Call of the Deer

Chapter 415 Different Hearts, Lingnan Hucheng

Chapter 415 Different Hearts, Lingnan Hucheng

(Brothers, I have recently resumed updating. I hope you will support me a lot, and I hope you will give me some motivation. Give me recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, etc., and I will continue to work hard to update)

Walking out of the allied camp, the six generals under Bei Minghao's command were all flushed, and their eyes were full of murderous aura.

If it hadn't been for Bei Minghao's efforts to suppress it before, I'm afraid that all the generals would have made a big fuss and tore down the camp of the allied army. How could it be Li Shimin's turn to be complacent and the villain to succeed.

"My lord, the little boy of the Li family is really deceiving people too much. Please let the last general kill him. The last general will definitely behead the thief and vent his anger on the lord."

Ma Chao's temperament was strong, and the emperor humiliated his ministers to death. This is the same principle since ancient times. Now that Bei Minghao is being bullied by Li Shimin, how can Ma Chao bear it.

"If you don't kill Li Shimin, you will be a subject in vain!"

Zhao Yun clenched his fists tightly, and his star eyes exuded a cold aura, like a cheetah that could violently kill at any time, calm and dangerous.

"My lord, please let the last general go out, and he will definitely kill Li Shimin."

"My lord, let me go. I, Dian Wei, will be able to chop up Li Shimin's dog's head. See if he is still airy, hmph."

"My lord, let me come, I promise to make Li Shimin's death very ugly"

The six people said every word, and all of them wanted to kill Li Shimin and express their anger for Bei Minghao.
"Everyone, don't be impatient. Li Shimin's request is just to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to unite with other princes to exert pressure and force the fixed network to release Xiong Kuohai's life. It's a pity that Li Shimin's organs have been exhausted, and he can't expect Xiong Kuohai to die. Kuo Hai has already turned his back on the dark and surrendered to the lonely king, this time Li Shimin is probably going to eat his own shit, hahaha."

"I really want to see what kind of expression Li Shimin will have when he sees Xiong Kuo Hai appearing on the battlefield."

Bei Minghao's face was not angry, but with a hint of schadenfreude, as if he had encountered something extremely amusing.

"But my lord, this thief is so rampant that he dares to openly humiliate the lord in his camp. If you don't kill this thief, you will be in vain as a minister."

When Ma Chao heard this, he spoke anxiously.

"Meng Qi, this Northern Expedition has a lot to do with it, and Li Shimin, as the leader of the alliance, must not lose anything. Once something happens to Li Shimin, the alliance will be broken. At that time, the painstaking efforts of the lonely king before will be in vain. Let's talk about the man Being able to bend and stretch, a small humiliation is nothing to worry about, the lonely king will definitely take this debt back from Li Shimin in person in the future, there is no need to be in a hurry, it will spoil the big thing."

Bei Minghao waved his hands and said with a smile, he was not angry at all because of being humiliated in the camp, he lost his position
"Okay, follow me back to the city, I'm afraid I'm going to go to war in two days."

Afterwards, Bei Minghao drove into Jiuli Mountain City with Jiuyouwei and a group of generals.

In the camp of the allied army, the eight princes sat together, scolding Fang Qiu, chatting and laughing happily, and had a good time, and had already forgotten the previous unhappiness.

"Brother Li, you didn't see just now, Yanhuang King's face is as ugly as it is, hahaha"

"That's right, Bei Minghao has always relied on his civil and military skills to show off his might, and he didn't pay attention to us at all. Today, he finally let out a bad breath."

"Yes, on weekdays relying on the number of people and power to deploy Dongzhou, using us as pawns, it is really hateful"

"Bei Minghao walked away in dismay today with his tail between his legs. He was so happy. I want to remember this wonderful moment and always reminisce about it."

"Extremely extreme, come on, let's have a toast for defeating Bei Minghao's spirit today!"


Everyone's faces were full of joy, and every word and every word was full of the "feat" of today's everyone's concerted efforts to force Bei Minghao back.

"By the way, Brother Sun, you were allied with Bei Minghao before, do you know if he has any cards?"

With a faint smile on Li Shimin's face, he was quite high-spirited, as if he had returned to the Zhenguan era when he laid out the world and overlooked everyone.

"To tell you the truth, Bei Minghao's shameless act was completely helpless when he allyd with this thief before. How could he think that Bei Minghao is so ambitious that he wants to encroach on our territory? It's really abominable."

Sun Quan was worthy of being the lord of heroes, he beat his chest and stomped his feet, his face was full of anger, and his remorse was undisguised, as if he had been forced to ally with Bei Minghao before.

"Brother Sun said that Bei Minghao is ambitious. If we don't join forces, we will be captured by him sooner or later and become prisoners of his subordinates!"

Everyone was a nest of snakes and rats, all ambitious and afraid of Bei Minghao's power, so they came together. They didn't expose Sun Quan's previous careful thoughts, and of course there was no need to expose them.

Because the most important thing is that everyone has a common enemy now, and that is Yanhuang King who is getting stronger and stronger: Bei Minghao.

"By the way, Brother Li, for this Northern Expedition, do you really have confidence and become famous in one fell swoop? I heard that this time the Hu thief is called a million cavalry, and it cannot be resisted by manpower."

After Chai Rong became a bereaved dog, he became opposite-sex brothers with Xiao Yan, but he was much less courageous than before.

"Hehe, please rest assured, this time I not only bought [-] war horses from Bei Minghao, but also accumulated [-] well-trained cavalrymen. In addition, I also have a secret weapon. You can let the tiger thief drink a pot, everyone just wait and see the good show."

Li Shimin talked and laughed freely, confident in his chest, and ignored the Hu thief. A pair of star eyes scanned everyone present, full of confidence.

"Since Brother Li is so confident, when the time comes, I will follow the example of Brother Li and help Brother Li become famous in the world."

"Then I will thank you brothers and help me. When the time comes, I will never treat you brothers badly."

Li Shimin saw that several other princes were standing in the same camp as him, he suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart, and laughed loudly.

At the same time, in the north of Mangtang Mountain, at the other exit of Jiuli Valley, there is a city called Lingnan City.

Lingnan City has already been occupied by Hu people at this moment, and the guard guarding Lingnan City is Aixinjueluo Dorgon, one of the four great heroes of the Aixinjueluo tribe, and together with Aixinjueluo Xuanye, he is called the Aixinjueluo twin stars.

Dorgon, along with Temujin, Modun, Kublai Khan, Yelu Abaoji, Wanyan Aguda, Aixinjueluo Xuanye, are also known as the Seven Heroes of the Prairie, and their military capabilities are extremely outstanding.

At this moment, the defeated Zhebie finally took the remaining golden Xue army, and met the also defeated Mu Huali here, and the two fled to Lingnan City in embarrassment.

"Brother Mu, how did you end up in such a state? Where are your hundred thousand cavalry? Where did you go?"

Zhebie looked at Mu Huali with a haggard face in surprise, and at the sporadic cavalry behind him, a slight chill rose in his heart.

"Zhebie, I am ashamed of my trust in the Great Khan. One hundred thousand cavalry, the entire army is wiped out, woo woo woo."

Mu Huali looked at Jebie, who was also miserable, and felt sad from his heart, so he burst into tears.

"Brother Mu, what the hell is going on here? How could the [-] army be lost in Dongzhou? This is [-] cavalry!"

When Zhebie heard this, his heart was so cold that he was bleeding, and he couldn't accept this fact.

Although the grassland is rich in cavalry, the cavalry is not Chinese cabbage. One hundred thousand cavalry is not a small number, it is the elite of the Hu army.

"What about Hera's Ouyang, shouldn't he cooperate with you? How could he fail?"

Jebe suddenly remembered Herashi Ouyang who should cooperate with them this time, and asked.

"Hera's? I don't know either. Our army was divided into two groups. Before we arrived at Black Jade City, we were ambushed by the enemy. We suffered heavy losses and fought our best to break out with some of our troops. Didn't see Hera at all."

Mu Huali was startled when he heard the words, and then remembered Ouyang Long who should cooperate with him.

Then the two told each other the whole story in detail, and only then did they know what happened.

"Hey, I didn't expect there to be such a powerful force in Dongzhou. This Bei Minghao is really extraordinary. No wonder Hera's family capsized in the gutter."

"That's right, for this big defeat, we must pass the eagle to Da Khan as soon as possible, so that Da Khan can be prepared, and there is no fear of changes."

Zhebie and Mu Huali looked heavy and let out a long sigh.

"It's a pity that Qi LaGun, I don't know what will happen if the big man knows that Qi LaGun has died in battle."

"Hmph, I'm afraid they want to massacre the city to pay homage to Qi LaGun's spirit in heaven."

The two thought of Temujin's younger brother Ziragun again, their faces were a little ugly, and their eyes were full of hatred.

"Brother Mu, Lingnan City is ahead. You and I will go to see Dorgon together and make him ready. The heroes of Dongzhou will come to the city soon."

(End of this chapter)

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