Chapter 175

"The fish is dead and the net is broken?" Dai Mubai chuckled, "The fish will definitely die, but the net will never be broken. Who wants to try?"

Dai Mubai held the bazooka in his hand, really wanted to make an example of others.

Someone secretly shouted: "Don't be fooled by him! Even if he has a soul guide, he certainly doesn't have many shells! There are so many of us, don't be afraid of him alone!"

"That's right..." Dai Mubai put away the bazooka, flicked it casually, and a green leaf flew out, right between the eyebrows of the person who secretly provoked.

"Even if I don't use the soul tool, it looks like you guys can't do anything to me?" Dai Mubai leaned against the door frame, smiling, looking very kind.

"Everyone shoulder to shoulder! He absolutely cannot kill us all by himself!" A murderer who had won more than 30 matches in the hell killing field roared and rushed towards Dai Mubai.

There was one person present, all of them were vicious and twisted lunatics, seeing someone desperately going up, everyone's eyes were filled with fierceness, and they rushed up to kill Dai Mubai.

"Tsk." Dai Mubai smacked his lips, without even changing his eyes, "I've given you many chances, since you're looking for death, I can only let you die."

Dai Mubai raised his right arm, black lines so deep that even his eyes could swallow them emerged from his right arm bone, gradually, a black vortex one zhang square appeared in front of Dai Mubai.

All the people who rushed towards Dai Mubai were in a trance for a while, and then they screamed and were swallowed by the black vortex.

In just a few minutes, thousands of people were all swallowed by the black vortex, life and death were unknown, and there were no bones left!
"Using it for the first time, the effect is not bad." Dai Mubai interrupted the spirit ability, showing a handsome smiling face, his complexion was still rosy, completely unable to see the weakness after killing thousands of people.

"Oh, the soul power has increased by another level~" Dai Mubai said arrogantly, and he said to himself, "If everyone in the Slaughter City is swallowed... maybe the accumulated soul power is enough I rushed to Title Douluo?"

"Is there anyone else? It's time to start!"

Those who were not impulsive couldn't help but shiver.

Fuck, this is a ruthless person!

This is not treating people as human beings!

What the hell is treating human life like nothing!

This is the real killer!

Not only did it kill you, leaving you with no bones left, but it also frankly absorbed your power and turned it into its own use!
No wonder this person came to the capital of killing!
There is not a single good person in the capital of killing, even if they are all slaughtered, there will not be much psychological burden!

The key is!
People can't run away!
"Where did this monster come from?" Someone slumped on the ground and muttered blankly, "I thought King Shura was a terrifying monster before, but compared to this one, he is like a younger brother! "

"I suddenly regret coming to Slaughter Capital..."

"I'm not a little regretful, I'm so regretful that my intestines are green!"

"I was thinking, if I hadn't coveted the treasures of my teammates and killed them, I wouldn't have been wanted by the Spirit Hall, and if I wasn't wanted by the Spirit Hall, I wouldn't have escaped to the Capital of Slaughter, and I wouldn't have escaped to the capital of killing. I would never have encountered such a big devil. I am so stupid, really..."

"Back then, even if I was caught and killed by the Spirit Hall, I shouldn't have come to the City of Slaughter..."

"If you don't come to the City of Slaughter, at least you can leave your bones...although you will definitely be thrown into a mass grave to be eaten by wild dogs and least, you can leave something..."

"Is it still useful for me to turn to the Great Demon King now? I've been working obediently... I haven't complained, I haven't even complained... I just want to live! Why is it so difficult!"

Some people complained about themselves as if Mrs. Xianglin was possessed; some broke down and cried; some tried to recommend themselves to Dai Mubai; The general heroic momentum rushed towards Dai Mubai.

Hu Liena's eyes sparkled, and she thought to herself: "He dares to come to the capital of slaughter, and he is not afraid of being eroded by murderous aura and losing his mind. He must have an extremely powerful head soul bone. He just performed a soul skill, which is clearly the bone of his right arm. Soul skills... he actually has at least two soul bones!"

"He just said that King Shura is his thirteenth younger brother, and I have seen King Shura's martial soul by chance. Since King Shura's martial soul is the Clear Sky Hammer, then it must be from the Clear Sky School! This person, unexpectedly Is he also a disciple of Haotianzong?"

"It is indeed the number one sect in the mainland. Even though the mountain has been closed for more than ten years, it still has a profound foundation. It can actually take out two head spirit bones that are not inferior to mine!"

"King Shura has won 67 games, and he has just arrived... If King Shura still fights according to the previous rhythm, he can challenge Hell Road next year."

"This person's soul bone and soul skills are domineering, and he has a soul guide. He can sweep across the Slaughter Capital. Maybe he will soon catch up with King Shura. Maybe... the Slaughter King can even make an exception for him and let him directly Challenge the road to hell with King Shura!"

"No! With my own ability, I will definitely not be able to leave Hell Road smoothly. I need a partner!"

"Otherwise, I don't know if I can leave before I completely lose my mind!"

"I have to find them to cooperate!"

After Hu Liena figured out her situation, she no longer hesitated, walked out from the darkness, and faced Dai Mubai directly.

"Can you invite me in for a sit down?" The coldness in Hu Liena's voice faded away, making her sound even more pleasant.

Dai Mubai looked at her, and declined with a smile: "My younger brother is still sleeping, the new house has not been built yet, there is not enough space in the house, it is really inconvenient to entertain guests today."

Hu Liena frowned slightly, and asked, "King Shura, is he really Your Excellency's younger brother?"

"Don't you realize that he and I have something in common?" Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows, his tone a little frivolous.

Hu Liena stared and pondered for a moment, then said, "Your attack methods are very similar."

It's just that Tang San pays more attention to skills, while Dai Mubai only cares about the result.

Dai Mubai shook his head in disappointment: "Didn't you realize that what we really have in common is——we all have an extremely handsome face?"

Hu Liena was stunned.

She subconsciously looked at Dai Mubai's face.

It is indeed a sharp-edged, very handsome face.

But from the owner of this face, why is it so weird?
"Hmph," Dai Mubai suddenly snorted arrogantly, and said, "I knew that women must have malicious intentions when they came to me and Shisan, and they must have taken a fancy to our brother's peerless beauty!"

"Shallow woman! Can't you see the essence through the phenomenon and see the earth-shattering talent of this handsome guy?"

Hu Liena: "..."

"Farewell, I'll come visit you after Brother Ling wakes up!"

Dai Mubai pursed his lips: "I knew it, it really coveted our beauty! After being exposed by me, you ran away?"

"Hmph, human beings with fish lips, you will never be able to get a handsome man like me!"

Hu Liena staggered, and immediately ran faster.

I never expected that some people who look arrogant, ruthless, and murderous are actually narcissists!
(End of this chapter)

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