Call of the Deer

Chapter 345 Wu Sheng Blood Aspirations, Embarrassed Liu Yu

Chapter 345 Wu Sheng Blood Aspirations, Embarrassed Liu Yu
Three hours later, in a dilapidated Taoist temple in Xiaoyue Mountain, fifty miles east of Pingshan City in Linzhou.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei finally found a temporary hiding place after traveling long distances and holding Liu Bei, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

Guan Yu put Liu Bei down gently, lit a bonfire, and began to treat Liu Bei's wound.


After half an hour, Liu Bei finally woke up here.

"Brother, are you awake?"

Zhang Fei's voice sounded like a bell, and he looked extremely nervously at Liu Bei, who was pale and extremely weak.

"Second brother, third brother, I am very happy to be able to meet the two of you, elder brother. It's just that elder brother is afraid that it will be impossible, so let's go first, no... don't avenge me, remember to live well go down."

After finishing speaking, Liu Bei's eyes were loose, and he lowered his head, clutching Guan Yu's and Zhang Fei's hands tightly, and fell down limply.

At this moment, the Zhaolie King Liu Bei, known for his benevolence and righteousness, finally came to the end of his life and died under Lu Bu's dragon and snake bow
"Ah, three family slaves, I, Zhang Fei, are at odds with you."

When Zhang Fei saw the death of his elder brother, who was at the mercy of his life, he could no longer contain the endless hatred in his heart, and roared angrily, like the king of all beasts, roaring in the mountains and forests.

"Lu Bu is a thief, if you don't kill you, I, Guan Yu, swear I will not be a human being."

Guan Yu's eyes were cold, like the ice that would not melt for thousands of years, freezing people's souls.

There is still the iron bones, trembling in the wind, clenched fists like iron hammers, nails sinking into the flesh and blood without knowing it
It took a long time for the two of them to recover from the endless sorrow, but at this time the momentum of the two of them changed.

"Second brother, will you take revenge on elder brother?"

Zhang Fei's eyes were blood red, he stared at Guan Yu, and roared fiercely.

"Report, but not now, this Lv Bu is highly skilled in martial arts, and now he is sitting on Lin and Liu Erzhou, you and I can't act rashly, we need to act cautiously, and plan it slowly"

Guan Yu looked at the already cold corpse in his arms, and said lightly, but listening to his tone, he was as firm as a rock.

"Brother, don't worry, my third brother and I will live a good life, just wait, I believe, Lu Bu, the dog thief, will come down to accompany you soon."

At this moment, Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei with a faint smile in his eyes, which was quite gentle, as if he remembered the incident of being sworn brothers in Taoyuan.
"Second brother, when will you avenge your elder brother?"

Zhang Fei was impatient, so he was eager to avenge Liu Bei and kill Lu Bu.

"No hurry, first bury the eldest brother, and then go to the Yanhuang King, with the ambition and power of the Yanhuang King to swallow thousands of miles, sooner or later the soldiers will point at Lin and Liu Erzhou, and then you and I will be the vanguard, and step down Lin and Liu Erzhou , cut Lu Bu under the horse, and avenged the eldest brother."

Guan Yu experienced Liu Bei's death at this time, and his mind underwent a transformation in a short period of time, and the city was getting deeper and deeper.

"Okay, I'll listen to my second brother"

In Pingshan City, the flames gathered like smoke, the smell of blood spread, and the walls of the city were even more crimson.
The moat, deep and deep, has been submerged in endless crimson at this time, floating corpses are floating, rolling secretly
Outside the city, corpses were strewn all over the place, lying in a mess, soldiers were broken, pieces of armor were scattered everywhere.
Half of the battle flag, lying in the blood mud, has been dyed red.
Countless wild goose feathers and arrows were inserted in disorder on corpses, blood mud, and giant shields.
The dark clouds in the sky, in the dark night, my tumbling looks particularly far-reaching, as if it is an abyss that swallows everything
The bloody smell, the killing smell, and the endless resentment all around were floating in the cold wind.
"Brother Lu, what's going on here? Shouldn't you explain to me why my third brother disappeared? And the big-eared thief?"

Liu Yu's face was livid, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and he stared at Lu Bu very unkindly, and said with gritted teeth, his voice was extremely hoarse, even trembling.
"Hmph, explain? Explain what? Explain why Zhang Fei betrayed you? Or explain where Liu Bei's bones went? Do I, Lu Bu, need to explain to a shameless person like you?"

Lu Bu raised his brows, and stood up. The nine-foot-tall tiger body was close to Liu Yu's face, looking down at Liu Yu, and his whole body burst out with momentum, pushing towards Liu Yu.
"Lu Bu, you... what do you mean? Could it be that I, Liu Yu, are weak and plan to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

When Liu Yu saw that Lu Bu was so disrespectful, he vomited blood even more angrily. With a cold face, he roared angrily. At this time, his reason was overwhelmed by anger
"Crossing the river and destroying bridges? Are you worthy? No wonder Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and others abandoned you. Although Liu Bei is not good, he is much better than a cunning and suspicious person like you."

"Listen to me, if Liu Bei hits me with an arrow, I will definitely die. As for this Pingshan City, I, Lu Bu, think that I can't stand it, let alone covet it. I will withdraw tomorrow. Yuchun's men are guarding Pingshan City, so stay here, hmph."

Lu Bu looked at Liu Yu with great disdain, showing his white teeth, showing a cold sneer, and said very lightly.

"You, hello Lu Bu, it turns out that you sold Pingshan City to Wu Qi a long time ago, and even dragged me northward. I, Liu Yu, hate you so much, so much, puff."

Hearing this, Liu Yu didn't know that he was used by Lu Bu. Tens of thousands of elites were burned, and in the end, nothing was gained.

Not only that, but his second and third younger brothers even abandoned him and turned to follow the former elder brother Liu Bei.

Isn't this in line with the ancient saying: Stealing chickens won't cost you a lot of rice, but losing your wife and losing your army!

At this time, Liu Yu was full of depression, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and his heart was bleeding even more.

The entire army of tens of thousands was wiped out, and the three generals died in battle, and those who abandoned him abandoned him.
An hour later, Liu Yu, who was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted, woke up faintly, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of ashen color.

"Where are the Lulubu people?"

Liu Yu struggled to get up, looked at the young general beside him, and asked weakly.

"Back to my lord, Lu Bu left Pingshan City half a quarter ago and retreated southward. At this time, only our army is in Che City."

"Oh, retreated? Get ready, retreat."

At this moment, Liu Yu's ambition has been shrouded by a heavy twilight energy, and the spirit in his eyes has also dissipated, as if he suddenly aged ten years.

Afterwards, Liu Yu's remaining [-] troops quickly withdrew from Pingshan City, intending to retreat.

Looking at the Pingshan City, which was defeated with all its strength and lost troops, Liu Yu's heart was bleeding.

"Hey, Liu Jinu, Liu Jinu, this is the end of seeking skin from a tiger. In the end, it made Lu Bu, a shameless villain, cheaper."

After speaking, he rode his horse and withdrew towards the south without any regrets.

Instead, he wanted to leave this nightmare land that gave him nightmares as soon as possible.
(End of this chapter)

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