Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 253 A Big Secret

Chapter 253 A Big Secret
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The Dragon God is the ceiling of Douluo Universe, so there will never be another Dragon God in the world.

Dai Mubai didn't know if Tang San's grandson Tang Xuanyu could match the Dragon God in the end, but it was almost impossible for him to surpass the Dragon God.

The dragon god who created the dragon race is not so easy to surpass.

"Are you looking for the Great Seal of the Deep Sea?" Mu Bai glanced at Dai Mubai's direction, and asked, "Why are you the first to find it? Isn't the nearest one the Hell Eel Emperor? Even if it's not the Hell Eel Emperor, It shouldn't be a giant chapter of the deep sea that is far away!"

"The Great Chapter of the Deep Sea is more suitable for me than the King of Hell Eels. In fact, the most suitable ones are 10-year-old mangroves and seaweed-type sea soul beasts, followed by coral-type sea soul beasts, and finally other sea soul beasts." Dai Mu Bai Danran said, "To be honest, I actually wanted to get a mermaid spirit ring, but after thinking about it, it's not necessary, and the spirit ring is not suitable either."

"Let's turn on the mental detection, most of the plant-type soul beasts don't like to move, maybe it's just luck." Mu Bai said.

Dai Mubai chose to look for the giant chapter of the deep sea, in fact, there was also a reason why he passed by a mangrove forest under the sea.

Although the chances are slim, what if you really encounter a 10-year-old mangrove tree?

As soon as the flat peach tree came out, didn't the mangrove tree obediently offer sacrifices?

After passing a very large mangrove forest in the deep sea, Dai Mubai looked at the sky speechlessly.

Let alone 10-year-old mangroves, there are no 5-year-old mangroves!

"There is still a piece of coral reef ahead, don't be discouraged!" Mu Bai was very optimistic.

The ocean is so big, and there are so many mangrove forests and coral reefs in the sea, he still doesn't believe that he can't find suitable mangrove spirit beasts and coral spirit beasts.

"Coral is an invertebrate!" Dai Mubai paused, and said, "Actually, coral is the skeleton accumulation of coral polyps."

"So it's not certain whether Coral is a soul beast..." Dai Mubai sighed.

"Wait a minute!" Erha exclaimed suddenly.

Dai Mubai immediately stopped the demon spirit great white shark sitting under him.

"what's the situation?"

Erha ran out, but fortunately he is now a soul body, not affected by the sea water.He pointed to Dai Mubai's West, and said: "There seems to be a plant-type sea spirit beast over there, and it feels like its cultivation is over 10 years old."

Dai Mubai's eyes lit up, and he immediately changed direction.

"How far?"

"A few hundred nautical miles?" Erha was not sure, "That sea soul beast is moving!"

Plant-type soul beasts in the sea are more likely to run around, Dai Mubai already knew this.

After all, that plant-type sea spirit beast was not as fast as the demon spirit great white shark, Dai Mubai chased it all day, and finally caught up.

Seeing a large purple curtain in front of him, Dai Mubai was a little dumbfounded.

"Seaweed?" It's not that Dai Mubai doesn't look down on seagrass, it's just that it's common sense that grass-type soul beasts are weak. "Talk is better than nothing."

Dai Mubai wasn't sure if he would meet someone more suitable in the future, his luck was pretty good, but he couldn't rely too much on luck!

"The area of ​​this seaweed must be hundreds of square meters?" Dai Mubai glanced at the area of ​​this giant purple seaweed spirit beast, and couldn't help but click his tongue.

"A few hundred?" Erha, whose detection range is much larger than Dai Mubai's, shook his head, "You underestimate this seaweed too much. According to my detection results, the length of this seaweed alone has reached thirteen kilometers."

"Thirteen kilometers?" Dai Mubai was startled.

3000 meters of seagrass?

Are you kidding me?
"Is this a joke?" Mu Bai shook his head, "Posidonia seagrass, the largest seaweed on Earth, can grow to several kilometers, why can't the 10-year-old soul beasts on Douluo Continent be more than ten kilometers long? "

Dai Mubai was speechless: "When you mentioned Posidonia seaweed, I remembered it. It is also a remarkable existence with a lifespan of 10 years. But other people's Posidonia seaweed reproduces asexually, it does not It's not a single seaweed, but a large piece of seaweed that looks like a leek. Due to the same gene, it is believed that a large piece of seaweed spreading fifteen kilometers belongs to the same plant. But this one is different... This piece of seaweed doesn't even have a fork, just Like a whole piece of cloth, it is a single entity."

"Posidonia seagrass has lived for 10 years?" Mu Bai was also shocked, there was no such thing in his memory.

"Your memory is incomplete, it's normal if you don't remember. As for Posidonia seaweed can live for 10 years, it's also true. It's a pity that it seems to have started to shrink, so its name is dying." Dai Mubai sighed.

He felt that sooner or later the people on Earth would be destroyed in his own hands.But this has nothing to do with him anymore, he has already traveled through time, so he can learn from his previous experience and avoid some mistakes to a certain extent.

Dai Mubai communicated with this purple seaweed, and in the end they had a fight, and after showing off their muscles, this super-giant 10-year-old seaweed named "Pieros" agreed to sacrifice.

Following Dai Mubai will definitely be able to get a position as a priest in the end, isn't it better than waiting here to die?
A 10-year soul beast can only live another 1000 years after surviving the catastrophe, but if it can survive 10 years, how can it be willing to live only another 1000 years?

The sea soul beast is better, with the presence of the sea god, it can live longer, and the Lu Ziye can live for tens of thousands of years.

It's a pity that Pieros doesn't have a wild way, and he doesn't dare to have one.

It's just a poor, helpless seaweed.

After Pieros became Dai Mubai's soul, he got a small water pool under the flat peach tree.

Its prototype is an ordinary seaweed, but it just lives a long time.

In fact, not many sea soul beasts would have trouble with plant-type sea soul beasts.

They are not tasty, and it is very troublesome to eat, which is equivalent to killing a chicken to get its eggs.

That's why Pieros can live that long.

Pieros brought Dai Mubai two soul abilities and a right foot soul bone.

The first soul skill of the soul ring is infinite vitality, as long as there are plants in the place where he fights, it can absorb the life force of the plants to maintain Dai Mubai's fighting power and vitality.

Blue Silver Grass has tenacious vitality, and seaweed is even more so.

The second soul skill of the soul ring is the descending of Cao Hai, which is the pre-soul skill of infinite vitality.If you encounter a situation where no plants exist, then create your own advantage and give birth to an infinite sea of ​​grass.At the same time, the sea of ​​grass also has the effect of blocking the enemy, and every seaweed in the sea of ​​grass is equivalent to a super weakened version of Pieros, and can explode itself when helpless.

The metacarpal bone of the right foot is an external soul bone, and it also has two soul skills.The first soul ability is Seaborn, this soul ability not only eliminates the defect of Dai Mubai's strength loss in the sea, but also allows Dai Mubai to get a 30.00% increase in the sea.

The second soul skill is Sea Escaper, allowing Dai Mubai to obtain the ability to teleport with a limit of thirteen kilometers in the sea.

These soul skills as auxiliary effects are very good, generally speaking, Dai Mubai is still very satisfied.

What's more, there is the soul of Pieos as an intelligence officer, making Dai Mubai abandon the giant seal of the deep sea in an instant, and throw himself into the embrace of the red tree "Tonghua".

Coincidentally, the name of this 10-year-old paulownia tree spirit beast is the same as the palace name of Bai Jintong, Dai Mubai's mother and concubine.

Dai Mubai's soul group finally has a second female member.

Coincidentally, both female members are trees.

"Maybe plant-type soul beasts prefer to turn into females?" Erha guessed.

Dai Mubai's purpose of leaving Seagod Island has been completely accomplished so far.

Mu Bai thought for a while and asked, "Don't you think you lack combat experience?"

Dai Mubai asked back: "Is it missing?"

Dai Mubai didn't think he lacked combat experience.

"Like Tang San's way of evenly matching the enemy and finally barely winning is not suitable for me, I just need to crush all the way through."

Mu Bai felt that what he said made sense.

No one knows that the real reason for Dai Mubai's lack of combat experience is that the author can't write combat plots.

"Go to Vast Sea City." Dai Mubai didn't go directly back to Sea God Island.

When he arrived in Hanhai City on the Xing Kong airship, Dai Mubai left the airship and the crew on board in Hanhai City, and established a coastal city base for him.

Finding out the strength of Hanhai City may be helpful in conquering the Naga Kingdom.

"Now the empire is still short of seven or eight countries that are relatively far away." Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, "I can't stay on Sea God Island all the time, just wait for the emperor to rule the empire, and then go back and enjoy the benefits .”

"Anyway, your father's throne will pass to you sooner or later." Mu Bai said.

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Indeed, no matter what, the throne will be passed on to me, but I want to show the strength of an heir to the empire. Otherwise, how can I convince the public?"

"It's enough that you are strong enough." Erha said.

Dai Mubai didn't speak anymore, just shook his head and laughed.

The Star Luo Empire has a very important position in his plan, although Mu Bai knows this, but he is not in his position after all, and there are still some deviations in thinking.

The five people who were able to follow Dai Mubai to Hanhai City, besides being extremely excellent flight attendants, had very strong intelligence abilities and cultivation bases.

They lived up to Dai Mubai's expectations, and quickly established a stronghold in Hanhai City, but the time is still short, and they haven't reached smooth communication with the Star Luo Empire.

"At this time, a communication soul tool is needed." Dai Mubai was also helpless.

The communication soul guide has actually come into the world, but there is no signal here in Hanhai City, and the communication distance of the first generation communication soul guide is not so far.

After a few words of encouragement to a few people, Dai Mubai took the time to go to Heaven Dou City.

It's just that instead of looking for Qian Renxue, he went to Haotian School.

He still needs to know more about Tang Chen.

Afterwards, Dai Mubai returned to Xingluo City, stayed with his concubine Bai Jintong for a few days, learned about the recent situation of the empire, and asked Black Sky Douluo to send him back to the vicinity of Sea God Island.

"It's a half-circle around the mainland, and it only took a month." Dai Mubai sighed, "Black Sky Douluo is really easy to use!"

He ran a month's journey, and Heikong Douluo delivered him in less than an hour.

Heikong Douluo is also an old tool man.

When Dai Mubai came back, Tang San and the others naturally burst into joy again.

Dai Mubai is also very satisfied with their assessment progress, the fast Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu are now three quarters completed, and the others are also more than half completed.Although the next assessment is more difficult, it can't help them.

During this period of time, Shui Bing'er broke through level seventy, and also obtained a god bestowed spirit ring.

It's just that she can't compare with everyone in Shrek, and the seventh soul ring is only 5000 years old.

There's no way, she joined too late, and didn't catch up with Dai Mubai's opportunity to tease everyone in Shrek.

"Brother, does your second martial soul also have a martial soul avatar?"

Not only Oscar, but everyone else is really curious about Dai Mubai's second martial spirit.

Apart from knowing that Dai Mubai's second spirit is called Pantaoshu, and his first spirit ability is Hongchen Vientiane, they don't know anything else.

"No," Dai Mubai shook his head helplessly, "the oldest soul beast in Douluo Continent is only 99 years old, if you want to add a seventh soul ring to the flat peach tree, you have to find another god to inherit it."


Everyone was speechless.

"Actually, as long as your cultivation speed is fast enough, during the assessment period, every time you need a spirit ring, Your Majesty the Sea God will give you one." Dai Mubai said to the crowd, "It's just that I'm a little special."

It is so special that absorbing a spirit ring requires [-]% of Seagod's divine power.

The Sea God had just given him [-]% of his divine power, no matter how generous he was, he couldn't give it back now.

He is not the son of the Sea God, and the Sea God is optimistic about him, but he will not show his heart and soul to him.

Now, Sea God has already done his best.

The remaining [-]% of the Seagod's divine power was absorbed by Mu Bai, and Mu Bai would never spit out the divine power he had absorbed under extreme circumstances.

"Brother, why don't you... release all the second martial spirit's spirit ring?" Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, she was so curious about Dai Mubai's spirit ring that she scratched her heart.

"Uh," Dai Mubai hesitated.

The spirit rings of the flat peach tree were either sacrificed or bestowed by the gods, and he obtained that bunch of extremely powerful spirit rings almost without doing anything.

Except for Long Aotian's soul ring and the soul ring bestowed by the Harvest Goddess, he has basically never used the others.

"Want to see."

Seeing Dai Mubai hesitating, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu began to curve to save the country, they all looked at Zhu Zhuqing pitifully, Zhu Zhuqing himself was curious, so he spoke.


The daughter-in-law has already spoken, can Dai Mubai still refuse?Obviously not!

"Cut!" Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu each gave Dai Mubai a supercilious look.

Color light friends!

"Everyone sit down." Dai Mubai said in a deep voice.

Everyone hurriedly sat down obediently, Tang San opened the Blue Silver Domain, and took everyone into the protective circle.

Dai Mubai's mind moved, and six blood-red soul rings appeared in front of everyone, shaking everyone's eyes almost blind.

The second eye will be blind.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have made this request. I clearly know that my brother is a pervert. Why should I have such a strong curiosity? If I didn't have such a strong curiosity, I wouldn't have been hit so hard... "

Ning Rongrong was lost in thought, as if Mrs. Xianglin had possessed her body.

Dai Mubai was speechless.

"My flat peach tree has an extremely strong attraction to plant-type spirit beasts, so the first, fifth, and sixth spirit rings were all obtained by spirit beasts' active sacrifices. The second spirit ring was given by Your Majesty, the goddess of harvest, The third spirit ring was bestowed by Your Majesty the Sword God. The fourth spirit ring came from the fairy forest according to the sacrificial ceremony of the fairies." Dai Mubai explained, "So, in fact, none of these spirit rings depend on myself The strength comes from it."

(End of this chapter)

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