Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 248 This is the gap, the gap

Chapter 248 This is the gap, the gap
"This is the real Seagod Island, and the building on the top of the mountain is the Seagod Temple." Dai Mubai said, "Let's go, the one thousand and one steps on the island are covered by the Seagod's Light, and what we need to pass through are those covered by the Seagod's Light." Covered steps."

Hearing what Dai Mubai said, Ma Hongjun immediately rushed forward.

Then, being bounced back by the Seagod's Light, "piaji" fell to the ground.

Dai Mubai covered his face with one hand, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiaohong, you are a soul emperor after all, you know this is an assessment, you should be a little bit on guard, right?"

Ma Hongjun groaned and got up, his face full of displeasure: "Who knew that this thing would have rebound!"

Hearing that everyone was coming for an assessment, and the assessment topic was to cross the Seagod's Light, a purple-clothed sea soul master hurried over.

"Guests, why don't you listen to my introduction first?" Said the soul master Ziyi Hai, sweating profusely, panting.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "I'm sorry."

"My honor." The purple-clothed sea soul master finished adjusting his breath, and introduced to everyone with a pious face: "This is the Sea God Mountain, the forbidden area of ​​our Sea God Island. The only building on the top of the Sea God Mountain is the Sea God Temple dedicated to Lord Sea God. Sea God Mountain It is the real Poseidon Island, also known as the island of the island. Please see, everyone, in front of us is the ladder to the island. There is the place where you need to pass the test, a total of one thousand and one steps. Only through the sea god The guardians of Seagod Island who have been assessed above the purple level of adults are eligible to step up the steps and enter the Seagod Hall to worship. Otherwise, they will be blocked by the Seagod's Light."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding, and Ma Hongjun said impatiently: "We all know this, what is going on with Seagod's Light? Why did you bounce me back?"

The purple-clothed sea soul master said: "It seems that you have already tried it. The power of rebound is the only ability of the Seagod's Light. The greater the impact, the greater the force of the rebound. But please rest assured, the Seagod's Light does not have any power. Lethality, as long as you retreat in time, you will not be harmed."

Oscar rolled his eyes and asked, "If we go up lightly, will we be bounced back?"

The soul master Ziyihai smiled and said: "Any action needs to be supported by strength. Strength is different, and the strength of rebound is also different. However, distinguished guests can try it."

Ma Hongjun was originally a character who refused to admit defeat, but when Ziyihai soul master said this, he immediately felt a strong sense of competitiveness.

Regardless of whether he is answering Oscar, answering Oscar is answering him!

Ma Hongjun straightened his clothes, then turned his head to look at the ordinary white jade steps.

"Young Master, I don't believe it yet," Ma Hongjun came back to the stairs, raised his right leg lightly, and slowly walked towards the first step.As soon as his right leg entered the range of the steps, he suddenly felt a strong resistance appearing in front of his leg, forcefully resisting his progress, Ma Hongjun frowned, his handsome and mortal face showed a dignified look , "Oh, I can't help you, Master."

He exerted a little force to resist the resistance, and stepped on the stone steps smoothly with his right leg.

Having succeeded in the first step, Ma Hongjun was not in a hurry, he did not want to lose face again.

When he stood up, he immediately felt tremendous pressure overwhelming.

Ma Hongjun immediately sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Dai Mubai curled his lips into a smile: "You guys go, I'll stay here with Chen Guang."

Dai Mubai yelled Chenguang twice towards the ring sea, Xiaobai quickly swam over with Zhuang Chenguang.

She still maintains the appearance of a girl.

"Aren't you only able to maintain human form for an hour?" Dai Mubai asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's eyes widened in surprise: "Brother, you mean, she is also a 10-year soul beast?"

"Really?" Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Wu.

She felt the breath of the same 10-year-old soul beast.

"How dare you choose to transform into a human and rebuild?" Xiao Bai was surprised.

Xiao Wu nodded: "Yeah, it's not that difficult to transform into a human and rebuild... as long as you pass the dangerous period before level [-]."

Xiaobai is speechless: "But the most difficult thing is the dangerous period before level [-], okay~_~"

"Are you the 10-year-old demonic great white shark before entering the island?" Xiao Wu squatted on the ring-shaped sea and began to chat with Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai said: "Yes, but why didn't I find you at that time?"

"Maybe it was because the distance was relatively far?" Xiao Wu asked uncertainly.

"Are you doubting my perception?" Xiaobai snorted, his face full of displeasure.

"No, no." Xiao Wu quickly denied, "It may also be that you were not paying attention to me at the time, and there were so many people at that time, you didn't notice me."

"Well, that's it!" Xiaobai accepted the explanation.

Dai Mubai: "..."

Made two childish ghosts!
He interrupted two giant babies with worrying IQs, and said, "Come back to business, why can you keep the human form?"

Xiaobai looked at him in surprise, and said, "I haven't kept my human form all the time! I just became this form just now!"

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows: "Then why did you make such a big noise when you transformed?"

"Humph ╯^╰" Xiaobai said arrogantly, "Leave it to you! I'm happy!"

Dai Mubai black line.

He stretched out his hand and hugged Zhuang Chenguang out of Xiaobai's arms. Seeing that the little guy was getting better and better, he couldn't help but relax a little.

"After Chenguang wakes up, his physique will take a huge leap." Mu Bai said in surprise, "Sea God is actually transforming Chenguang's physique!"

"What physique?" Dai Mubai frowned, he didn't want Zhuang Chenguang to be transformed into an inhuman physique.

Mu Bai explained: "It's probably the kind of water spirit body that you read in fantasy novels, the kind of fairy body that is especially suitable for practicing water attribute skills."

"Oh." Dai Mubai expressed understanding.

Then there is no problem, no matter what kind of magical physique it is, as long as it is still human.

Dai Mubai had a sense of racial superiority.

It is the sense of racial superiority between humans and non-humans.

Although divine beasts like the holy beast white tiger and dragons were born strong, Dai Mubai never felt that humans were inferior.

Although our lower limit is low, our upper limit is high!

Xiao Wu and Xiao Bai chatted enthusiastically, Tang San and others ran to try to climb the steps after seeing Zhuang Chenguang.

With Ma Hongjun as a lesson from the past, the others climbed the steps smoothly, even Bai Chenxiang worked hard to stay on the first step.

Well, Bai Chenxiang is the lower limit of this group of people.

When she stood firmly on the steps, Tang San and Ma Hongjun had already reached the third step, the others also stood firm on the second step, and Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Bing'er went directly to the fourth step.

Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Binger have high cultivation levels, and Zhu Zhuqing even has a 10-year soul ring, so this pressure is nothing to her.

"Aren't you going to try it?" Xiaobai asked curiously.

Dai Mubai smiled, let Zhuang Chenguang float on the sea, and walked towards the steps.

He didn't walk up the steps carefully like Zhu Zhuqing and others.

As if strolling in a garden, he didn't pay attention to the so-called Seagod's Light at all, when he stopped, he had already reached the top of the mountain.

Everyone else was stunned, and Ma Hongjun and Oscar lost their minds because of surprise and were ejected from the steps.

"Brother is so strong?"

Bo Saixi who was waiting on the top of the mountain also looked at Dai Mubai in surprise.

But she didn't speak.

Because she felt the same pressure from Seagod on Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai is just a seventh-level soul emperor without a seventh soul ring, why can he put such a lot of pressure on himself?Bo Saixi was puzzled, she suddenly thought of an incredible result, could it be... Dai Mubai is a god?

Bo Saixi was taken aback by his guess.

how can that be possible?
Gods do not follow the world, there is no real god in this world!

Even as great as His Majesty the Sea God, he went to the God Realm after becoming a God.

If Dai Mubai was a god, how could he stay in the human world?

"The high priest is well." Dai Mubai nodded slightly.

Bo Saixi frowned.

Dai Mubai had a strange feeling that she couldn't describe.

He seems to know everything, and he doesn't seem to care about anything, but he is working hard to plan and fight for it.

"Hello, Dai Junan." Bo Saixi had the arrogance of a strong man and the dignity of being the high priest of the sea god, but she didn't mind expressing kindness to the mysterious Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai smiled, "How long does the High Priest think they can complete the first assessment?"

Bo Saixi looked at the people below who were working hard to climb the steps, and said, "Three months."

"You underestimated them," Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes, "up to two months!"

Bo Saixi didn't know why Dai Mubai was so sure.

Bo Saixi is not surprised if Oscar and other top seven testers can complete the first test within two months, but the three of the Seagod Eight Tests, especially Ning Rongrong, Bo Saixi doesn't think she has three months. The ability to complete the first assessment within the time limit.

Ning Rongrong is just an auxiliary system soul master, it can be seen from the fact that she can only stop at the 35th step.

"Their potential is more than that." After Dai Mubai finished speaking, he flew down Sea God Mountain.

Xiaobai stared blankly at Dai Mubai, and asked the question that everyone had: "You obviously haven't passed the examination, why can you directly go up the mountain?"

"Mere assessment..." Dai Mubai smiled without saying a word.

"Hey, I suddenly remembered something!" Dai Mubai suddenly stood up.

He just remembered!
Those who have obtained the Seagod Black Level and above assessment can obtain a god-bestowed spirit ring when they break the mirror!
Bo Saixi's old... Senior should obviously take the initiative to give him the god bestowed spirit ring!In the end, she didn't even mention it!

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai immediately flew to the top of the mountain.

The previous trip was to save Sea God's face, now it's about his own interests, and Dai Mubai can't care about that face anymore.

"Dai Jun still has something to do?" Bo Saixi looked at Dai Mubai with a smile.

Dai Mubai also had a smile on his face, he asked: "What did the high priest forget?"

"Oh?" Bo Saixi pretended not to know.

"Oh," Dai Mubai smiled softly and harmlessly, "Since the high priest has forgotten, then don't bother the high priest to take the trouble to recall it. Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue, and Mubai will understand you. I can do it myself Go and ask the sea god you."

"Brat!" Bo Saixi scolded with a smile.

She threw a golden bead to Dai Mubai.

This bead is transparent and bright, and there are streaks of golden mist swirling around it.This mist was the same as the golden mist that appeared around Tang San's body when they were under the pressure of the Seagod's Light, obviously it was the manifestation of the Seagod's power.

"Thank you, Sea God, thank you High Priest!" Dai Mubai immediately smiled.

Bo Saixi opened his mouth, and his voice came down the mountain without hindrance, as if he was talking next to Tang San and the others: "Anyone who accepts the black-level and above assessments bestowed by Lord Seagod will have a chance to obtain the first time they reach the bottleneck. A chance for a god-bestowed spirit ring. There is no need to hunt and kill spirit beasts, the god-bestowed spirit ring will give you the most needed soul skills and the maximum level of spirit ring you can withstand. Everyone has only one chance."

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded: "Only one chance?"

Damn he doesn't know about this!
He thought that every time the mirror was broken, there was a soul ring bestowed by the gods!
Bo Saixi smiled and shook her head, she suddenly discovered that no matter what Dai Mubai's status was, he was still just a young child in essence.

"Although His Majesty the Sea God is magnanimous and magnanimous, the god-given spirit ring needs to be made by His Majesty after all. How can His Majesty waste so much time on such trivial matters?" Bo Saixi said reverently and solemnly.

Dai Mubai: "...I think you seem to have misunderstood the gods."


Having been the High Priest of the Sea God for hundreds of years and serving His Majesty the Sea God for hundreds of years, this is the first time that Bo Saixi has been said to have misunderstood the god!

Bo Saixi dares to say that she dares to say that she knows the gods second in this world, but no one dares to say that she knows the gods first!

"For a god, a mere god-given spirit ring can be made with a wave of hand, so why waste time doing it one by one?" Dai Mubai was also helpless, "This is a matter of mood, you can do it if you like Doing as much as you want is not something that takes a lot of effort.”

Dai Mubai released the spirit rings of his holy beast white tiger spirit, three black, three red and six spirit rings, even Bo Saixi was a little dazed seeing it.

"Have you received inheritance from other gods before?" Bo Saixi asked subconsciously.

Dai Mubai shook his head: "There is no inheritance, but there is a divine family, a divine family of the goddess of harvest, and the goddess also bestowed a god-bestowed spirit ring at that time."

"Ah! Goddess of Harvest?" Bo Saixi couldn't maintain her nobility and glamor this time, and she was completely dumbfounded.

Is there a goddess of harvest in Douluo Continent?

Never heard of it!
She froze for a moment, her eyes straightened, as if her mind had wandered off.

But soon she recovered.

And showed a sudden look.

There really is a Goddess of Harvest, but she didn't become a god from the Douluo Continent.

Only then did she know that there are other worlds besides Douluo Continent.

"You're right, I don't know enough about the gods." Bo Saixi admitted his mistake frankly, but... "His Majesty the Sea God issued an oracle, and he thinks that you don't need more god-given spirit rings. "

"I think Your Majesty the Sea God misunderstood me too, I really need a god bestowed spirit ring!" Dai Mubai almost rushed into the Sea God Hall to confront Sea God.

Why doesn't he need a god bestowed spirit ring?

He needs it!

He is still short of eight spirit rings!

"How can a holy man like Sea God Your Majesty, who is wise and mighty, broad-minded, unparalleled in the world, righteous, impartial, and boundless in love, be stingy with a god-given soul ring to devout believers who need it?"

After Dai Mubai finished speaking, Mu Bai couldn't help covering his face.

This flattery is so sneaky!
(End of this chapter)

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