Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 169 It's Time to Pretend Again

Chapter 169 It's Time to Pretend Again
Dai Mubai going to the Slaughter Capital naturally didn't need to be as troublesome as Tang San.

He doesn't have to drink human blood or slaughter taverns.

The Slaughter Capital can exist on the mainland, apart from the protection of the Wuhun Temple, it might not be without the connivance of the two great empires.

In short, when Dai Mubai asked Dai Xinghe to enter the Slaughter City, Dai Xinghe arranged it for him without saying a word.

People in Slaughter City also need food and daily necessities. It is impossible for an underground city to have only one supplier, and it is impossible for the two empires to tolerate the exclusive trading rights of Wuhundian and Slaughter City.

Under the guidance of the shadow guards, Dai Mubai walked into the passage through the entrance, and walked towards the killing capital with the dark wind blowing in the passage where spiritual power was forbidden.

The Killing Capital is a black city.The thick black city walls are extremely wide, and a purple moon hangs above the city.The position of the moon is very low, it seems to be less than 500 meters from the ground, and looking up, everything is submerged in darkness.

"Welcome to the capital of killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, and the price is your life." Before Dai Mubai walked out of the passage, he heard such a passage No male or female voices.

Dai Mubai glanced at a pair of black-armored knights at the entrance of the passage, didn't bother to pay attention to them, tiptoed, flew past them and landed at the city gate.

The leading knight exclaimed: "Why can he still use soul skills?"

Soul skills are banned in the capital of killing, almost no one can break this ban!

Why can a newcomer?
"I heard that the Star Luo Empire has developed many soul guides, maybe that newcomer just used a soul guide."

The leading knight was a little worried: "Once the soul guide becomes popular, the rules of the Slaughter City will change."

The killing capital prohibits the use of soul skills, but does not seal the soul power, so soul tools can be used here.

As for the person without the soul guide and the one with the soul guide, although it cannot be said that it is clear at a glance who wins, the person with the soul guide has a higher chance of winning.

"I heard that someone has paid a lot of money to buy a soul tool..."

The pitch-black city gate gave people an extremely depressing feeling. On the huge city gate, hung the four characters of Slaughter Capital.

In front of the door, two rows of black armored warriors stood there quietly.

Dai Mubai raised his head to look at the chilly city gate, slightly frowned.

Although he has not yet entered the killing capital, the smell of blood in the killing capital has already spread.

Dai Mubai flipped his hands and took out the identity card given to him by the shadow guard, but those black-armored warriors didn't check it.At the same time, a woman wearing a black veil walked out of the killing capital.

"Welcome to the City of Slaughter." The woman's voice was pleasant, she walked away from Dai Mubai, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Identity, reason." Dai Mubai briefly asked.

A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, the shadow guard didn't reveal too much about the Slaughter City to him, Dai Mubai knew very little about the Slaughter City.So, even if he would definitely go in, he wouldn't follow anyone who came out casually.

"I am your guide. You can ask me anything you don't understand. Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. After twelve hours, this is where you live. You also I will officially become a member of the Killing Capital," said the black-veiled woman.

"Novice stage?" Dai Mubai brought the black-veiled woman into the identity of NPC, so he could understand her existence.

I didn't expect the capital of killing to have such humane rules.

The black-veiled woman said with a smile: "Yes. Within twelve hours, you will be in the newcomer protection period."

Dai Mubai nodded, followed the black-veiled woman into the Slaughter City.

This is a blue-purple world.

There are lights hanging on both sides of the street, and only two kinds of light, blue and purple, are released.

There are not many people in the city, and they don't care about the newcomers.Of course, there are also some skinny people like skeletons who will look at Dai Mubai with salivating eyes.

The black-veiled woman said: "There is no currency in the capital of killing, and any food is provided for free. Of course, poisonousness is not excluded. Here, the dead are the most valuable. Everyone will use the number of skulls they own as a symbol of strength. The blood and skulls of the opponents killed by oneself can be exchanged for other items."

"Everyone is required to enter the Killing Fields of Hell once a year. As long as they can pass one battle, they can live in the Killing City for another year. If you don't want to go through the bloody battles in the Killing Fields of Hell, you can turn in two Bloody Marys every month." You can continue to live in the killing capital."

"Except for the necessary survival requirements, there are no rules in the Slaughter City. As a member of the Slaughter City, you can do anything here. Even if a Titled Douluo from the outside world comes here, he will die because of the disappearance of his soul skills. become weaker. And we are under the rule of the King of Slaughter, there is no need to fear them at all. In the Capital of Slaughter, as long as you have enough ability, you can do anything you want. But I must remind you. Because There are no rules here, and you can be in mortal danger at any moment. In a way, this is a paradise for sin."

In the outer city of the killing capital, there are some simple black stone houses on both sides of the street, and there will be some special places to eat every other way.At this time, many people lined up there waiting for the food to be distributed.

Free food, queuing up to eat a big pot meal?
Dai Mubai frowned.

This killing city looks like a prison for death row prisoners. He walked this way, but he didn't see a few normal people with flesh and blood, and almost everyone was a skinny skeleton.

"Is this also worthy of being called the paradise of evil?" Dai Mubai turned his head to look at the black-veiled woman.

"Many people come here because they can't survive in the outside world and have to choose to enter. After coming here, they don't need to worry about being chased and killed. Every member of the killing city will be killed. The protection of the capital. This is why the capital of killing is called the paradise of sin."

"Soul skills are banned in the Slaughter City, and it is forbidden to leave. Maybe someone can violently enter the Slaughter City, but in the Slaughter City, there is a special law enforcement team. The great Slaughter King controls everything here, the real strong in the law enforcement team All of them are Contras who have been endowed with the ability to use soul skills by the King of Slaughter, and the captain is even a titled Douluo. In the case of losing their soul skills, almost no one can escape the pursuit of the law enforcement team."

"There is only one way to leave the Slaughtering City. That is to win the championship of the Hell Slaughtering Fields, and then rush out of the Hell Road after being qualified to challenge the Hell Road. The title of god. The city of killing has been built for thousands of years, and there have been eight killing gods before and after."

Dai Mubai nodded: "Then go to the hell killing field."

What's the big deal if you can't use soul skills?Anyway, Dai Mubai rarely used soul skills.

Let him teach this group of desperadoes with lagging information in the killing capital, what is——

"There is nothing I can't do, only things I don't want to do, no matter where!"

 The Slaughter City section will probably last more than a dozen chapters... I am trying to write the battle plot.

(End of this chapter)

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