Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 228 The True Protagonist Halo

Chapter 228 The True Protagonist Halo

Dai Mubai always thought that he had the halo of the protagonist.

Even if he didn't have it, Tang San did.

But he never expected that the person who really has the halo of the protagonist is actually Ma Hongjun!

"It turned out to be pure desire for original sin!" Erha was a little surprised, "In the era of beasts, this is the authority jointly held by the snake gods and fox gods."

Lu Mingfei, a buddhist deer, couldn't help but ran out. He looked at Ma Hongjun with a strange expression, and said, "It is true that the desire for original sin lurks in his body, but this is unreasonable..."

"It's reasonable," Mu Bai said, "Even if he used the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing snake to carry out the ultimate mutation of the martial soul and further master the desire of original sin, don't forget that the god of lust is the god of destruction. A first-level god under the command of God, and Ma Hongjun is naturally in the same camp as Tang San and the current Shura God, even if the God of Destruction wants to win him over, it is impossible. And he has the desire of original sin, which can explain why 1 years later , what his descendants inherit is not the ten-headed fire phoenix, but the evil fire phoenix."

Dai Mubai was taken aback.

Even though he knew little about Douluo Er, he still knew Ma Xiaotao 1 years later.

The saint who was kidnapped from Shrek Academy by the evil soul master organization Holy Spirit Cult.

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai's thoughts diverged uncontrollably.

1 years later, Shrek, who is the most powerful academy in the mainland, was kidnapped by the evil soul master organization and took away two female students, and these two female students became the saints of the cult organization!
Also, why do cult names sound so decent?

What is missing?
Keke, get back to business.

"Xiao Hong... I need to communicate with you about something, you can come to me after dinner." Dai Mubai patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, smiling kindly.

Ma Hongjun didn't doubt that he was there, but felt that Dai Mubai was too capricious if he wanted to.

However, this is not the first time that Dai Mubai has been so willful, not only him, but also the rest of the Shrek Seven Monsters are used to it.

However, what Ma Hongjun was baffled about was... If he hadn't been dazzled just now, he seemed to have seen jealousy in Dai Mubai's eyes?

What is there in him that Dai Mubai should be jealous of?And suddenly!
"Brother, what do you need me for?" Ma Hongjun quietly rushed to Dai Mubai's side, his handsome face was full of flattery.

Dai Mubai shook his head, refusing to answer now.But he didn't intend to make Ma Hongjun worry, he said: "It's not a big deal, just thought of something suddenly."

Ma Hongjun still wanted to ask, but seeing Dai Mubai's calm face, he hesitated a little, and then was dragged away by Shui Bing'er.

"I always feel that big brother is not the same person as us." Xiao Wu whispered to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu with black lines all over her head.

The one who is different from them is not Dai Mubai, but Xiao Wu!
You are a soul beast, have you forgotten?

Of course Xiao Wu didn't forget, but she basically didn't care about it except before she confessed to Tang San.She glanced at Dai Mubai, and began to whisper to Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

The core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

Tang San with dark blue long hair and shawl sat cross-legged in the center of the blue magic circle.

Blue-purple light spots hovered and danced in the air around him, like breathing life forms, changing and combining shapes with the frequency of Tang San's exercises.

Di Tian was still holding the notebook and the pen in his hand, quite surprised by the current situation.

"Although he has half the blood of a soul beast, it shouldn't be... The Blue Silver Emperor at that time had already become a soul saint and transformed into a human being... After all, he is still a pure human being!"

Ditian kept writing and drawing in his notebook, and countless guesses were written and crossed out.

"Is it because the Blue Silver Emperor was not a soul sage when he was pregnant, but he was when he was born... But at that time he had already formed? Even if the Blue Silver Emperor underwent transformation, it would not be affected?"

Di Tian felt that this guess was very possible, otherwise, Tang San would have no reason to be a mixed race.

"Even so, a mixed blood shouldn't be so attractive to plant-type soul beasts! He must have some kind of adventure!"

Seeing Ditian scratching his ears and cheeks, Long Aotian was a little helpless, he said: "Tang San has indeed encountered many adventures."

"He is a rare experimental subject!" Di Tian's eyes were burning, and he had the urge to dissect Tang San and study it.

"No!" Long Aotian immediately stopped him, "Tang San is Dai Mubai's brother, just based on this, you can't touch him!"

"It's okay to just take some blood and hair that don't hurt the body for research?" Di Tian still respects and respects Long Aotian, but this is not without principles and bottom lines.

He finally understood that relying on no one is worse than relying on himself.

"Ask him yourself." Long Aotian didn't stop anymore.

Di Tian smiled.

"Actually, from Tang San, I saw another possibility that human beings must protect the Star Dou Forest."

Di Tian said to Long Aotian: "As long as we set the soul rings needed for plant-type martial souls to be absorbed only in places with the attributes of primitive forests, then humans will love forests even more than we do."

"Everyone prospers, every one hurts, it's not just talking." Di Tian smiled, "What good is the so-called Spirit Pagoda for the forest? And artificial souls and external soul rings are just cheaper for humans, not for soul beasts." What's the benefit? When they don't need soul beasts, it's time to raise the slaughter knife against them!"

"Only when soul beasts and humans truly form a community of destiny can we truly seek cooperation with peace of mind."

Long Aotian didn't refute Ditian, but he didn't agree either.

He just asked back: "Then do you think... With the speed of human development, can they be willing to reach a community of destiny with soul beasts?"

Di Tian fell silent.

"Therefore, we need to keep improving. As long as we can keep pace with each other, with our long life span, it is not difficult to surpass them."

"It's just one very important thing... Unless you completely occupy the power of the God Realm, you should never think about exterminating human beings!"

"Don't worry, I have a deeper understanding of human beings after getting along with each other in the past few years. Before the overall situation is settled, I love peace."

"Follow your will." Di Tian bowed to Long Aotian to salute.

In peaceful times, he is the guardian of peace, but in troubled times, he is the messenger of nuclear peace.

Long Aotian turned his head to look at Tang San, seven colors of light flowed in his eyes, for a long time, he picked up a cloud of Dragon Lake water with the tip of his tail and poured it on Tang San's head.

Inheriting the power of the Silver Dragon King, in addition to the two powers of ice and fire, Long Aotian is also gradually controlling the power of spirit and elements.

Sending Tang San a copy of the origin of the wood element is just a drop in the bucket for him.

(End of this chapter)

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