Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 256 Invitation from Emperor Xia

Chapter 256 Invitation from Emperor Xia

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, hell has no way to come, I accept your life!"

Qin Ke in white said lightly.

To him, killing an angel is a trivial matter.

"How is it possible! You are not going through a catastrophe... Are you the second soul?"

Yulong Tianxian looked at Qin Ke, then at the one who was crossing the catastrophe, and finally came to this conclusion.

Qin Ke has a second soul!And it has reached the level of a fairy!
That's right, Qin Ke's second soul has already reached the level of a celestial being in Qi training, and it's a state of extreme celestial being.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no way to break through the Pure Yang True Immortal, Qin Ke's second soul has already reached the Pure Yang True Immortal.

"Hmph! Want to kill me? You can try!"

After hearing Qin Ke's words, Yulong Tianxian showed a mocking expression.

It has been millions of years since he reached the position of Celestial Immortal, and he is also a genuine old-fashioned Celestial Immortal.

No matter how talented Qin Ke was, he thought he was invincible.

But if he wanted to run, he was confident that Qin Ke would not be able to stop him!

Want to kill him?It's ridiculous!

"One sword! Slash you!"

Qin Ke's second soul took out the Qianniu sword and gathered endless killing power.

"Pure Yang magic weapon? The way of killing?"

With this move, Yulong Tianxian was immediately stunned.

The way of killing can be regarded as a branch of the way of destroying heaven, it can be regarded as a great way!
Judging by Qin Ke's posture, even if he has not reached the level of Pure Yang True Immortal, he is not far behind!


At this moment, Yulong Tianxian no longer had the intention of confronting Qin Ke, and was ready to run away after changing hands.

Naturally, it was impossible for Qin Ke to remain unmoved, and slashed at the direction in which Jade Dragon and Heavenly Immortal was fleeing.

The endless sword energy swept across all obstacles, and directly tore the fleeing Jade Dragon Celestial into nothingness.

An immortal was beheaded.

"Weak enough!"

Qin Ke shook his head, Tianxian and so on are too good.

Xingyun Tianxian at the side can be said to be terrified.

A sword can instantly kill a celestial being. No wonder Qin Ke dared to break through his cultivation so casually. It turned out that he was escorted by such a powerful second soul!

After solving the little episode of Yulong Tianxian, there are no more annoying flies, and Qin Ke's breakthrough cultivation base is extremely normal.

"Congratulations, as for reaching the gods and becoming the official disciple of my master!"

When Qin Ke's body completely transformed into the body of a god, a demon, the big yellow bear congratulated him.

God, among the Three Realms, is already extremely good.

Coupled with the fact that Qin Ke has such a tyrannical second soul, it is more than enough to occupy a large world.

"So-so, let's break through to the Celestial Immortal directly!"

Qin Ke wasn't complacent about it, he just became a god, and he couldn't run rampant in a small Pangu world, let alone the outside world?

After thinking for a moment, Qin Ke took the initiative to summon Tianjie.

He intends to become a celestial being through the way of life immediately.

Because in this world, after becoming a fairy, the golden core will be condensed.

There are also three, six, and nine grades of golden pills.

Although Qin Ke said that he could simply use the way of flames to become an immortal, but in that case, the quality of the golden core might not be very good.

Therefore, he intends to use the power of the God of Life Godhead to condense a super-grade golden pill for himself.

Qin Ke has mastered the way of life now, but it is not complete, otherwise he would have directly become the ancestor of Taoism.

To break through the heavenly immortals is to use the comprehension of the way of life to directly infiltrate and understand the branch trails of the way of life and heaven.

Heavenly Immortal Tribulation is naturally much simpler than Heavenly God Tribulation.

Qin Ke easily survived the Celestial Tribulation.

After the Heavenly Tribulation was over, Qin Ke directly asked the second soul to go out and lie down for a while.

The five Wujianjiao angels outside were directly killed by Qin Ke on the spot.

As for the two puppets who were comparable to the strength of the gods, Qin Ke reluctantly accepted them.

Five immortals were killed, and the turmoil in Andan County could be regarded as subsided.

At least, there will be no problem for a short time, unless Wu Jianjiao sends people to deal with Andan County again.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Qin Ke!"

The death of the five deadly enemies made Beishan Tianzhan and the others sigh in relief at the same time.

Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead!These people were also influential figures before, but they were still abandoned by the times after all.

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort!"

Qin Ke simply took away the fairy mansion created by the five angels and left directly.

The five celestial immortals are all dead, so the remaining Void Returning Earth Immortals naturally don't need him to do it.

The second soul returned to Qin Ke's body in an instant.

"You take this, and when you are ready to cross the catastrophe or encounter danger, you can crush it, and I will come as soon as possible!"

Qin Ke's true self came to Yu Wei, and gave her a space jade slip, on which was a power of his soul, which he could feel when it was crushed.

At that time, you can directly locate the coordinate space and travel through it.

This can be regarded as a kind of compensation for Yu Wei's change of fate!

After all, if there is no accident, there will be no trouble between her and the protagonist Ji Ning, and it is naturally impossible to become the wife of the Eternal Supreme in the future. Qin Ke is really guilty of letting himself go like this.

It is naturally impossible for Qin Ke's deity to stay in this world for a long time, but the second soul will stay in this world and concentrate on cultivation, striving to break through to the Taoist level as soon as possible.

"Are you leaving?"

Looking at the situation, Yu Wei seemed to be leaving directly, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

He is really not from the same world!Even if she became a fairy, her relationship with Qin Ke might be nothing in the future!

"I would like to stay here for a while, but if someone invites me, I still have to save face!"

Qin Ke smiled slightly at her.

"Unexpectedly, little friend Qin Ke, oh no, it should be fellow Daoist Qin Ke now. Since the last Fairy Fate Conference, fellow Daoist Qin Ke has been as good as me. The speed of cultivation is really embarrassing!"

At this moment, a phantom suddenly appeared in the sky.

A projection of a man in a yellow robe exuding a strong royal aura.

This person is none other than Xia Mang, the ruler of the world of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"I have seen His Majesty, and His Majesty is really flattering me. My strength is still much worse than Your Majesty's."

With Xia Mang being so polite, it was impossible for Qin Ke to be so foolish as not to show embarrassment to the other party.

After all, whether Qin Ke's second soul can reach Chunyang Zhenxian sooner depends on Xia Mang.

Xia Mang is also practicing Qi and body at the same time, and also has a second soul.

His second soul has already reached the Pure Yang True Immortal.

"Fellow Daoist, now that the Great Xia Dynasty is on the verge of collapse, I wonder if fellow Daoist can help Xia for the sake of old friendship?"

It is also impossible for Xia Mang to put on airs to Qin Ke now.

Now he needs help!
His friend Yinglong Daozu and his master Chiming Daozu were unable to help for various reasons, and it was a bit weak to defend the world of the Great Xia Dynasty with his own power.

If Qin Ke is added, his confidence will be enough for three points.

Qin Ke alone is almost equal to two gods!

"Of course! In the past, His Majesty added the "Eye of the Candle Dragon", and I will keep it in my heart. Now that the Great Xia Dynasty is in trouble, how can I stand by and watch?"

Qin Ke spoke uprightly.

Don't think that he is really a righteous person.

In fact, he just planned to gain some oil and water to strengthen himself in front of this kind of small battle.

In comparison, the battle of the immortals didn't make much sense to him, and he couldn't get involved in the battle of the Taoist ancestors.

It's just a battle of gods.

If you want to participate in the battle of gods, you can only help Xia Mang.

(End of this chapter)

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