Call of the Deer

Chapter 159 Di Qing's Miraculous Strategy, Immediately Entering Hancheng

Chapter 159 Di Qing's Miraculous Strategy, Immediately Entering Hancheng

"My lord, on the western front, Xue Rengui and Yue Pengju captured Jibei City in the northern part of Beigan Prefecture and Yuexi City in the southern part respectively, guarding them according to their vassals, watching the two prefectures of Yu and Qin..."

Jia Xu, as the general army division of Huangzhou, is in charge of all fronts of war, and the front-line battle reports will be transmitted to Bei Minghao's ears through his mouth, so he has a very good understanding of all fronts of war.

"Hehe, yes, Yue Fei and Xue Li can take the lead in breaking the deadlock, which is very beneficial to our army. If we guard the second city of Jibei and Yuexi, we can keep an eye on Li Shimin and Xiong Xin, in case they swing their troops out..."

A slight smile appeared on Bei Minghao's face, but he was not overly surprised, as if everything was within his expectations.

In the midst of strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away!

Looking at Bei Minghao's expression, Jia Xu showed a hint of surprise on his face. He was becoming more and more unable to see through his master, and always looked like he had a chance to win. The depth of the city made him more and more frightened .

"What's the matter? Wen He, looking at Gu like this, could it be that there are flowers on Gu's face? Hehe..."

"No, no, I suddenly remembered another thing, and I was a little distracted for a while..."

A trace of panic flashed across Jia Xu's face, then she immediately restrained herself and said solemnly.

"Oh, what's the matter? Could it be that Bai Qi and Wu Qi also made a breakthrough?"

Bei Minghao had a flash of surprise, Jia Wenhe always felt weird for some reason.

"The thing is like this, shortly after General Xue Rengui captured Jibei City, Xiong Xin dispatched an army, led by Yuzhou General Yuanzhang... Xue Rengui shot three arrows in a row, killing Yuzhou General Zhaoyang Zhaohua brother and the main general Yuanzhang defeated Yuzhou's southward reinforcement army in one fell swoop..."

"Oh, three arrows fixed Tianshan, it really didn't disappoint Gu..."

"My lord, what did you say? Three arrows fixed Tianshan?"

Jia Xu asked with some doubts, it is clear that three arrows set Jibei, how did it become Tianshan?

"Uh, it's nothing, but Xue Rengui's bow and arrow are extremely good, and he can defeat the Yuzhou army in one fell swoop with only three arrows, which is exactly what I have to admire..."

"Huh, if you don't wave your troops to point to the northern border, Xiong Xin should burn incense. He dares to take the lead. It's simply life and death. Pass my order to let Zhao Yun and Li Jing wave their troops out of the customs and come to Yuzhou. I won Yuzhou, remember to save Fan Zeng's life, don't let Fan Zeng run away..."

A stern look flashed in Bei Minghao's eyes, and a cold voice came out of his mouth.

Jia Xu raised his brows slightly when he heard the words, and mourned for Yuzhou for a while, but he even teased the tiger's whiskers at this moment, he was speechless, he didn't know what to say.

However, the public says the public is justified, and the wife says that the woman is justified. It is not surprising that princes compete for hegemony and make friends with each other at a distance. One day they are allies, but tomorrow they become enemies.

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch, Bei Minghao will attack Yuzhou sooner or later, and it is not unreasonable for them to take the lead in resisting.

And since ancient times, only victory and defeat have been discussed on the battlefield, not right and wrong, that's all.

"Report, Your Majesty, the owner of the Fengyi Pavilion sent a letter, asking you to have a look at it yourself..."

"Fengyi Pavilion? What's the matter with sending the letter at this time?"

Bei Minghao was a little puzzled when he heard the words, muttered to himself, took the letter, opened it and read it.

"Chen Yuanyuan? Mao Qiang? Hey, it's finally here. Gu has forgotten about this, but now I have four Zhaojuns in my harem. It would be bad if there were more. Besides, Zhaojun is pregnant now, so I can't stimulate her anymore." , last time..."

A trace of helplessness and fear flashed across Bei Minghao's face. He didn't know how to arrange these two beauties for a while, and he already had Diao Chan, Yu Ji and others, so he couldn't indulge too much in beauty.

"Hey, yes, Zilong Luocheng is the earliest person with me. He is very handsome. He is still unmarried and has always been loyal. He can facilitate his marriage, hehe..."

Suddenly, Bei Minghao thought of Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng and others who had been following him since Linshan County, who had been fighting for him and worked hard. It was time to reward them well and think about their major life events.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered someone to bring the owner of the Fengyi Pavilion to see him, and he personally entrusted him.


"Commander, Huanwen Yuliang sticks to Chaoyang City, and it's really wrong to waste time again. Now Sizhou Army's forces are concentrated in Chaoyang City and Gaoling City to guard against our army and Liu Bei's army. In Di's opinion, it's better to go with soldiers. A dangerous move, send out a large army to continue to besiege Chaoyang City, bypass Chaoyang City at the same time, run through Sizhou like lightning, take down other cities, fortify the walls and clear the country, and approach the capital..."

"Di Jiang Army, this move is good, but the main force of the Sizhou Army is here. What if Huan Wen gives up and fires our army? Then our army will be deeply trapped in the hinterland of Sizhou..."

"Commander, Wei agrees with Di Jiang's strategy, and is willing to personally lead the army into the hinterland of Sizhou, take Sizhou, and go straight to the king city..."

For Di Qing's strategy, Wei Qing agreed very much at that time. He likes to take risks, and now the morale of the Northern Dark Army is like a rainbow, and the combat power is soaring. With his commanding ability alone, he can ravage Sizhou. The great achievement is close at hand, so he naturally does not want to Will hesitate and cringe.

"Since General Wei Qing also agrees, then Wu will not stop me. I just hope that the two generals can act cautiously during this trip, so as not to fall into the enemy's trap..."

Both Wei Qing and Di Qing are hot-blooded men, so they naturally don't have Wu Qi's mature view of the overall situation.

"The last general takes orders!"

The two looked at each other, and they were all a little excited, especially Wei Qing. This battle was his first battle under Bei Minghao's command. Naturally, he had to go all out to make a great name and become famous in Dongzhou.

As for Di Qing, under the bronze mask, his eyes were full of wisdom and evil light. As a famous commander in the Song Dynasty, he was proficient in both military and military strategies, and his strategy was not weak.

Afterwards, the two set out separately with troops, Di Qing commanded [-] infantry, while Wei Qing commanded [-] elite cavalry. Xingye left the Chaoyang City barracks, detoured across Xinghu Mountain, and headed straight for Sizhou.

And Di Qing led an army of [-] to the south along the waterway, approaching Hancheng, the closest city to Chaoyang City.

There are not many troops in Han City, and [-]% of them were transferred to Chaoyang City. At this moment, there are only [-] defenders in the city, half of which are recruits and veterans, and less than half of them are strong and strong.

The guard is a son of a wealthy family in Hancheng, named Han Xiang, young and vigorous, not weak in strength, high-spirited, and governing Hancheng in a prosperous way.


At dawn, when a ray of rising sun shot out from the sky, there were waves of vibrations from the distant horizon, like an earthquake, rumbling.

The defenders on the city wall were sleepy, rubbing their eyes, and squinting towards the horizon.

What came into view was a burst of dust and yellow sand all over the sky, as if a sandstorm had been rolled up, sweeping towards Hancheng.

"Old Liu, you, you, what do you think that is?"

A veteran rubbed his eyes, pointed at the flying sand outside the city, his calves trembled unconsciously.

"That's a person, is that the enemy army coming? Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

The other person took a closer look, was horrified, and immediately shouted "enemy attack", and all the defenders took up their weapons one after another, looking nervously at the mighty enemy troops coming from outside the city.

"Take down Hancheng in one go, and kill me..."

As early as the second half of the watch, Di Qing went outside Hancheng, intending to take down Hancheng with a thunderbolt.

"Northern Underworld Army didn't hesitate to attack Han Cheng with their weapons!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The siege engines are always in a disadvantage. A city with less than 5000 people was crushed by the catapults and siege engines in both directions. In less than a quarter of an hour, the city gate was blasted open and entered the city.

Afterwards, the weak defenders were naturally no match for [-] tigers and wolves. Hancheng fell in an instant, and a group of Sizhou troops surrendered at the flag.

Di Qing marched in a hurry, and in less than a day, he captured Hancheng in the south of Chaoyang City, and Han Xiang, the defender of Hancheng, was defeated in Chaoyang City.


(End of this chapter)

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