Call of the Deer

Chapter 314 Black Dragon Blood Marrow, Reborn

Chapter 314 Black Dragon Blood Marrow, Reborn
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After that, the young man asked the hundreds of people he brought to start bloodletting one by one, using water, golden needles and other instruments to match Bei Minghao's blood.

A dozen people were quickly selected from them and ordered to prepare for bloodletting.

At the same time, he rolled up his sleeves and took out an extremely thin metal tube of more than 20 centimeters from the medical box.

This metal pipe has a large end, a small end, and an extremely sharp end with a small hole.
If Bei Minghao was awake, he would be able to recognize what this thing was at a glance.

This is clearly the same as the current infusion tube, the only difference is that one is hard and the other is soft.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the young man asked someone to take off Bei Minghao's clothes.

"Sir, what are you doing? If you dare to harm the lord, I will fight with you."

Dian Wei blocked the young man vigilantly, and asked hesitantly.

"Uh, I also ask this general to help me. I will use the ancestral gold needle detoxification method to exchange blood and detoxify King Yanhuang, and at the same time exchange blood for King Yanhuang."

When the young man heard Dian Wei's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, and quickly explained.

After Dian Wei heard this, he was suspicious, looked at Guo Jia, saw Guo Jia nodded, and then slowly stepped aside.

Afterwards, the young man ordered someone to carry Bei Minghao into the bathtub, and at the same time, slowly inserted thousands of golden needles into Bei Minghao's body, and the mist soon evaporated.
More and more black blood dregs gushed out of Bei Minghao's body, and the bathtub soon turned brown.

Everyone looked at the bath water that was dyed maroon, and shuddered unconsciously.

And as the brown residual blood was eliminated, the painful expression on Bei Minghao's face gradually eased.

"Hey, look, the lord's face has changed for the better."

Dian Wei was overjoyed, pointing at Bei Minghao's relaxed face, he shouted.

"Shh, it's evil, don't make a sound, so as not to disturb the sir's rescue."

Guo Jia let out a "hush" and told Dian Wei to keep quiet. Dian Wei also knew that he was a little reckless, so he didn't dare to speak out, and all looked at the young man.

And the young man's face was sweating like rain, his whole body was drenched, and the sweat dripped from his forehead drop by drop.

After everyone waited anxiously, when the sun was setting, the young doctor slowly stopped.
"How is this gentleman? Is my master all right?"

"Sir, did you save my lord?"

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life. I temporarily helped King Yanhuang get rid of the toxins in his body. As for whether he can wake up, I'm not sure."

The doctor vigorously wiped the sweat that slipped from his forehead, and said ambiguously.

"What? What do you mean by that? Are you playing tricks on me, Dian Wei?"

When Dian Wei heard that the doctor could not guarantee that Bei Minghao would wake up, he was furious and rolled up his sleeves to tease him.

"Come on, step back."

Guo Jia was worried about Bei Minghao's condition, so he didn't dare to delay, so he gave Dian Wei a hard look, and dismissed Dian Wei.

"Sir, do you mean that whether my lord can wake up depends on luck?"

Guo Jia frowned deeply, her face sank, and she asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah, this heart-eating moon's poison is extremely overbearing. Although it has eliminated all the blood in King Yanhuang's body, the poison has already integrated into King Yanhuang's body after all."

The young doctor also looked a little ashamed, ashamed that his medical skills were not good, and he couldn't save Bei Minghao all at once.

"Then what are the chances of my master waking up? Sir, just say it."

After hearing the young doctor's name, Zhuge Liang who was standing aside suddenly asked.

"It should be [-]-[-]. Seeing that King Yanhuang is physically strong, there should be half the chance of getting through it. As long as he gets through this period, he can get through the dangerous period."

The young doctor's tone was very indifferent, his sharp eyes looked at Zhuge Liang, and he spoke with great certainty.

"Thank you for your rescue, sir. May I ask your name, sir. When my lord is ready, I will let the lord give it to you."

They also contributed their efforts, so naturally we can't forget their credit.

"My lord, Huangfu Mi, is from Linyuan City."

"cough cough"

At this moment, the unconscious Bei Minghao suddenly coughed a few times, and then slowly woke up.

Bei Minghao weakly opened his eyes, feeling an aurora shot into his eye sockets, subconsciously closed his eyes, and then slowly opened them.

Dian Wei's ugly and awkward face caught his eye, behind him were Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Xu Chu, and a person he didn't know
"Cough, cough, Feng Fengxiao, how long have you been in a coma?"

Bei Minghao's face was pale, extremely weak, his voice was weak, and it was difficult for him to open his lips wide.

"My lord, you have been in a coma for more than five hours."

"Who saved me."

"It was this pharmacist Huangfu Mi who came up with it and saved you."

"Huangfumi completely changed his blood"

"Okay, you guys go down, I'm fine, I want to sleep with another group."

Hearing this, Bei Minghao rolled his eyes and gave a wry smile.

Complete change?Nima, no wonder I feel so weak, my relationship is changed and I donate blood all over my body.
He didn't know what to say about the wisdom of these people.

The Heart-eating Blood Moon is one of the top ten poisons of the ancient times, and it can be cured by exchanging blood. Nima, can it still be called the top ten poisons of the ancient times?

Thinking of this, Bei Minghao's heart darkened, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Am I really going to die? No, no, there must be a way to get rid of this heart-eating moon."

Bei Minghao is naturally unwilling to die, but the pressure brought by the Heart-eating Blood Moon is too great
"By the way, exchange the system and see if there is any universal antidote."

Suddenly, Bei Minghao remembered in his heart that the system did not have an exchange system, so he quickly opened it to have a look.

There is an antidote, but there is no poison that can detoxify Heart Blood Moon. Now Bei Minghao's whole body is cold and completely desperate.

Suddenly, he noticed something, the bottom one.

The blood marrow of the black dragon, the legendary blood marrow of the dragon, has the effect of washing the marrow in the Book of Changes and rejuvenating the body. Exchange conditions: 20 imperial luck points, 20 attribute points deducted. (only one copy)
"Black dragon's blood marrow? What is this thing? Changing tendons and washing marrow, reborn? I wonder if it is possible to remove the poison from my body?"

Seeing the blood marrow of the black dragon, Bei Minghao's eyes lit up, and a ray of light appeared in his dark eyes, he thought.

"Huh? Deduct 20 attribute points, the system, deduct 20 attribute points, what does this mean?"

Bei Minghao asked silently from the bottom of his heart, some did not understand what it meant to deduct 20 attribute points.
"Ding, the so-called deduction of 5 attribute points means deducting an average of [-] points from your four dimensions. This is the price to exchange for the blood marrow of the black dragon."

"What? Deduct your own attribute points? Are you sure you're not talking nonsense?"

Bei Minghao was taken aback when he heard that 20 attribute points would be deducted, and asked in surprise.

"Host, as the saying goes, you can only gain if you give up. Maybe this black dragon blood marrow can cure your poison and save your life."

The stiff voice of the system came, Bei Minghao thought for a moment, it seemed that he had no other choice, either to die, or to exchange for the blood marrow of the black dragon, there was no other choice.

He could feel that his body was getting weaker and weaker, his mind was getting more and more confused, and dull.

"Okay, I want to exchange black dragon blood marrow."

Then Bei Minghao discovered that there was already a black bottle in the storage space, and the bottle was shining brightly.
A black dragon looms on the bottle, and there seems to be a hint of dragon chant.

"Huh? Is this the blood marrow of the black dragon?"

Bei Minghao looked at the small black bottle, feeling a little suspicious.

Immediately after gritting his teeth, he slowly opened the mouth of the bottle, and a strong fragrance gushed out from the bottle.

Without hesitation, Bei Minghao used all his strength to swallow the black liquid in the bottle in one gulp.

It is cold in the mouth, extremely creamy, even more like drinking honey juice, extremely sweet.

"Hey, what's going on? Why don't you feel it? Could it be that the system tricked me?"

Bei Minghao was puzzled in his heart, wondering if the system was lying to him.


Suddenly an extremely severe pain spread from the chest to the abdomen, and then spread to the whole body.

The painful Bei Minghao bit his lips instantly, a stream of blood spread from his lips, his eyes widened with anger, and his eyeballs seemed to burst.

At this moment, Bei Minghao gritted his teeth tightly, the pain all over his body stimulated his nerves, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

The blue veins protruded, like a horned dragon, attached to his arms, his fists were clenched tightly, and the nails were fiercely trapped in the flesh and blood.

The bones all over his body squirmed and rattled, as if they were breaking apart.
In Bei Minghao's bloodshot eyes, countless bloodshots spread on the eyeballs.

Instinctively, there are thousands of ants biting and climbing all over his body, numb and stinging.

It is somewhat similar to an electric shock, but it is ten thousand times more painful than an electric shock.

With the squirming of the bones, countless brown blood with a foul smell appeared all over Bei Minghao's body, the smell was unbearable
At the same time, it was also mixed with countless black substances, which looked like sludge and had a foul smell.

This time, the tingling pain all over his body and the stench in his nose suddenly made Bei Minghao feel extremely uncomfortable.
"Ah uh."

Finally, he couldn't hold it back and passed out, and as Bei Minghao passed out, his body began to shed its skin, and a layer of old skin slowly began to fall off.

But at this moment, Guo Jia and the others went back and forth, rushed in, and were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Dian Wei immediately grabbed Huangfu Mi's neck and lifted it up. With blood red eyes, he glared at Huangfu Mi fiercely and shot with murderous intent.
"You, damn it"

"Come on, slow down"

Suddenly Zhuge Liang roared and called Dian Wei, who was about to lose his temper.

"Military teacher, what do you mean? This guy killed the lord, I want to kill him to avenge the lord"

Dian Wei's tiger eyes were full of evil, and he gave Zhuge Liang a cold look, as if he was not only paying Zhuge Liang's account.

"Come on, calm down, don't be impulsive, the lord is not dead."

"The lord is not dead? You lied"

Dian Wei heard that, just as he was about to get angry, he noticed that Bei Minghao's chest was slowly rising and falling, and his breathing was very smooth.
Looking at Bei Minghao's body covered in black matter again, he immediately understood.

Hastily threw Huangfumi down, and stepped forward to help Bei Minghao who fell on the ground without disdain.

"Feng Xiao, what do you think is going on?"

"Uh, I don't know, but it seems that the lord should be fine. You can see that his face is much ruddy."

"Great fortune, King Yanhuang has obtained great fortune."

At this moment, Huangfumi said in amazement, his eyes were full of light, and he couldn't stop staring at Bei Minghao's steel-like body
"Great fortune? What great fortune?"

The two were taken aback when they heard the words, and subconsciously asked
(End of this chapter)

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