Chapter 169

Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloom, scattered into the bead curtain and wet curtain, the fox fur is not warm, and the brocade quilt is thin!

Dongzhou in late autumn is no longer warm. This year it is even very cold. Compared with previous winters, it is even colder. It is so cold that the autumn wind is biting, and the wild geese in the sky are fleeing to the south like desperately.

The general's horn bow is uncontrollable, the iron coat of the general guard is cold and hard to wear, the vast sea is surrounded by hundreds of feet of ice, and the gloomy clouds are gloomy!
In late autumn, the sky is full of frost, like white snow, covering the land. Voles hibernate early, and a few cattle and sheep can be seen in the distance, motionless, as if frozen.

"Old Cheng, isn't your cottage too cold? Hiss!"

Yang Yansi and his group sat around the stove with Cheng Yaojin, cold air came out of their nostrils, and they shivered unconsciously.

"Oh, Lao Yang, don't complain, who the hell knows it's so cold this year, it's not winter yet, it's so cold, oh, you go and bring some firewood and light it up..."

"Seventh brother, don't complain anymore, the sky is full of frost outside, it's worse than here, the people below are also enduring it, alas..."

Yang Yanping rubbed his hands together, his face was ashen passive, while "teaching" Yang Yansi.

"My lord, it's not good, because it's too cold, many brothers are sick, lying on the bed, unable to get up..."

At this time, a young man ran in anxiously to report, his face was blue and purple, his mouth was trembling, it seemed that he was very cold.

"Damn it, what the hell is this thing called? Do you want this thief to let people live? It's just driving me to a dead end, Ah Choe..."

Cheng Yaojin heard the words, depressed to the extreme, the truth is that the leak in the house happens to rain overnight, the boat is late and the wind blows, can you not be depressed to death?
As the saying goes, good fortune never comes without double, and misfortunes never come singly. Now that the cold snap hits, the whole winter may be very difficult, especially for those homeless refugees.

In Yanhuang City, inside the royal palace, Bei Minghao was wearing a fur coat, with a big tiger skin cloak hanging on his shoulders, standing under the frosty sky, quietly appreciating the biting cold.

"Baili Aiqing, now that the northern cold is coming, you must make full preparations to help the people of Liming through this crisis. All the food, grass and cloth in the king's treasury are at your disposal. You must try your best to help everyone. People escaped this difficult winter..."

"My lord, if we really use the supplies from the king's treasury to help the victims, I'm afraid our army's logistics will not be crowded in the coming year, and the military plane will be delayed..."

When Baili Xi heard this, hesitation and confusion flashed in his eyes. A few days ago, Bei Minghao ordered them to rectify the logistics so that Li Jing could dispatch troops as soon as possible. Why did he suddenly turn around now?

"Ai Qing, it is said that what is taken from the people must be used for the people, and the people are big water, the king is a flat boat, water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize a boat. Now is the time to gather public opinion. It's a big loss, just sit on this matter of drinking poison to quench thirst..."

Bei Minghao shook his head, he was also caught off guard by the invasion of this cold current, but fortunately he has a system in hand, as long as he has gold and silver, what can't be exchanged?What crisis cannot be overcome?
"By the way, Wenhe, immediately issue an order to recall Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Wei Qing, Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng, Long Qie and others, except for the necessary left-behind personnel, and tell Zhao Yun and Li Jing not to send troops anymore. For the use of troops in Yuzhou Let’s talk about it next year!”

"The minister immediately sent a letter to Zhao Yun and Li Jing in the north!"

"By the way, Wenhe, how is the coal used?"

Suddenly Bei Minghao’s voice changed, and he mentioned coal. Speaking of coal, he actually exchanged it from the system interface. Only ten taels of gold can be exchanged for a meal of coal. The firepower is really not enough.

"My lord, this coal is really useful. Now my house is as warm as spring. It's amazing that there is such a strange thing in the world... By the way, my lord, I want to buy some more from you. I don't know if I can buy it." ?”

When Jia Xu heard this, she immediately began to talk with joy, and at the end of the talk, she asked Bei Minghao for a request.

Bei Minghao had rewarded him with five tons of coal before, and after using it, he became completely addicted to it. If there was nothing to do, he set up a stove in the house, put coal on it and burn it. The whole house was like a stove, warm Incomparable
"It's not impossible, it's just that this item is from the extreme north, and it's quite rare, so you need to buy it with [-] gold per ton, otherwise the lonely king will never sell it..."

Bei Minghao pondered for a while, and then stated his bottom line. He exchanged ten gold for it, and sold it for twenty catties. The huge profit was directly doubled.

"Here, I bought it..."

After Jia Xu used the coal, he could no longer bear the weak temperature of the firewood, so he gritted his teeth and bought another ton from Bei Minghao.

"Okay, Gu will give you a little cheaper, fifteen gold, and you can only buy one ton, don't tell other people, otherwise I won't send you coal anymore, hahaha..."

Seeing the pained look on Jia Xu's face, Bei Minghao felt quite happy, this old fox was finally in his hands, even if you act like a ghost, you have to drink Lao Tzu's footwashing water.

However, in the end, "cheaply" sold him a ton, which made the old fox so grateful that he almost knelt down.

"Hey, this coal is so useful, so I won't reward other things in the future, just send coal directly..."

Looking at Jia Xu's exaggerated expression, Bei Minghao muttered in confusion.

In fact, it’s no wonder that Jia Xu lost his composure. This cold snap is unprecedented. As a scholar, Jia Xu was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. It is simply a miracle. Naturally, I will be addicted to this coal.

"By the way, Wenhe, you go to the treasure house to extract [-] cars of coal, and send [-] cars to each of the three-line commanders, so that they and their soldiers can spend the winter to keep warm, so that they won't get sick from the cold and be unable to go to the battlefield..."

"Frontline soldiers charge into the battle, and they must not be wronged, so you must strictly supervise, and you must not let the [-] truckloads of coal sent here lose even a tiny bit, otherwise don't blame our military law for disposing of them..."

Suddenly, Bei Minghao seemed to think of something, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he said very coldly, Jia Xu shuddered unconsciously when he heard the words.

In fact, one carload of coal is only five hundred catties, and two hundred cars is only one hundred tons. Bei Minghao exchanged for one thousand tons this time, but after sending it to various places, there are only four or five hundred tons left, leaving one or two hundred tons That's about it.

"The minister will definitely do it, and there will be no mistakes..."

When Jia Xu heard the words, his eyelids twitched and he was quite frightened. He was very envious of this coal, and he wanted to detain more than a dozen cars before. The heavier it was, the more he felt a little suffocated.

"That's good, you go down first..."

Bei Minghao didn't look back, but just waved his hands back, his gestures were extremely domineering.


In the north of Huangzhou, Dashiguan.

"Commander, this cold snap is really sudden. Many soldiers in our army have already suffered from the wind and cold. If we don't seek medical treatment quickly, we may lose our lives..."

Qin Qiong reported to Zhao Yun, his eyes were full of hesitation, this time the cold wave hit, five or six out of ten of the Northern Dark Army were more or less infected with the cold, and were sick in bed, many people could not bear the cold, and passed away. But the only fortunate thing is that the Beiming army is basically strong and strong, and the number of deaths is not many, just a very few people.

"Zizhen, Pharmacist, what do you think? The logistics will not come, and if this continues, it may really cause a mutiny in the army!"

As the commander-in-chief, Zhao Yun was very worried about the current predicament. The logistics were delayed, and there were complaints in Dashiguan.

"Zilong, the Taiping Uprising has just passed, and I have a lot of refugees in Huangzhou. The adults are afraid that it was delayed because of the refugees. I will wait for a while. I think the Lord will send someone to send logistics supplies... "

"That's right, what the military division said makes sense..."

"Report, Your Majesty has sent General Yang Youji to Dashi Pass with rescue supplies..."

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!
Just when everyone was gloomy, a personal guard suddenly came to report, and everyone was overjoyed when they heard the news, and got up to meet Yang Youji.

"Brother, you have come all the way, you have worked hard, please go to the city to rest..."

Zhao Yun gave Yang Youji a bear hug very enthusiastically, and was very happy, which was like sending charcoal in the snow.

"Zilong, my lord is sympathetic to the suffering of the soldiers on the front line, so I sent someone to send over [-] tons of coal and [-] shi of grain and grass. Please check and hand over. I won't keep any more, and I have to return immediately to handover!"

"Coal? What is it? To eat? To wear?"

Hearing "coal", Zhao Yun was a little puzzled, raised his brows, and asked rather puzzled.

"Hehe, Zilong, follow me to have a look. This coal is a good thing. The lord sent someone to get it from the extreme north. It can be burned for heating. Please ask Yang to demonstrate it to you!"

When Yang Youji saw Zhao Yun's puzzled expression, he smiled and took Zhao Yun to watch the truckloads of coal, and at the same time demonstrated it on the spot.

The other generals were also extremely interested, and they followed up one after another, intending to find out.

After a while, the coal was ignited, and the surrounding area was instantly warm, warm, as if bathed in spring light...

"Hey, this coal is amazing, it's warmer than burning firewood, it's only been a while, and the tent is so warm, it's really unbelievable..."

Especially Yu Chigong, with big eyes wide open, amazed again and again, feeling unbelievable, with his hands above the burning coals, his eyes were bright, as if seeing a peerless beauty.

"By the way, Zilong, this is the lord's edict, just read it..."

At this moment, Yang Youji suddenly remembered the letter that the military adviser had given him, and immediately handed it to Zhao Yun.

When Zhao Yun arrived at the letter, he immediately opened it and looked at it. He frowned slightly and murmured, "At this time, my lord is calling me back urgently. I don't know what it is..."

Afterwards, Zhao Yun was not a mother-in-law, so he directly read Bei Minghao's edict to the generals. Bei Minghao ordered Zhao Yun to step down and return to Yanhuang City directly, with Li Jing as the commander, Tian Dan as the deputy commander, and the others The position will not be transferred.

Everyone was also a little puzzled, but didn't say anything.

Afterwards, Zhao Yun and Yang Youji flew towards Yanhuang City in light clothes...


 Dear book friends, since Fengshang was put on the shelves, it has been updated by [-] every day. Now there is no recommendation. I hope you will support more, subscribe more, reward more, and give a monthly pass.

  Otherwise, I don’t even have the confidence to continue writing, woo woo woo, my monthly pass is still zero, it’s too embarrassing, woo woo woo, if anyone else has any opinions, they can boldly raise them, and I will accept them humbly . . .

  At the same time, I would like to thank Xiao Wukong 12, who loves to be in a daze, drowning giant salamander, what a day, this year I will work hard to earn money to buy a house., JJ is in love with the star's cat, Lianhua Sanren, Xiyang Wuxie and other book friends' rewards, I will continue to work hard The updated er, I won’t let you down, I hope you will support me too, please
(End of this chapter)

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