Chapter 406

(Dear book friends, from today onwards, I will resume normal updates. It was interrupted for a long time because of some trivial matters. I would like to apologize to everyone here, and hope that everyone will continue to support me. I will try my best to write every chapter well. of)

Jebe's arrow can be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest, and it immediately provoked four tigers, four furious tigers.

"Soldiers, follow me to kill all the dogs, kill!"

At this moment, Ji Wushuang was out of anger, her eyes were blood red and bloodshot.

The tiger-headed dragon halberd exploded like a thunderbolt, sweeping across and attacking sideways, beheading every cowardly Xue army under the horse.

In Shentu Zhenyue's hands, the phoenix wings were gilded with golden lights, very violent, smashing furiously, like a war meat grinder.

The one with the most destructive power is undoubtedly Hu Batian, who usually has the best relationship with Hou Xian, seeing that Hou Xian's life and death are unknown at this time, he is naturally furious, and his attacks are even more ruthless.

Zhang Ding Snake Spear is tricky and ruthless, and his tactics only emphasize efficiency, not method. He only kills the enemy in the most common and simple way.

The fighting power erupted by the four furious people terrified ghosts and gods, and there was no one to stop them wherever they went.

Under the leadership of the four of them, a storm soon set off, and the king of the grassland, Huang Jinqiong Xuejun, was beaten back and suffered heavy losses.

"Ah, the Han dog has cultivated wildly, and I will take a knife from me!"

When Yelu Hongji saw how brave the four men were, and the cowardly Xue army under his command retreated steadily, he was furious, shouted angrily, and rushed forward.

"The light of rice grains also shines? Die!"

Zhang Ding, who was closest to Yelu Hongji, saw that the barbarian was so reckless, so he was not polite, and stabbed Yelu Hongji in a tricky way with a snake spear in his hand.


"Huh, there is a second chance, come again, eat me with a spear, and shoot a snake to stab the moon!"

Although Yelu Hongji dispelled his own move, Zhang Ding didn't care at all and attacked again.


"Hmph, Snake Phantom Spear, Gale Phantom Stab!"

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"


"You, how could you. I'm not reconciled."

Zhang Ding's Snake Spear attacked like a phantom, Yelu Hongji had never seen such a miraculous spear technique, Zhang Ding took the opportunity to pierce his throat under the chaotic situation.

Feeling the coldness in his throat and the increasingly difficult breathing, Yelu Hongji's face was full of unwillingness and disbelief.

"Hmph, barbarians, you kill them like dogs!"

Zhang Ding's face was still cold, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, extremely contemptuous.

At the same time, like lightning, he drew out the sword hanging from his waist, cut off Yelu Hongji's head with one blow, and roared angrily.

"The thief general is dead, who dares to fight me?"

"Commander, General Yelu Hongji has been killed, let's withdraw, it will be too late if we don't withdraw."

When Wanyan Zongbi saw Yelu Hongji being beheaded, his eyelids twitched immediately, and he no longer had the will to fight.

But Jebe looked at the crushed corpses trampled by the horse's hooves, and his heart twitched.

This is the king master under Temujin's command, and he suffered such a heavy loss today, especially in the battle of this silver-armored iron cavalry, who lost nearly [-] cavalry.

And the enemy's loss was less than a thousand people, which made him feel like he was dreaming, of course it was a nightmare.

"The whole army obeys the order and retreats with me"

At this time, Jebie was in a panic and scolded all over the eighteenth generation of Yelu Hongji's ancestors who had died tragically under Zhang Ding's acceptance.

It was this guy talking nonsense that made him listen to this guy's nonsense. Now it's all right, Huang Jinqiong and Xue Jun suffered heavy casualties, and there are no two out of ten.

Following Jebe's order, the remaining thousand riders withdrew from the battlefield like lightning, and galloped towards the north.

"General, are you chasing me?"

"Brother, do you want to chase after these thieves?"

"Brother, as long as you give an order, I will definitely bring back the head of the enemy's commander."

"The defeated general should not be feared, please give a certain five hundred cavalry, and a certain general will wipe out the enemy!"

Zhang Ding, Shentu Zhenyue and the others looked at the fleeing cowardly Xue army, and stepped forward one after another to ask for a fight.

"The poor should not pursue, the enemy army still has more than a thousand elite cavalry, if you pursue rashly, you may be ambushed"

"Turn up thousands of miles to that old boy Dongfang Lingyu, and let him stop this cowardly Xue army."

"By the way, how is the fourth brother?"

Although Ji Wushuang was angry, he was not dazzled by anger, and did not rush after him.

He was very aware of how powerful this golden cowardly Xue army was. Gao Shun's camp had lost nearly [-]% of its elite before.

If it weren't for the Jin Qixue army fighting for a long time before, and his physical strength dropped drastically, he would have to lose at least half of the Wushuang cavalry if he wanted to defeat the Jin Qixue army.

"Report to the general, General Hou's left shoulder blade was smashed by the spiked arrow, and he has fallen into a coma."

The personal guard said tremblingly in Ji Wushuang's ear.


"Damn it, I'm going to kill that despicable and shameless dog"

"Should kill!"

Hearing what the guard said, Ji Wushuang's momentum burst instantly, and he only knelt on the ground under the pressure of the guard.

"Hey, escort the fourth brother back to Black Jade City, the injury of the fourth brother will definitely recover."

After a long time, Ji Wushuang finally put away his momentum and said quietly.

"Thank you for the help of the White Tiger God of War, otherwise Gao Shun's life might be lost here. The grace of saving life is unforgettable."

At this time, Gao Shun, with a face as white as paper, stepped forward to thank Ji Wushuang.

"Hehe, General Gao Shun is too polite. With General Gao's ability, he can still stop the five thousand gold cowardly Xue army. I also came to rescue under the order of King Yanhuang. General Gao doesn't have to worry about it."

Ji Wushuang waved his hand, flashing a look of admiration seriously.

With [-] infantry to stop [-] prairie elite cavalry, this kind of combat power is no less than that of the most elite infantry of Qinglong Zhanwei. No wonder Ji Wushuang admired Gao Shun.

"Report to the general, Generals Xue Rengui and Qin Qiong are coming towards our army with [-] cavalry!"

At this moment, the scouts suddenly came to report.

"The whole army is cleaning the battlefield, and you all will come with me to meet Xue Rengui and Qin Qiong.

"General Gao Shun, Xue came to the rescue late, I hope General Gao will forgive me a lot!"

"Hehe, General Xue is being polite, the enemy army has been defeated by the five thousand unparalleled cavalry under General Ji's command."

"Please enter the account."


Quzhou, Bibo City.

When Bei Minghao arrived outside Bibo City, Li Cunxiao and Yang Yansi had captured Bibo City by means of thunder.

"Report to the king, Sun Quan, the lord of Zhenzhou, sent a hundred thousand troops to Quzhou, and sent a letter."

Bei Minghao was discussing with Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang about Bibo City in the City Lord's Mansion, when a personal guard suddenly came to report.

Bei Minghao frowned when he heard it, and started to read the letter carefully.

"Brother Beiming, Mr. Sun heard that the Azure Dragon Blood Guards had reappeared in Dongzhou, and directed his troops to Yuzhou. He specially dispatched an army of [-] troops to Quzhou to attract Ouyang Long and share the pressure for Brother Beiming. I hope Brother Beiming will forgive me."

After reading the letter, Bei Minghao frowned even more, his face was very serious, he tapped his fingers on the table, and fell into deep thought.

"My lord, what did you say in the letter?"

When Guo Jia saw Bei Minghao's face changed, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he asked softly.

"See for yourself."

Guo Jia picked up the letter, looked at the letter, his face changed slightly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Being a bandit, this kid from the Sun family dares to plot against our army, he just doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Hehe, Feng Xiao, with Sun Quan's ability and courage, he shouldn't be able to think of such a thing as watching the fire from the other side and picking chestnuts from the fire, right?"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Oh, Kong Ming, what do you mean, is there something tricky about it?"

When Guo Jia heard this, his eyes froze, and he asked in surprise.

"That's right, although we don't know who is making trouble, but there must be something we don't know about."

"Is it Li Shimin? Or Xiao Yan? Or"

"I'm afraid it's hard to guess with only a scale and a half claw. For the current plan, how to deal with the next thing!"

"Since Sun Quan's little ally is disregarding morality and taking food from a tiger's mouth, then we don't need to be polite, just kill Sun Jun and take Quzhou."

"The crux of the problem is that Sun Quan sent troops in the name of aiding our army, and rashly attacking his allies is not good for the lord's reputation."

"And now that the Hu people are going south, the battle in Mengzhou is urgent, and it can't be delayed, and we can't make any more troubles."

"If you let it go easily, what's the face of the lord? Wouldn't it make the princes laugh?"

"Those who achieve great things don't care about the loss of an inch of land or the humiliation of wolves, so we should proceed with caution"

"Sun Quan, a cowardly and ambitious person, is no different from Liu Bei and his ilk, and must be eliminated as soon as possible."

The two began to have a heated discussion.

"Stick to Bibo City, Banjiangdu, Quzhou to Sun Quan!"

At this moment, Bei Minghao suddenly opened his eyes and said sharply.

Everyone felt a chill when they heard Bei Minghao's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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