.

But when it comes to the world on the other side, then of course we have to think of the four masters and apprentices who learned from the scriptures.

Qin Ke thought about it, and it seemed that he had to go there.

Still, that's going to take a while.

When the three-eyed general and Killing Heart Avalokitesvara come to Tianyu Mountain to make trouble, he will take this opportunity to try their strength.

Although I have already guessed, after all, the Tianyu Dragon King's strength in this world is not bad, but it is nothing in front of me.

In this way, the group of guys in the heavens will not be very powerful.

Having said that, it's better to see each other.

Perhaps because of Qin Ke's thoughts, three months later, the sky over Tianyu Mountain was covered by dark clouds, and then the darkness was pierced by golden light.

People who didn't know thought it was dawn.

Only Tianyu Dragon King and the others knew that this was not only the dawn, but the real nightfall.

"People from the heavens, the Heavenly Feather Dragon King, go and try their strength!"

After Qin Ke thought about it.He spoke to the Sky Feather Dragon King.

The Tianyu Dragon King's strength has improved a lot recently, and he is no longer the original Tianyu Dragon King.

The strength may still be inferior to the three-eyed general, but no matter how you say it, he would never think that he was defeated by the three-eyed general in the original book.

"Exactly what I want!"

The Sky Feather Dragon King laughed loudly.

Not to mention that they now have Qin Ke, an "ancestor", sitting in charge.

Even if he didn't, he wouldn't surrender to the heavens.

Because they are dragons!Noble dragon!
"Tianyu Dragon King, hand over the strange scriptures, you can still lead your three hundred dragons and continue to be your Tianyu Dragon King, if not, there will be no more dragons in Tianyu Dragon Palace!"

The three-eyed general stood in the sky, stood on the chariot, looked down at Tianyu Mountain, and spoke indifferently.

Although his three-eyed general said that he likes to fight, and is eager to fight endlessly, but that is only for the hateful Asura clan.

In the face of other races in the Three Realms, who are not related to him or hinder him, he is still willing to leave a three-point margin.

"Extraordinary scriptures? What extraordinary scriptures? You bastards of the heavens! Hit them if you want, I am not afraid of you!"

Tianyu Dragon King will not tell the story of the strange scriptures.

He was puzzled, the news about the Qijing in Tianyu Mountain was very hidden, who betrayed them and passed the news to the heaven?

"Since this is the case, then I have nothing to do! Kill me!"

The three-eyed general's expression didn't change at all and he waved his hand.

Hundreds of heavenly soldiers rushed down.

"Children of Tianyu Mountain, give it to me! Let this group of dregs from the heaven know how powerful our Tianyu Dragon Palace is!"

The Tianyu Dragon King picked up his big hammer, raised his arms, and was the first to rush forward.

Ordinary heavenly soldiers are naturally delivering food in front of him.

After Tianyu Dragon King beat to death [-] ordinary heavenly soldiers in a row, in the sky, sitting in the coquettish man, the murderous Avalokitesvara came down and came to the three-eyed general, provoking: "God general, although It’s not worth mentioning about Tianyu Dragon Palace, but if our loss is too great, Di Shitian may not be able to explain it!”

To be honest, the three-eyed general is known as the number one god of war in the heavens, and the Killing Guanyin has always wanted to know where the three-eyed general's ultimate strength lies.

Because this guy is extremely perverted, basically the more he fights, the braver he is, and he doesn't know where the extreme is.

As long as you don't instantly kill him with an absolute gesture, then he will become a "mad dog" and give you a headache.


Hearing the words of Killing Heart Guanyin, the three-eyed will snort coldly.

I don't know if he is dissatisfied with Killing Heart Avalokitesvara, or because Tianyu Dragon King doesn't know how to flatter him.

But his weapon, the trident, was already in his hand.

"Tianyu Dragon King, this is your own death, don't blame me!"

The three-eyed general flicked the saddle, and the horse galloped away.

When it is about to land, the three eyes will jump out.

"Three-eyed general, your celestial beings are nothing more than a bunch of goofs waiting to die! Today I will let you know the strength of our dragon clan!"

Tianyu Dragon King has long heard of the prestige of the three-eyed general, but he has never fought against him.

Now that the opportunity to fight him is in front of him, the Dragon King of Sky Feather only feels his blood boil all over, as if he has been hundreds of years younger and returned to his youth.

For the ridicule of the Tianyu Dragon King, the three eyes will keep silent.

In recent decades, the Asura clan has been hiding, and the battle with the heavens has basically not happened.

It's normal for the combat power of the Celestial Soldiers to decline.

But in his opinion, even the Heavenly Soldiers at this moment are more than enough to take care of some little dragons!
"Can the old man beat the three eyes?"

Qin Ke was unmoved by this.

Ordinary Heavenly Soldiers are really no match for the Dragon Clan.

As long as Tianyu Dragon King is not defeated by the three-eyed general, then it is not a problem.

"Although it can't be beaten, it won't be life-threatening. I will help you at critical moments."

Qin Ke smiled at Tian Yuzhi.

Although the strength of the Tianyu Dragon King has improved, it is definitely not as good as the three-eyed general.

Of course, Qin Ke definitely wouldn't look at the three-eyed general and cut off the head of the Tianyu Dragon King.

With the confrontation of the battle situation, the Tianyu Dragon King became more and more strenuous, and finally had to transform into a dragon and fight with the three-eyed general.

Qin Ke also knew that this should be the ultimate combat power of the Tianyu Dragon King.

He took out a fiery red longbow.

This is a pure yang magic weapon, named - Yangshen Bow.

Qin Ke has practiced Hou Yi's archery, but has never tried it himself.

Although his Houyi archery is just a little superficial.

Fortunately, in this world, Qin Ke can have a good experiment.

"Xiaoyu, watch it!"

After Qin Ke greeted Tian Yuzhi, he drew the bowstring, aimed at the three-eyed general, and shot an arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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