The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 693 Don't Waste Your Effort

Chapter 693 Don't Waste Your Effort
In the underground passage!
In a place like an arena, Turtle Dragon and Old God Stick stood side by side, both of them had bitter expressions on their faces.

On the opposite side of the two, stood three old men, each of whom was lifeless, but each of them looked extremely powerful.

"Old fellows, you...really not giving way?"

Guilong looked at the three people, his voice was slightly hoarse, and there was still a hint of pain in his eyes.

These three people were all old buddies he used to be very close to, but now, drawing their swords at each other, he felt extremely painful in his heart.

The three old men didn't speak, and there was no expression on their faces. The three of them looked at the turtle dragon and the old god stick, as if they were looking at a dead person.

The old magic stick said to Guilong with a long sigh: "Okay, old turtle, I have been persuading you for a long time. Since these three old guys don't listen to the persuasion, then let's do it. If you don't agree with each other, don't conspire with each other."

The corner of Guilong's mouth twitched slightly, and finally nodded.

He looked at the three old men from time to time, and then gave a low drink, and an invisible qi directly enveloped him.

Then, he punched one of the old men, and the punch blasted out like a cannonball, the speed was astonishingly fast, and similarly, the power contained in it was also terrifyingly huge.

Those three people attacked the turtle dragon at the same time.

They all know the basics and know that it is impossible to take down the turtle dragon by only one person, so they plan to attack with three people and take down the turtle dragon with one move.

"How could Daoist let you succeed."

A sharp look flashed in the old god stick's eyes, he shook the hand holding the floating dust slightly, and the two long white lines on the floating dust fell off directly, stabbing towards the two of them like long swords.

The three people frowned at the same time, two of them stretched out their hands to block the long line, while the other still went against the turtle dragon.

ka ka ka-

The two punches met, and the arm of the man who was facing Guilong broke instantly, but Guilong didn't give him the slightest chance, and punched the old man's chest continuously.

boom -

There was a rumbling sound, and the old man flew upside down, lying on the ground without a sound.

"how is this possible."

The other two people exclaimed, quickly backed up, and quickly backed up in front of the old man who didn't know what to do.

Both they and Guilong knew the basics, so they didn't believe that Guilong could kill their companions with one punch.

But now, the facts are in front of him, one of his companions no longer knows whether he is alive or dead.

Guilong closed his hands, looked at the two standing old men with desolate eyes, then shifted his gaze to the motionless old man lying on the ground, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Since eight years ago, the former The old buddies either died in accidents, or died because of their birthdays. I thought the three of you died three years ago. At that time, the old man shed a lot of tears, but I didn’t want to. It's a feigned death, it doesn't matter if you cheat the old man's feelings, because we are life and death friends, but why do you go to the opposite side of us?"

The two old men on the opposite side were silent, and they didn't know why they were on the opposite side of Guilong.

Is it because of interests?No, they have long looked down on things like interests.

Is it because you are afraid of death?No, people like myself have encountered so many life-and-death crises over the years that they can't remember clearly, so how could they be afraid of death.

But now, people like myself are really standing on the opposite side of the turtle dragon and the old god stick.

Where did this... come from?Could it be that this scene was destined to happen from the time the three of them were arrested three years ago.

Just as the two old men were thinking, the old man who was blown away by Guilong's punch coughed twice, resisting the pain in his body and stood up.

Seeing him stand up, his two companions subconsciously asked happily: "Old man, are you alright?"

The old man wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, shook his head with a complicated face, and said with a sigh: "Old Gui is showing mercy."

Hearing what the old man said, the other two old men fell silent.

The old god stick standing next to Guilong frowned, and said to Guilong with some displeasure: "Old Gui, I know the relationship between you and them, and the relationship between me and the three of them is not bad at all, but it's not right now. When men are in love, we have no time to waste."

Hearing what the old god stick said, Guilong shook his head and said to the old god stick in a deep voice: "Old god stick, you are now, the old man is going to wake up these three unsatisfactory things today. Our era was the golden age of the ancient martial arts world. We are in that golden age, how can we allow people in this golden age to be driven by others."

Among the three old men on the opposite side, the old man who was almost beaten to death by Guilong just said with a sigh: "Old Gui, I admit that one-on-one, no one of the three of us is your opponent, but you let the old magic stick go, you alone If someone beat us three, it would be a big deal."

"Drag you-ancestor, I'm going to wake up you three unworthy things today. Do you know that you are not only losing face to yourself, but also all our old buddies."

Guilong cursed, and tore off his clothes, revealing his thin but strong upper body, without saying a word, he quickly attacked the three old men.

The three people looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and attacked the turtle dragon at the same time.

And the old magic stick standing aside did not make a move for a long time, nor did he intend to leave, as if he was waiting for something.


When the fists of the three old men hit the turtle dragon, the sound was like the sound of a wooden stick hitting a big bell.

Guilong's body swayed, his face turned red in an instant, and there was a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't take a step back, and his fists were already steadily attacking the three people at the same time.


With three punches quickly, the three old men were bombarded by the turtle dragon at the same time, and then flew out backwards.

Also at this moment, the old magic stick made a move.

He quickly rushed to the front of the three old people, tore off a few dust threads on the floating dust, quickly connected them together, and then tied up the three old people.

Being quickly tied up by the old magic stick, the three old men tried to struggle to get away, but found that the little dust silk was extremely tough, and they couldn't struggle to get away at all.

"It's not like you don't know about Daoist's stuff, so don't waste your efforts."

The old god stick said to the three old people with a light smile, then looked at his floating dust with some distress, and said with pain: "If this continues, my floating dust will probably be bald."

After finishing speaking, the old magic stick took a silk thread and pulled the three old people to move forward. At the same time, he said to Guilong: "Old Guilong, follow, there must be many difficult people ahead, wait a moment Remember not to shoot, let them fight, Daoist will not believe that when we are about to die, these three bastards will remain indifferent."

(End of this chapter)

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