Call of the Deer

Chapter 404 The sword is not old, beheading the enemy

Chapter 404 The sword is not old, beheading the enemy
"Hmph, the country of barbarians dares to come to our Nine Provinces to show off their might, it's simply courting death!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a horse galloping not far away. This man was wearing golden armor and holding a tiger-headed dragon halberd.

Take a closer look, isn't it Ji Wushuang, the commander of the Wushuang cavalry who came here on command?
"Hmph, are you that idiot who came out of the corner again? How dare you spoil my good deeds? Do you want to court death?"

Jin Danzi didn't know the bullshit White Tiger God of War Ji Wushuang, when he saw that it was Ji Wushuang who stopped him just now, he was extremely annoyed.

These traitors stopped him again and again, but they refused to let him kill this easy-to-catch general, how could he not be angry?
"Hmph, Zhu Zi. You're just a barbarian, you don't deserve to know the name of this old man, you'd better come here and die!"

Seeing that this barbarian didn't eat spicy food, didn't burn his mouth, and spoke without restraint, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he concentrated on Jin Danzi.

"Hey, you old fellow, a dog with one foot in the coffin, dare to speak wild words in front of me, I insist on letting you know what death is today!"

When Jin Danzi saw that the old man dared to speak wild words, he was very angry, thinking in his heart, how to kill this old guy.

On the other hand, Ji Wushuang seemed to have died down at this moment, and he didn't say anything to fight back. He just clenched the tiger's head and the dragon halberd tightly, and his stars gathered on the golden marble.

Because when Jin Danzi uttered wild words, in Ji Wushuang's eyes, Jin Danzi was already a dead person, and he didn't need to pay attention to such an idiot.

"What? Old guy, didn't you look very proud just now? Why didn't you make a sound, ah, did you pee out of fear, hahaha"

Seeing Ji Wushuang's banners and drums quieted down, the golden marbles went even further, unscrupulously, and sneered at Ji Wushuang proudly.
"Tap Tap"

At this moment, five thousand unparalleled cavalry arrived late.

"Hey, old man, this is what you rely on. Hmph, under the golden Xue army of my prairie athletes, everything is a paper tiger, vulnerable to a single blow."

Seeing the five thousand unparalleled cavalry galloping not far away, Jin Danzi showed a clear look.

His words were even more unscrupulous, and he squinted at Ji Wushuang contemptuously, not paying attention to the five thousand cavalry at all.

"Is this your last word?"

"What? Old man, what did you say? Do you dare to say it again?"

"Go to hell and ask Hades!"

"court death!"

Ji Wushuang has weathered many hardships and is a veteran on the battlefield. If 20 years ago, he might have scolded the enemy for a while.

As for now, there is no need for that, he only needs to wave his iron arm, and he can kill the enemy general forcefully, without any need to waste words.

While provoking Jin Danzi, Ji Wushuang leaped to pick up his gun, and rushed towards Jin Danzi like lightning.

On the other side, Jebie, who was always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, frowned slightly when he saw Jin Danzi's unscrupulous and confident look, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Old guy, good job, how can Zhengchou kill you, you've thrown yourself into the trap, hahaha."

"Eat my hammer!"

When Jin Danzi saw Ji Wushuang, he rushed to deal with it as if he really "did not know whether to live or die". He was overjoyed, and he swung the golden hammer, thinking of throwing Ji Wushuang at him!
Ji Wushuang smashed the tiger-headed dragon halberd horizontally, swept vertically, poked or slashed, hooked or swept, and with the momentum of thunder, he handed over the golden hammer.

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

With only three strikes, sparks splashed everywhere, as fierce as thunder, as powerful as a gust of wind, and the clanging sound was deafening to the ears!
After the three blows, Ji Wushuang's face remained unchanged, still as motionless as a mountain, the clouds were calm, and he stared at the golden marble coldly.

On the other hand, Jin Danzi was horrified in his heart, he knew very well how powerful he was.

Unexpectedly, he lost to an old guy in terms of strength, which made it difficult for him to accept.

At the same time, it caused a huge wave in his heart, constantly washing away his soul, and he couldn't control himself for a long time.

At this moment, the way Jin Danzi looked at Ji Wushuang changed, and there was a hint of fear in the corner of his eyes.

"Hmph, barbarian, keep going, aren't you shouting loudly? Why? Grassland barbarian, that's the kind of thing?"

Ji Wushuang looked at the golden marble coldly and sneered.

"Ah, you are too deceitful, go to hell with me, Thunder Hammer, Strike with Thunder!"

"Hmph, the gnat may shake the tree, you are overconfident, go to hell, the white tiger roars the sky halberd, the war tiger tears the sky!"

Ji Wushuang snorted coldly, jumped on the horse and held the halberd, clipped the horse's belly, shuttled past like a gust of wind, and went straight to kill the golden marble.






Although Jin Danzi is extremely powerful and brave, he is one of the few fierce generals among the Hu people.

But in front of Ji Wushuang, who has experienced many battles, he is just a babbler, completely vulnerable.

If Ji Wushuang's Xiaotian Liehu gun is in his hand, the golden bullet is just a one-shot general, how can he let him jump for so long?
With one blow, Ji Wushuang chopped off Jin Danzi's right arm at the root, blood gushed out, and Jin Danzi's face was pale, extremely pale.

A golden hammer also fell off the horse, stained with the blood of the golden marble.

"Hurry up, General Wanyan, you are no match for him, retreat quickly"

"Hurry up and cover Wanyan's golden bullet"

Seeing that Jin Danzi's arm had been cut off by the enemy general, Zhebie shouted that it was not good, while yelling for Jin Danzi to retreat, he asked people to come forward to meet him.

Jin Danzi looked at Ji Wushuang with incomparable resentment, and he scolded Jebe's eighteenth generation of ancestors fiercely from the bottom of his heart.

But at this moment, the golden marble was gone, and his combat strength was ten to five, so naturally he would not go up to fight Ji Wushuang foolishly.This is no different from dying.

At the moment, without any hesitation, he leaped back to the formation, saving his life first!
"Hmph, I want to run, what an idiot is dreaming!"

Seeing that the golden marble was about to run away, Ji Wushuang naturally didn't want to let such a boiled kidney fly away, so he rode his horse to chase after the golden marble.

"Quickly, stop him, I will stop him."

Looking at Ji Wushuang who was chasing after him, Jin Danzi's face was extremely pale, his liver and gallbladder were broken, and he directly ordered the soldiers to stop Ji Wushuang!
"Hmph, how dare a group of ants stop me? Court death!"

When Ji Wushuang saw the dozen or so cavalry who had killed them, his eyes turned cold, and he chopped out the tiger's head and the dragon's halberd.

"The thieves will go away and stay alive!"

"call out!"

"General Wanyan, retreat quickly!"

At this moment, Zhebie suddenly shot a cold arrow, intending to block Ji Wushuang for a moment, so that Jin Danzi could escape with his life.

"Hmph, despicable, get out!"


The spiked arrow was smashed into pieces by the tiger-headed panlong halberd, and I even leaped directly from the horse, and fell straight to the panicked golden marble.

Today, there is no doubt that Jin Danzi will die, and no one can save Jin Danzi. Only he, Ji Wushuang, can collect Jin Danzi's life.

"The thief will die!"

"The white tiger roars the sky halberd, the blood tiger strikes furiously!"






Seeing Ji Wushuang's halberd in the air, he slammed it hard on Jin Danzi's back.

The golden marble flew away and hit the ground fiercely, and there was a scream.

But Ji Wushuang came first, and with a sweep of the halberd, the golden marble landed on the head.

Among the ten thousand armies, take the head of the general, the white tiger war god, the sword is not old, fierce as a tiger, and the halberd strikes the enemy!
Everyone looked at Ji Wushuang, who was like a god of war, and swallowed unconsciously.
"I, Ji Wushuang, want to kill someone, who can stop me?"

Ji Wushuang squinted at Zhebie, without any fear, let out an extremely domineering roar!
(End of this chapter)

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