Chapter 130

Duantian Cliff, also known as Duanlong Valley, is the only way from Yongzhou to Qianzhou.

"Brother Li, can Bei Minghao be eliminated this time? If he is allowed to escape, there will be endless troubles when he returns to Huangzhou..."

Qian Sun stood beside Li Shimin, with a worried expression on his face and trembling unconsciously. He was even more helpless at this moment. He had tigers in front and wolves in back, whether it was Beiminghao in Huangzhou in the east or Dingzhou in the west. Li Shimin is not something he can offend.

A tiger sleeping soundly on the side of the couch is like sitting on pins and needles, restless, but he is unwilling to give up his hegemony, so he can only do this to help one party eradicate the other.

"Hehe, don't worry, Brother Qian. This time, my five major forces have joined forces, whether they have mental calculations or not, and have blocked all the exits in Yongzhou, the capital of Qianzhou. It is easy to eradicate Bei Minghao. As long as Bei Minghao is dead, Brother Qian will not be saved. Is there a heart attack?"

Li Shimin said with a light smile, it seems that he has a plan in mind, and he is sure to eradicate Bei Minghao in one fell swoop.

"In this way, Qian's life will be entrusted to you!"

Hearing this, Qian Sun gritted his teeth, a fierce light flashed in his tiger's eyes, and he agreed to Li Shimin helplessly.

At this moment, he is still on the thief ship, and he has to submit if he does not submit, otherwise his life may be in danger. Li Shimin and others will not just watch him leave.

However, even though he agreed, there was a faint uneasiness in his heart that could not go away, and a shadow was planted in his heart.

"Hehe, Brother Qian, don't worry, we waited for the Five-State Alliance to secretly ambush here, and now we have set up an ambush in Duantian Valley, as long as Bei Minghan steps into it, there will be an ambush on all sides, and you can't escape even if you put your wings on it. Put it in your stomach, hahaha..."

Liu Bei seemed to have forgotten his unhappiness with Liu Yu at this moment, and all the princes were in a panic, chatting like brothers and sisters, as if they regarded Bei Minghao as a thing in the grain, and they could take it easily.


"Jingde, Bianhe is ahead, I hope we can catch up!"

Li Jing looked at the rushing river in front of him out of breath, his eyes were full of exhaustion, the two of them have been on their way since yesterday, for fear that it would be too late, and Bei Minghao would be in a desperate situation.

The two of them didn't care about rest, so they cut down a few trees at random, left the floating boat to swim to the opposite bank, and then rushed to Luguan in a hurry.

When we arrived at Luguan, we saw sporadic guards patrolling the pass, listless.

"Listen, people in the city, is King Yanhuang in Guanzhong?"

Li Jing yelled angrily, and asked the person who closed the door.

"King Yanhuang left an hour ago..."

"Fuck me, boy, if you dare to lie to me, I will screw your head off and kick you like a ball..."

Yu Chigong was extremely annoyed at this moment, thinking that these bastards were deceiving him, he immediately cursed angrily.

"Jingde, let's go!"

Li Jing didn't have time to waste here, he would rather believe what he had or not, if King Yanhuang really left, every second of delay would be a second.

The two of them had no choice but to gallop in two steps at a time, heading towards the Duantian Cliff.


And Bei Minghao's group of hundreds of thousands of troops headed towards Duantianya. Zhao Yun, Long Qi, Qin Qiong, and Li Cunxiao cleared the way, while Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Yue Fei, and Wei Qing presided over the Fourth Battalion of the Chinese Army. And Zhang Hao, Yang Dayan, Gao Shun, Han Qinhu, Li Zhong, Wu Song and others led the rear army.

As for Bei Minghao, he led a group of four great counselors to sit in the center, making overall plans and taking care of everything, and the two guards, Xu Chu Dianwei and Xu Chu Dianwei, stayed on the left and right.

When I went there, there were more than 40 troops, and when I came back, there were indeed nearly [-] troops. It did not decrease but increased. This is a surprise. These are all carefully selected from the soldiers by Bei Minghao through the convenience of the leader. What came out, given time, was another tight brigade.

And while everyone was marching slowly, time passed quickly, and the Beiming army was very close to Duantianya, less than ten miles away.

But at this moment, Bai Qi, who was sitting in the center of the town, suddenly stopped his horse, his tiger eyes flashed a trace of evil, and stared straight at Duan Tianya, and Bai Qi's actions immediately attracted the attention of several other commanders.

Yue Fei, Wu Qi and others also looked at Duantianya, the army suddenly stopped here, and the atmosphere was extremely delicate for a while.

"What's going on? Where is the front? Why did it stop suddenly?" Bei Minghao poked his head out of the carriage and asked suspiciously.

"My lord, in front of you is Duantianya, also known as Duanlonggu. I don't know what General Bai Qi discovered, which made the army stop!"

"Broken Dragon Valley, Broken Dragon Valley, it's not good, let Bai Qi retreat quickly. There is an ambush here..."

Bei Minghao pondered for a moment, then his expression changed drastically, and he ordered Bai Qi to quickly lead his troops back. He finally knew where the restlessness of the past few days came from, it turned out to be the Broken Dragon Valley.

At this moment, Bai Qi's expression suddenly changed, and he yelled sharply: "Retreat, there is an ambush, retreat quickly!"

When the generals heard the words, their faces turned serious, and they organized the soldiers under their command to retreat.

"Kill it, kill it, anyone who captures Bei Minghao alive will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold, kill them all with me..."

Suddenly, shouts of killing arose, coming from the surrounding mountains and forests.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Then there was a rain of fire whistling all over the sky, flying down from Duantianya, and landed directly in the Beiming Army.

"Ah ah ah..."

For a moment, there were screams everywhere, and countless Beiming soldiers were swallowed up by the rain of fire all over the sky.

"Retreat, retreat for me!"

Bai Qi stared coldly at Duan Tianya, and retreated with a roar.

And even without waiting for Bai Qi's order, several other commanders ordered the soldiers to withdraw with the army one after another.

It's just that there are a lot of enemy troops around, filing in, coming from all directions, gathering together, trapping the Northern Underworld Army firmly under Duan Tianya, just surrounding like this, neither attacking nor relaxing.

"Bei Minghao, you can't think of it, you also have today, today will let you die without a place to bury you, hahaha!"

Li Shimin stood above Duan Tianya, overlooking Bei Minghao and his group who were surrounded, and laughed very happily.

"Li Shimin, Beiming has nothing to say about the winner and the loser, but if you think you're going to beat me, it's really ridiculous..."

Bei Minghao's eyes were full of anger, his murderous intent was undisguised, looking up at Li Shimin on Duantianya, a trace of contempt and disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Soldiers, today the hook dog thief Li Shimin colluded with other princes and blatantly violated the covenant. It is tolerable, which is unbearable. I will work together with all of you to die and die. Kill him with blood flowing into rivers. Kill him..."

"Willing to work together with the king, swear to kill the thieves, show our military power, kill! kill! kill!"

A group of soldiers spewed fire from their eyes, their canthus cracked, and they looked at the surrounding enemy with extreme anger, their fierce light burst out, like a wounded wild beast, ready to bite the enemy at any time.


 Dear book friends, can you collect it for me, Fengshang has worked very hard, and it is ready to be put on the shelves, the collection is not enough, please
(End of this chapter)

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