Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 161 Departure and Arrival

Chapter 161 Departure and Arrival

Erha appeared in front of Zhu Zhuqing, looking at her with pity.

"If you're from Bella Kingdom, I'll let you run to the Star Dou Forest? Since you know you can't ask Carlos for help, why are you lying to yourself?"

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes dimmed, he staggered a few steps, and sat on the ground without any image.

"Then, why did he want me to follow Carlos all the time?" Zhu Zhuqing didn't drink water for a long time, and he didn't speak for the past few days, his voice was hoarse at this time.

Erha rubbed his head, and replied: "He originally thought that there would be dead soldiers attacking you in the Kingdom of Bella, and Carlos was his mentor, so he asked you to seek Carlos' asylum. Who would have thought that the Kingdom of Bella was so What about cowardice?"

The Kingdom of Bella is really cowardly, it has been destroyed, and there is not even a splash.

If it were Dai Mubai who was beaten to the door of his house, even if he couldn't die, he would have blood splashed on your face before he died.

Erha didn't understand Bella Kingdom's way of handling things, but Dai Mubai somewhat understood.

It is true that they are unwilling to subjugate the country, but it is unrealistic for them to really die.

The battle must be fought, and the heart must be obeyed.

It's really a mess, and the Bella royal family must be miserable, and maybe they will die out immediately.But if there is room for it, it is a delusion to become a king and ancestor in the future, and it is not bad to be a free and easy nobleman.

If you die and have nothing, but live, what if there is a peerless genius in the family in the future?It may not be impossible to change the world by then!
How many people are there who have sufficient conditions like Tang San but have no ambition to dominate the world?

The Dai family of the Star Luo Empire has been around for 4 years, no longer than the Tang family?

Only because Tang San was an honest person, Xue Beng hugged his thigh and knelt and licked successfully.

Dai Mubai once discussed with Mu Bai that the aristocratic system will definitely run through the Douluo Continent.

Soul master, this is a profession that fights father.

Soul mentors are more desperate than soul masters.

Can those treasures of heaven and earth, precious materials, be affordable by the poor?Not to mention anything else, how many commoner soul masters died in the forest in order to hunt for soul rings?
Of course, if you have luck like Huo Hang, that's another matter.

Therefore, for the sake of its descendants, the Kingdom of Bella had no choice but to give in.

Having said that, there is no way for Zhu Zhuqing to return to the Star Luo Empire after running away like this.

She is equivalent to voluntarily giving up the position of princess.

"Although you have been busy running away these days, you are still thinking, right?" Erha lay on the grass next to Zhu Zhuqing, and said, "Now you know why Emperor Xingluo let you come to the front, but called Dai Mubai gone back?"

"Why?" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were lost, "What's wrong with me?"

Erha was silent for a long time.

Zhu Zhuqing sat on the ground blankly, weeping silently.

"Because you are a daughter of the Zhu family, and because Dai Mubai likes you so much." Erha said.

"Heh." Zhu Zhuqing raised his head, covered his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"He is Prince Xingluo." Erha sighed, "Do you want him to disobey his father and abandon his mother because of you? Do you want him to throw away his responsibilities, give up all his hard work, and run away with you desperately?" ?”

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head slowly.

"Before he ascends the throne, you will not be able to return to Xingluo Palace." The Erha raised his claws and touched Zhu Zhuqing's head, comforting him, "He escaped the first day of the junior high school, but he was not able to escape the fifteenth day. There is no way to save you at all. What's more, as long as the emperor's heart to kill you is not dead, he can save you once, how many times can he save you? Do you want to hide under his wings forever? Go to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest and find Xiao Wu. Practice hard, and you will return to him one day."

Erha took out a handkerchief from Zhu Zhuqing's storage soul guide, handed her to wipe her face, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you want to dump him at that time, anyway, labor and management think he is worthless, so instead of following him, You might as well live by yourself. There are so many men in the world, Dai Mubai is the only one!"

"What the hell are you?" Zhu Zhuqing wiped his face, took a sip of water, and after recovering a little, he was in the mood to ask about Erha's origin.

"Laozi? A divine beast from another world, met Dai Mubai by chance, and then got mixed up with him."

Erha held his head high, and said in a spirited manner.

A husky was triumphant, as if the heroes of the world were all remnants and brave soldiers under its claws, Zhu Zhuqing chuckled when he saw it.


"There are a lot of big dogs in labor and capital, so I don't care about you, a crying little mother!"

Erha rolled his eyes at Zhu Zhuqing, and walked into the Xingdou Great Forest with a joyful yet graceful pace.

Zhu Zhuqing followed Erha, and after crying and laughing, she felt much better. She asked curiously, "Is your name Erha?"

"My father's name is Daha, so I'm called Erha. This is the same as your sister's name is Zhu Zhuyun, and your name is Zhu Zhuqing."

"But my sister and I are sisters, but you and your father are father and son..."

"Little girl is really long-winded!"

"How can I? Do you know where Xiao Wu is?"

"It's over if you keep up. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"


Erha and Zhu Zhuqing fled to the Star Dou Great Forest, naturally the distance between them and Dai Mubai became farther and farther.

Thanks to Dai Mubai who gave Erha a flat peach, otherwise Erha would not have been able to accompany Zhu Zhuqing to the Star Forest to find Xiao Wu.

After all, Erha is just a soul right now, it can't stay too far away from Dai Mubai.

The effect of the five-color flat peach is powerful, making this impossible possible.

However, the Five-Color Flat Peach also has an expiry date, at most it can only be used for one month.Now, it has been... three days since Dai Mubai returned to Star Luo Palace.

Yes, the timeline was drawn back to eighteen days before Zhu Zhuqing fled.

This day was the day when the Heaven Dou Empire mission arrived at Star Luo City.

Dai Mubai was imprisoned for three days and then released again.

Dai Mubai sat on the horned horse, looking at the huge envoys guarded by honor, with a gentle smile on his face.

He should have continued in confinement, but the arrival of Xue Qinghe and his party was a test for him.

Prince Tiandou came to visit. As the prince of Xingluo, he could not lose Xingluo's prestige, but he also couldn't hate the Tiandou Empire during this period of good relations between the two countries.

Dai Mubai is a university student, Dai Mubai only dabbled occasionally before, not much different from a layman.

At this time, he was also rushing the ducks to the shelves, and he had to bite the bullet if he didn't want to.

"A good fantasy script, played into a historical script abruptly, with Dai Mubai's identity... hey."

Reluctant to helpless, didn't Dai Mubai raise his smiling face and warmly entertain Xue Qinghe?
Forget it, it's the first time for my daughter-in-law to come to the door, it's too contrived to do this reluctantly.

"I haven't seen you for several months, Prince Qinghe is even more handsome than before." Dai Mubai rode his horse to the front of Xueqinghe's carriage, his tone was enthusiastic, as if two brothers were alike.

Xue Qinghe was standing in front of the frame at this time, with a gentle smile on his face: "I live in vain, but it's not as pleasant as Prince Chongming's entering the country."

The two exchanged a disgusted look, and in the blink of an eye they looked happy again.

(End of this chapter)

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