Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 119 The Real Hammer Scumbag [4 words]

Chapter 119 The Real Hammer Scumbag [[-] words]

Zhu Zhuqing straddled Dai Mubai, looked down at Dai Mubai, and asked very seriously: "Why did your spirit go to the core area?"

Dai Mubai blinked.

Zhu Zhuqing straightened his face and prevented him from tilting his head, so that he could only look directly at himself: "Don't try to lie to me."

Dai Mubai: "..."

He wanted to say that although he planned to tell a harmless white lie, the main reason for his hesitation now was...

From his current angle, his entire line of sight is covered by Zhu Zhuqing's plump and domineering future child with good nutrition.

Well, I can barely see Zhu Zhuqing's bright and watery eyes.

But that's not the point!

The point is!
For a moment he forgot what to say!

"Cough, Zhuqing, your posture..." Dai Mubai had to remind Zhu Zhuqing with difficulty, "I am still very weak now..."

"Don't change the subject!" Zhu Zhuqing said angrily.

But she looked down...

This posture is indeed too unrestrained.


Zhu Zhuqing jumped off the bed, not forgetting to cover Dai Mubai with the quilt.

Dai Mubai smiled wryly.

He doesn't want to be a hooligan, he just wants to be a beast.

It's a pity that there is more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Whenever he was delayed for one night, he would put Zhu Zhuqing on the bed to do some disharmonious things now.

"Lie down first, I'll go wash up!" Zhu Zhuqing rolled his eyes, thinking of something, and ran into the bathroom in the room with a pretty face flushed.

Dai Mubai: "..."

I've said it all, I'm still vain!
Forget it, hey.

Dai Mubai closed his eyes to meditate, and began to practice.

Half an hour later, Zhu Zhuqing came out of the bathroom, and Dai Mubai opened his eyes just in time.

However, Dai Mubai's face was full of helplessness.

For every ten soul powers cultivated, nine will be sucked away by Mu Bai who is sleeping deep in his soul.If this continues, when will he replenish all his soul power?
"what happened?"

Zhu Zhuqing's hair was still dripping with water just after taking a shower, and his face was exceptionally fair.

"It's a bit troublesome to recover." Dai Mubai pinched the center of his brows, raised his head and smiled at Zhu Zhuqing, "My Zhuqing is getting better and better."

Zhu Zhuqing gave him a charming look.

"You haven't told the truth yet." Zhu Zhuqing sat on the chair beside the bed and wiped his hair with a sullen face.

Dai Mubai felt a little headache.

"I'm not lying to you, but I can't tell you the truth."

Zhu Zhuqing paused, holding the towel, sitting upright, and asked very seriously: "Does the explosion in the Star Dou Forest have anything to do with you?"

Dai Mubai covered his face, he knew that Zhu Zhuqing was smart, but thinking of this, did she think highly of him?

Can a normal person connect the explosion in the core area of ​​Star Dou Forest with his soul sect?
"Of course it has something to do with me. Isn't it proof that I'm lying here? But, Zhuqing, do you think I have that ability?"

Zhu Zhuqing opened his mouth, realizing that he was really thinking too much.

Anyway, Dai Mubai is just a soul sect.There are 10-year-old soul beasts in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest!

"Of course, the stronger I am in your heart, the better, but I'm just an ordinary person, no matter how powerful I am, it's still within the scope of human beings." After practicing for half an hour, Dai Mubai somewhat recovered some strength, he He propped himself up, touched Zhu Zhuqing's small face, and said with a smile, "Don't worry too much about me, I won't die."

"Then you're scaring me like this?!" Dai Mubai didn't say anything, but when he said it, Zhu Zhuqing got angry, slapped Dai Mubai's hand away, and said in a crying voice, "You know I watched you bloody How scared were you when you lay there?"

Dai Mubai opened his mouth: "I'm sorry."

Seeing Dai Mubai bowing his head to admit his mistake, Zhu Zhuqing's heart softened again.

"I, I don't blame you, I just don't want you to be in danger again..." Zhu Zhuqing had a sore nose, and burst into tears again.

Dai Mubai had mixed feelings in his heart.

"I'm really sorry, I'll be more careful in the future."

Zhu Zhuqing had never seen Dai Mubai's powerless appearance of bowing his head and admitting his mistakes.

She clearly knew that soul master is a profession accompanied by death, but she didn't want Dai Mubai to encounter any danger.

She clearly knew that Dai Mubai had lofty ambitions in her heart, but she only hoped that he could always be with her.

All this time, Dai Mubai was accommodating and pampering her.

So just like what Dai Mubai said to her in Alpha Palace four years ago, she acted like a baby in front of him, willful, and fragile, she thought he was omnipotent, but forgot that Dai Mubai was only three years older than her . (Zhu Zhuqing was more than 11 years old when he entered school, and Dai Mubai was 15 years old, so the difference is more than three years old.)
Perhaps it was because Dai Mubai's powerful image was too deeply ingrained in her heart, so she forgot that there were times when Dai Mubai was beyond his power.

"Don't cry, why did you turn into a little cry when I woke up?" When Dai Mubai raised his head, he still smiled gently, and handed the handkerchief on the bedside table to Zhu Zhuqing, "Wipe your little face, just now The clean face is crying again."

Perhaps it was his appearance of being able to smile gently no matter what happened, that gave Zhu Zhuqing the illusion that he was omnipotent.

Zhu Zhuqing took the handkerchief in a daze, and wiped his face carelessly.

"Silly girl!" Dai Mubai opened his arms to Zhu Zhuqing with distress and helplessness, "You can have more confidence in me."


Although he threw himself into Dai Mubai's embrace very obediently, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were clear and firm.

It is indeed easy to become vulnerable if you are always protected.

"In the future, I will protect you instead." Zhu Zhuqing said silently to herself.

Dai Mubai had just woken up, his bones were a little rusty, when Zhu Zhuqing finally fell asleep in his arms, he got up and washed, and was going to go out to have a look.

But when he saw Zhu Zhuqing's sleepy face, his heart softened.

"Forget it, she guarded me for seven or eight days, and it's my turn to stay with her for one night."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun were sticking to the door, and when they heard that there was no movement in the room, they secretly opened a crack in the door.

The two of them turned their heads sideways to peek into the room, looking like wretched uncles.

"Come in." Dai Mubai said to the door with black lines all over his head.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar froze.

"Hey, I heard that you're awake, brother, so let's come and have a look..." Oscar said shyly, rubbing the back of his head.

Dai Mubai was too lazy to get angry with them, and asked directly: "What's the situation now?"

Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked at each other with serious expressions, Ma Hongjun said: "The situation is very bad."

"There were many other teams in the Star Dou Forest that day besides us." Oscar said, "It is known that more than ten participating teams from academies were wiped out in the Star Dou Forest. So the Soul Master Competition postponed for three months."

Ma Hongjun continued: "The most important thing is... the countries around the Star Dou Great Forest, especially the Barak Kingdom, have suffered very serious damage. Now... Soto City no longer exists."

Dai Mubai suddenly became dizzy.

"What do you mean Soto City no longer exists?"

Oscar's voice was difficult: "The entire city of Soto was turned into ruins under the thunder."

Dai Mubai's body was stiff, but his fingers were trembling.

There are tens of millions of people in Suotuo City, just like that... all of them died under the thunder calamity of the Silver Dragon King?

those people……

Dai Mubai closed his eyes, suppressed the fishy sweetness in his throat.

"Brother, you...don't be sad. Natural disasters are ruthless, no one expected this to happen." Oscar knew what Dai Mubai was worried about, and quickly gave him relief, he said, "Balak King City is fine, it has not been affected. It is said that the eldest princess and the little prince have been taken back to Xingluo City."

"En." Dai Mubai responded lightly, "Is there anything else?"

Ma Hongjun said: "The other thing is that Tang San knows his own background."

"Isn't this very good?" Dai Mubai smiled, "How did he find out?"

Ma Hongjun also showed a smile: "Teacher, he often went to Lanba Academy recently, and we followed him a few times. Xiao Wu recognized Dean Liu as her godmother, and then ran to Lanba Academy twice a day, but was caught by a Someone named Tyrone is entangled."

Dai Mubai roughly understood: "With Xiao Wu's temperament, he will definitely ask Tang San for help. Did Tang San beat that person up?"

Oscar nodded: "It's a terrible beating!"

"What about after that?" Dai Mubai asked knowingly.

Ma Hongjun said: "If you hit the young one, the old one will come, and if you beat the old one, the older one will come. The third brother has no choice but to accidentally expose the second martial spirit, and then he was recognized by that old man as the young master."

"The Li Yi Clan is a subordinate of the Haotian School, right?" Dai Mubai and Oscar came to the side of the sofa, he said with a smile, "Among the four subordinate sects of the Haotian School, only the Li Yi Clan is sincere. If it is the other three major families , Don't just bow down, I'm afraid it will tear Tang San's heart."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun were stunned: "Big Brother, you already knew about Third Brother's background?"

"Ask knowingly." Dai Mubai shook his head, "San'er's Clear Sky Hammer is the same as Rongrong's Glazed Pagoda, they are the only one, there is no other semicolon. His life experience is not difficult to find out."

Ma Hongjun smacked his lips: "The third brother is really the young master of the Haotian School?"

"That's right, among the seven students in Shrek Academy, only you two are real grassroots soul masters." Dai Mubai's eyes were complicated, "You two's identities will help me a lot in the future."

Ma Hongjun and Oscar didn't know, so: "We are orphans picked up by the director, how can this identity help you?"

Dai Mubai smiled without saying a word.

"San'er is too busy with his own affairs, and he can't really count on him after graduation." Dai Mubai said to Oscar, "Don't you two be curious about his identity, he is confused now, wait for him to do something I understand, I will tell you of course. As for the help I want from you, you will know after graduation."

"Everyone likes to play tricks so much?" Ma Hongjun said displeased, "But forget it, anyway, I'm with you gang of insidious and cunning people, so you don't have to worry about being tricked."

Dai Mubai was speechless.

Oscar slapped him: "What are you talking about? Are you stupid and blame others?"

Ma Hongjun covered his head and felt wronged: "It seems that you understand."

Oscar: "..."

"It's fine if you don't understand, why do you have to say it? Are you stupid?"

Ma Hongjun was even more wronged: "Isn't it more stupid to pretend to understand if you don't know?"

Oscar fell silent.

He would never admit that he just wanted to slap Ma Hongjun.

"By the way, brother, what's your situation?" Oscar changed the subject.

Dai Mubai smiled slightly: "Don't ask, asking is a secret."

"Oh," Oscar pouted, "By the way, Prince Qinghe told me and Xiaohong just now, if you have time, go see him."

"Go away! Go away, Xiaohong! Please call me Brother Jun!" Ma Hongjun was furious, and finally slapped him back.

Dai Mubai had a headache: "Go out and make trouble, Zhuqing is still resting."

"Speaking of this..." Oscar's expression gradually became wretched, "Did anything happen between you and Zhuqing just now?"

Dai Mubai was speechless: "You think I have the strength to do something?"

Oscar: (-)~

This is very embarrassing.

"Okay, then Xiaohong and I will find something for you to eat." Oscar dragged Ma Hongjun away.

"Can you stop calling me Xiaohong?" Ma Hongjun tried to discuss with Oscar.

Oscar was very polite: "Is that called Big Red?"

Ma Hongjun: "...Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

"Call me Brother Jun to die!"

"You can't die, you can go crazy!"

"Bitch O, go to hell with me!"

Dai Mubai walked into the bathroom with a smile on his face, but a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Tens of millions of people..." Dai Mubai leaned against the wall, and slowly slid on the ground.

The tiles are very cold, but Dai Mubai's heart is even cooler.

Tens of millions of people died, to Dai Mubai, it was actually just a word, he couldn't even imagine what that meant.

Those people have nothing to do with him, no matter how many deaths he has, he has no real sense.

But in Suotuo City, there is Tianyi Pavilion, Linxian Building, and the Great Soul Arena... and the small village outside Suotuo City where the Shrek Academy is located.

There, there are many people he knows well.

If Mu Bai and Long Aotian hadn't provoke the Silver Dragon King, those people wouldn't have died.

No matter what happens to the mainland in the future, at least they will not die so humblely.

Under the punishment of thunder, he was reduced to ashes without any resistance.

Most of them are ordinary people, even if they lived humble lives and died peacefully, at least someone would die for them...

However, they all became the funeral objects of the Silver Dragon King.

Why do you want to provoke the Silver Dragon King now?

Why do you want to watch the Silver Dragon King fly into the human city?
Are so many innocent people sacrificed for that goal?
Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lu Mingfei quickly released the skull soul skill - absolutely calm.

Within 3 minutes, abandon all human emotions, like a cold machine, make choices and behaviors that are most beneficial to yourself.

Dai Mubai at this time is just a scumbag with no feelings.

"The matter has come to this, we can only find a way to make up for it."

"The sooner the soul beast clan is integrated, the less hidden dangers there will be in the future. After the Silver Dragon King recovers, do we still have to watch that arrogant and unclear love brain destroy the continent?"

"So, my choice was right."

"The best compensation is to achieve the goal."

"In this way, they are not dead in vain."

"Everything is for the greater good."

 There is only one update today.I have accumulated a lot of negative emotions recently, and I am not a strong person. I cried while typing yesterday.I have to adjust my mentality next, and then sort out my next train of thought.There may only be one update of [-] words per day.Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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