Chapter 123

The rustling autumn wind moves the frost, and the geese sing to return to their hearts.

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a year, and once the coalition troops came, they were like a broken bamboo. In less than half a year, they defeated the Taiping bandit army in full swing, and now only Zhang Jiao was left huddled in the East Emperor City, unable to come out.

A gust of bleak autumn wind hit the wall, and the soldiers standing on the East Emperor City were like puppets, with expressionless faces and no feeling at all, their eyes slightly staring ahead, looking a little dull.

There is no trace of life in the entire Eastern Imperial City, it is lifeless, like a dead city, silent, hidden...

Fifty miles outside the East Emperor City is a huge plain, three hundred miles to the east is Xiancheng, five hundred miles to the south is Mocheng, and four hundred miles to the north is Licheng.

The pennant fluttered in the wind, and the barracks was full of murderous spirit and high morale. They kept practicing the military formation in the barracks to prepare for the upcoming general attack.

In the coalition camp on the Eastern Front, the feudal princes of Dongzhou gathered together to discuss the final general offensive...

"Leader, is what you said in your previous letter true? Zhang Jiao is doing something against the sky?"

It was not the princes who asked the question, but Fan Zeng, the northern front army teacher. It seemed that it was extremely important at this time.

"That's right. From Luguan to Xiancheng, where I went, there were very few strong and strong people. I was very puzzled. Then I saw Zhang Jiao, the thief. After dispatching his general Wuping, he stopped his flag and drums. There must be some conspiracy, so I dare not be careless. , intending to ejaculate prematurely and wipe out Zhang Jiao, later changes will occur..."

Bei Minghao nodded, admiring Fan Zeng's ability to see the seriousness of the matter, and explained.


When everyone heard the words, they immediately took a breath, and began to whisper to each other, making a lot of noise.

"Report, a person came from outside the account, saying that he came from the Eastern Imperial City, and sent a secret letter, asking the lord to open it himself!"

Suddenly, the voice of a messenger came from outside the station, and then the messenger walked in, holding a letter in his hand, and presented it.

"But who sent it?" Bei Minghao didn't open it, but asked cautiously.

"Reporting to the lord, the man said that as long as the lord opened it, he would know who sent it, and he didn't say much else..."

When Bei Minghao heard the words, he didn't ask too much. He seemed to have some eyebrows in his heart. He slowly opened the secret letter and read it.

At first glance, Bei Minghao's face changed dramatically, becoming extremely cold, and an evil spirit suddenly gushed out from his body, causing the audience to be shocked.

"Desperate, simply insane, Zhang Jiao is a thief, I will kill him, not killing is not enough to anger the common people..."

The angry Bei Minghao completely disregarded the people around him, and said every word from his mouth in a cold tone, his eyes were full of cold light, and everyone shuddered unconsciously when they heard the words.

"My lord, what did the letter say? It made you lose your composure?"

Seeing Bei Minghao's ugly face, Jing Xiang asked in surprise.

"Phew... As expected, the disappearance of Yongzhou is indeed related to the thief Zhang Jiao. This thief is so mad that he used the blood sacrifices of thousands of Li people to forge a magic weapon. At this moment, the Eastern Imperial City is 80 years old. The old man, down to the baby waiting to be fed, all died under Zhang Jiao's claws, and the East Imperial City was empty except for Zhang Jiao's 50 army, a dead city..."

Bei Minghao took a deep breath and said very heavily, gritting his teeth while speaking.

Although he is a hero, he will not attack unarmed and innocent people, but Zhang Jiao, a thief, has already broken away from the human category, and is no different from a beast.

When everyone heard the words, their complexions changed drastically. What's more, they began to curse angrily. The upbringing in the past is useless now. Zhang Jiao acted against the sky and did something that angered people today. Who would not be angry?
Zhang Jiao's actions are completely against the common people of Kyushu and against the people of the world. Everyone is filled with righteous indignation, accusing Zhang Jiao of being insane, and what's more, threatening to arrest Zhang Jiao and make sure to light a sky lantern on him to save him from death. Peace of mind for the people of the world.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission 'Endless End'. Please destroy the forces of the Zhangjiao Taiping Army and take back the Eastern Imperial City. Completion rewards: 5 Emperor Luck Points, a peerless general summoned once, a god-level counselor summoned once, special blueprints One piece, two magic weapons, two war horses, one book of war, and one piece of miscellaneous studies! Failure penalty: Tianya Pavilion gives up support for the host."

At this moment, the crowd in the camp was so excited that even a few great counselors could hardly keep calm, especially the generals, all of them had blood-red eyes, it was very unfavorable to enter the Eastern Imperial City now, and cut the instigator into pieces. , Ling Chi was executed to vent the hatred in his heart.

"Everyone, be quiet. We don't need to attack the Eastern Imperial City right away. It is said in ancient times that if you do many wrongdoings, you will die yourself. Zhang Jiao, the thief, is going against the sky. If you do something that angers people and resents you, you will definitely be punished by heaven. Demon soldiers The day when it is cast must be the time of its death, when the time comes, as long as we rush in and take advantage of the chaos, the strength of the Taiping army will definitely collapse..."

Bei Minghao, who gradually calmed down, motioned for everyone to calm down, and said the contents of the letter, and everyone felt reasonable after hearing what he said.

"Leader, what if a piece of horned dog thief is cast into a demon soldier and does not die?"

Liu Yu and Li Shimin looked at each other, turned their eyes to look at Bei Minghao, and asked everyone's thoughts.

"Hehe, Ji Nu, it's been passed down from old to old, and there were people who acted against the heavens in ancient times, and they were all condemned by the gods, and they were killed to scum. Have you seen similar records in the Internet?"

Bei Minghao was not annoyed either, he returned to his calm state again, and said with a smile, the sophistication of his actions attracted everyone's attention.

And Liu Yu and others immediately turned sideways and asked the counselors behind them to confirm whether it was true.

"By the way, lord, there is something unclear about Mr. Li. Who sent this letter, and how much of what you said is true?"

At this moment, Li Shimin stood up and looked at Bei Minghao with shining eyes. Those deep eyes made people unconsciously fall into silence.

"Hehe, probably what Brother Li asked is what everyone here wants to know. Anyway, I will just explain to you a little bit. The person who sent the letter is named Wu Yong. He is a counselor of the Taiping Rebel Army. You can trust him. Now, everyone should be very suspicious that before the uprising of the Taiping bandit army broke out, I, in Huangzhou, removed the bandit army hidden in the dark one by one in advance. ..."

Bei Minghao did not hide his clumsiness, and told some of the previous things. Everyone was a little unbelievable when they heard the words. They looked at Bei Minghao even more, and at the same time believed the content of the letter.

"Then shall I wait and do nothing?"

Xiao Yan, the lord of Yongzhou, asked a little unwillingly. The East Emperor City was completely slaughtered. Now he has really become a polished commander. At this moment, his voice is hoarse, his eyes are blood red, and a burst of anger erupts from his chest, as if Volcano eruption.

"No, Brother Xiao, be safe and don't be impatient. I will not make this thief Zhang Jiao feel better. Since he needs time to forge magic soldiers, then we will continue to harass him to make it difficult for him to forge magic soldiers wholeheartedly. Maybe he will. Let the demon soldier be born in advance, and under the punishment of God, this thief will definitely die!"

Bei Minghao's tone was extremely cold, his eyes exuded a cold divine light, and there was a killing intent deep in his eyes that was suppressed by him, and everyone stopped talking after hearing the words, as if they were intimidated by Bei Minghao's aura.

After that, everyone left one after another, and began to prepare for the general attack...


 Dear friends, I hope you will support me a lot, please give me all the rewards, and knock me out, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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