Chapter 102 Extortion
Xiao Wu and Tang San both nodded.

After Xiao Wu and Tang San left, Qin Ke took the two girls who had just received him to the the toilet...

Don't get me wrong, Qin Ke just "borrowed" some of their memories.

Hmm, I want to have a better understanding of the training methods of the Tiandou Auction Field.

Maybe training a slave, Qin Ke can also do it.

But it is a bit difficult to train slaves to be like this.

It took Qin Ke half an hour to fully understand what they had experienced.

It has to be said that each world has extremely unique means.

There is indeed something in the Tiandou Auction Field.

After understanding, Qin Ke was ready to leave.

Qin Ke was thinking, should he find someone to experiment with?

Forget about the female supervisor and the twin sisters, they were already obedient to themselves, and it wasn't difficult to train them, and they didn't feel much.

This kind of thing still needs to be replaced by someone who is still "free".

Who do you want to try?Qin Ke was a little uncertain.

Suddenly, I feel that this is too evil...

"Sir, you can't leave yet!"

Unexpectedly, after reaching the gate, Qin Ke was stopped by the guards outside the gate.

Another new service lady came in front of Qin Ke, and she spoke gracefully.

"Oh why?"

Qin Ke was not angry, but asked curiously.

"Sir, we understand that you just took our two sisters to the bathroom and stayed there for half an hour, so after the unanimous decision of the managers, it is believed that you should have done something indescribable to our lady. This is not in line with our service regulations, so the two sisters have become your personal belongings, Mr., and you need to buy them. Considering that Mr. is our VIP, and you bought the two sisters at once, So our auction house decided to give you a 18% discount, and you only need to pay [-] gold soul coins to leave here!"

The service lady spoke very politely to Qin Ke.

Qin Ke: "!"

He obviously didn't do anything, why should he pay the bill!

This is blackmail, okay?

Qin Ke didn't want to agree.

However, he saw three soul saints waiting outside the door.

Although Qin Ke didn't care about these three soul saints.

But he can't make this matter a big deal.

"Your auction very good..."

Qin Ke gritted his teeth and said.

"Sir, you praised us. Our auction house has always put customers first."

I don't know whether it's because she didn't hear Qin Ke's subtext clearly or because of other reasons, but the service lady still respects Qin Ke very much.

Enduring distress, Qin Ke paid the money.

Qin Ke will never come back to this kind of pitfall, and there will be no repeat customers!

Qin Ke left here.

Looking at the two service ladies following behind him, he was also very helpless.

It's a pity to give it up just like that, after all, I spent so much money to buy it.

Even if they were abandoned, their fate would be extremely miserable, and Qin Ke would not be so cruel.

After thinking about it, he decided that Qin Ke sent the two women to Zi Ran.

From now on, let Zi Ran be in charge of the two of them, and do something for herself, out of sight and out of heart.

In order to prevent them from becoming his burden, Qin Ke also planned to give them two magic stickers.

Qin Ke has mastered the Five Elements Sealing Magic Disk, and Qin Ke can drive 55 supernatural beasts!

In the future, when Qin Ke has time, he can even subdue the five guardians, and then master the method of making supernatural beasts.

The creation of supernatural beasts does not necessarily require magic stones, there are other ways.

After all, that kind of method appeared in the Emperor Xia movie.

So, Qin Ke wasn't worried about not having enough Velcro.

In fact, the current Qin Ke may be called the new master of the Shadow Realm, and he is the new Shadow Emperor.

With these two service ladies, Qin Ke was going to the Soul Arena.

Along the way, Qin Ke naturally enjoyed too many gazes.

No way, who made the two sexy models behind Qin Ke so conspicuous!

They all know that this kind of woman is inlaid with bricks, and ordinary people can't enjoy it at all.

And Qin Ke actually asked for two at once, and he still looked very young.

They were all guessing what Qin Ke's identity was.

Which noble family is it?
However, presumably this kind of thing, there will be news soon.

After spending so much money, it would be inevitable to have a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots by his father and the like, and then confiscate it... Cough cough cough.

They'll know when it gets serious.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with them, they just need to eat melons.

"Hehe, boy, you are quite flamboyant!"

Not long after Qin Ke left the Tiandou Auction, he was blocked.

The person blocking Qin Ke was none other than Prince Xue Xing!
After seeing Qin Ke leave, Prince Xue Xing also left, just to vent his anger on Qin Ke!

Who knew that after waiting outside for half an hour, Qin Ke didn't come.

This made Prince Xue Xing really more and more angry!
Finally let him catch Qin Ke.

Seeing the two girls behind Qin Ke, Prince Xue Xing's eyes lit up, and a sleeping little guy in his body woke up and started to move around.

"Merry? It's definitely not as good as your Prince Xue Xing. You're so old, you're almost buried, and you still think about women!"

Qin Ke looked at the dozens of guards behind Prince Xuexing and smiled disdainfully.

Some low-level soldiers were no more than great soul masters or soul masters, and Qin Ke would not frown no matter how many came.

"Boy! I think you are courting death!"

After hearing Qin Ke's words, Prince Xue Xing was furious.

Death, I have to say, is taboo for anyone!

Although what Qin Ke said made some sense, he did have one foot in the coffin.

But will Prince Xuexing admit it?
Impossible, he felt he could live for another few decades.

So, he wants to deal with Qin Ke severely, and let Qin Ke understand what "disaster comes from the mouth"!
"I'm looking for you!"

Qin Ke blurted out.

Prince Xuexing couldn't understand Qin Ke's meaning for a while, after all, he was not from China.

But he didn't think too much, and looked at the two girls behind Qin Ke.

Hehe, I didn't buy Catwoman, so it seems pretty good to get these two girls as my latest outlet.

"Boy! I think you are young, so I don't blame you too much. Give me the two women behind you, and I will let you go!"

Prince Xue Xing had a dignified righteous look on his face, as if he was really just and impartial like "Qing Tian" was alive.

"Yes, if the prince needs it, 20... oh no, the prince is a big shot in Tiandou City, how can 20 be worthy of the prince's worth? How about 40 gold soul coins? Only 40 gold soul coins are needed , you can take these two delicate women home."

Qin Ke knew that Prince Xue Xing was planning to "prostitute for nothing", so he didn't even give him a single gold soul coin.

So, he won't show any good looks.

If Prince Xuexing bought it sincerely, Qin Ke would not mind giving him a discount.

But if Prince Xue Xing wanted to snatch it, it was just a dream.

Although both of them have been trained, they will only obey the master's opinion unconditionally.

But if they are bought and sold as goods, they will also feel distressed.

At first they thought that Qin Ke was really going to give herself to Prince Xuexing, but they immediately despaired.

After all, Prince Xue Xing was notoriously perverted, and he did not know how many beauties lost their lives.

Falling into his hands, life would be worse than death!
However, after hearing Qin Ke's next sentence, they also realized that Qin Ke was molesting Prince Xuexing, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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