Chapter 255

"That's all, let's not discuss these things, but you, Fairy Yu Wei, do you have confidence in going through the catastrophe this time?"

Anyway, Qin Ke doesn't know what's going on with Ji Ning now, so it's useless to worry about it.

So, he doesn't want to worry about that.

He came here this time only to strengthen his own strength.

In his spare time, Qin Ke asked about Yu Wei's situation.

This Yu Wei is also a "Reincarnated Immortal". She didn't survive the catastrophe in her last life, or in the last few lives, so she was reincarnated and recultivated.

If there is no accident, she should survive the catastrophe in this life.

After all, without Qin Ke's intervention, Yu Wei could have been accepted as an apprentice by Lu Dongbin.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

Yu Wei hit three difficult words in a row.

At this time, although she said that she could take the initiative to attract the catastrophe, she really didn't have the courage to overcome the catastrophe.

"If I expected it to be correct, Fairy Yu Wei, you are practicing the "Way of Fire". Coincidentally, I am also practicing the same. If Fairy Yu Wei doesn't mind, we can have a good exchange of ideas. I will share some experiences It can be taught to you."

After Qin Ke thought about it, he said with a trace of apology in his heart.

Well, no matter how you put it, it was a disaster that I caused myself!

"This... I am grateful!"

Fairy Yu Wei also couldn't see Qin Ke's cultivation.

She is also a Void Returning Earth Immortal now, although she is not as good as the kind of Void Returning Earth Immortal who can kill heavenly immortals against the sky, but no matter what, she will not lower the average level.

No matter how powerful the Void Returning Earth Immortal is, she will definitely be able to estimate her combat power.

Qin Ke gave her the feeling that it was unfathomable, so she can be sure that Qin Ke's cultivation is higher than her own.

People of this level are willing to share their experience with her, and she will definitely not refuse.

Qin Ke received a warm welcome when he went to the Black and White Academy.

Qin Ke randomly found a fairy mountain to live in temporarily, and then began to rectify everything, preparing to attack the catastrophe at any time.

In the previous time, Yu Wei and other digital immortals in the Black and White Academy all came to Qin Ke to ask for their experience.

Qin Ke taught them generously.

Three months later, Qin Ke began to close the mountain.

He naturally wanted to cross the God Tribulation first.

The Celestial Tribulation has been saved, and the Celestial Tribulation that Qin Ke became a Celestial Immortal can basically be ignored directly.

At that time, Qin Ke can break through the Way of Flame, the Way of Destruction, and the Way of Life at any time.

Controlling one of the [-] trails can become a god, let alone Qin Ke now?

After Qin Ke reminded the people from the Black and White Academy, he started.

The sky is rolling, and the sky above the place where the Black and White Academy is located begins to gather.

The failure of Tianshen Jie was no small matter, and the entire Andan county city was attracted by it.

"That place, is the Black and White Academy? Someone in the Black and White Academy has broken through to a fairy so soon?"

Looking at the direction of Tianjie, those angels were surprised.

These heavenly immortals must report to the group now, so as not to be gradually defeated by the people of Wu Jiange.

They all came together for the first time.

Although it is speculated that a fairy will be born in the Black and White Academy, this speed is too fast!
"That's not a Celestial Tribulation, but a Celestial Tribulation!"

An older celestial being spoke very seriously.

He had seen the gods crossing the catastrophe before, but the catastrophe in front of him was stronger than the people he had met before!
The only possibility is the catastrophe of the gods!


These celestial beings were immediately stunned by this word, and then their faces were full of envy, and some of them showed jealousy.

Although there is a word difference between Tianshen and Tianxian, their strengths are vastly different!
"Let's go and see together!"

In the end, several great immortals still went to observe Qin Ke's catastrophe together.

After arriving at the scene, they realized that it was Qin Ke Dujie!
So they were puzzled.

This kind of Daozu disciple must have fellow disciples and even Daozu personally guard him when he breaks through!
After all, he himself has no time to take care of others when crossing the catastrophe. If someone interferes, it will lead to the failure of crossing the catastrophe!
But they searched carefully, and they didn't sense that there was a big guy hiding nearby!

"That's all, let's be his guardians once!"

The seven angels in Andan County looked at each other and said.

Helping a god to cross the catastrophe, the reward is still no small matter.

However, what these people didn't notice was that after the two of the Seven Great Immortals secretly looked at each other, there was a stern look on their faces.

Just halfway through Qin Ke's tribulation, there was a loud noise outside the city of Andan County.

"Not good! People from Wujian Sect came to attack! Damn it! You really know how to choose the time!"

Looking at the posture, they are all menacing, and the faces of those who are from the Great Xia Dynasty among the Seven Great Immortals are not good.

"Xingyun, Yulong, the two of you are here to help Fellow Daoist Qin Ke overcome the tribulation, we are going to stop the Wujian Sect's people, and when Fellow Daoist Qin Ke succeeds in crossing the tribulation, we will clean up the mess of Wujian Sect!"

Beishan Tianzhan, the guard of the Seven Great Immortals, was also the last guard of Andan County City who gave orders.

The two angels named by him nodded, one with a happy face and one with a serious face.

After the distribution was over, Beishan Tianzhan took four celestial beings and hundreds of Void Returning Earth Immortals to fight.

Although the battle between Andan County City and Wujianjiao involved more than a dozen angels, it can only be regarded as a small fight.

Hundreds of counties and cities around the world in the Great Xia Dynasty faced such battles.

After the Wujianjiao takes down some counties, they will have a decisive battle with the Great Xia Dynasty to decide the ownership of the Great Xia Dynasty's world.

Such a war can barely be called a battle!

Yulong and Xingyun, who were named by Beishan Tianzhan, naturally waited for it at the beginning.

However, when Qin Ke was facing the No.80 Seventh God Tribulation, the Jade Dragon Celestial Immortal took advantage of the Cloud Celestial Immortal's inattention, and suddenly shot Qin Ke who was concentrating on surviving the tribulation.

"Yulong, what are you doing!"

When Xingyun Tianxian reacted, it was too late to stop it.

He roared at Yulong Tianxian.

"Huh! His existence will definitely affect my Wujianjiao's annexation of Andan County, and even the Great Xia Dynasty, so he must die! Killing him is a great achievement for me, and the leader may give me the opportunity to break through the Chunyang Dao opportunity! Hahaha!"

Yulong Tianxian laughed triumphantly.

He has already taken refuge in Wujianjiao in private, and the reason why he has been hiding is just to find the right time to make great contributions!

Unexpectedly, he really made him wait!
God, there will not be more than ten in the entire Great Xia Dynasty!

There is one more person at the Great Xia Dynasty, and the pressure on Wujianjiao's side must be much greater!
It's a pity that this god will be stillborn!Killed by his Jade Dragon Celestial Immortal!

However, Yulong Tianxian's smile quickly froze on his face.

A white figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Ke holding a one-three-foot sword.

Jade Dragon Celestial Immortal's full blow was easily received by this haughty figure.

(End of this chapter)

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