Chapter 111

When the allied forces arrived at the edge of the Bahe River, they were dumbfounded when they saw the empty Bahe River, their faces turned gray and white.

"It's over, it's over..."

Many soldiers watched this scene, and it was difficult to maintain their morale for a while.

But the leader Liu Yu, Fan Zeng and others showed no fear on their faces, watching the reaction of the soldiers, showing that it really was like this.

"Second brother, you take this team to investigate, how long will it take for the bandit army to arrive?"

Liu Yu said to Guan Yu beside him.

A quarter of an hour later, Yu Yu came hurriedly with a group of troops, and many of the soldiers' faces were pale and pale...

"Brother, the bandit army is less than ten miles away from us..."


At this moment, more and more bandit soldiers appeared one after another on the distant horizon, densely packed and innumerable.

At this time, the coalition forces began to riot, and the morale of the army could no longer maintain stability.

Fan Zeng looked at the performance of the soldiers, nodded, and said to the princes: "It's time!"

Liu Yu, Sun Quan and others all rushed forward, and in order to restore the morale of the army, they began to motivate the soldiers.

"Soldiers, listen to my words, the bandit army is despicable and shameless, and cut off our retreat. Now we have nowhere to go. A man is born in a troubled world, and if he dies, he will die. The only thing is to fight to the death. I am willing to live and die with you. Kill a bloody road, and share fate with you alone on the road to Huangquan..."

"Wish to live and die with the lord..."

"Live and die together! Live and die together..."

The generals under his command responded one after another, and with the generals' response, the morale of the soldiers began to rise, and it continued to skyrocket, and soon reached the extreme.

"Kill the past, for the family, for the lord, for survival, kill..."


Soon hundreds of thousands of coalition soldiers' morale was lifted, and they yelled and killed the past, in order to live, for their families, and for their homeland...

"Hey, the back road has been cut off. Why is the morale of the soldiers of the coalition army so high and not sluggish at all?"

Yang Xiuqing was a little surprised when he saw the high-spirited coalition forces coming to kill them viciously. This was really beyond his expectation.

"Hehe, I guess I know there is no way out, and I want to fight my way out. Hmph, in front of our Taiping Army's million-strong army, I can only be submerged by the tide and escape? Hmph, it's just a dream. The period of the annihilation of the army..."

Hong Xiuquan sneered, and said with great disdain, it is really a joyful thing to see the upcoming great achievement, and his upcoming famous town Dongzhou.

Hearing Hong Hong Xiuquan's words, Yang Xiuqing also let go of the doubts in his heart, and led the army to kill. The nearly 70 army went straight to the direction of the coalition forces, intending to tear up the defense of the coalition forces in one fell swoop and inflict heavy damage on the coalition forces.

"This battle will never be lost, because God is on our side, kill!"

Liu Yu rode his horse forward, waved his long sword, raised his arms and shouted. Suddenly, the soldiers of the coalition army rushed into the camp of the bandits as if they had eaten gunpowder.



Immediately, the two armies fought hand-to-hand, and the coalition forces were forced into a desperate situation. An unprecedented battle broke out. One after another fought ten against ten, and ten against hundreds. All of them fought bravely. For a while, the bandit army suffered heavy losses.

On the battlefield, the sun was covered by smoke and dust, the sound of killing shook the sky, and the fighting was extremely tragic.

"Soldiers, kill me hard. After killing them, let's go back to celebrate and return to Kaiyang City. Kill..."

"Today is the day to make meritorious deeds, fight to the death without retreating, kill..."

On the battlefield, the masters and generals encouraged their soldiers one after another, and launched an extremely fierce battle with the menacing bandit army.

At this moment, both sides are fighting for real, whether it is the enemy general or one's own general, they take the lead, and they all do their best to wait for the enemy general.

Especially the two of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, they are particularly powerful. A zhangba snake spear, like a flying snake descending into the world, destroyed everything. Wherever it went, it was full of blood. The bleeding head made people sweat all over.

One by one, the thieves, who were dying in peace, fell on the battlefield in front of them. As the battle continued, more and more people were killed and injured on the battlefield.

As for Guan Yu, the battle was even more straightforward. A Qinglong Yanyue Saber, like a raptor going out to sea, crossed the blue aurora, killed bloody flowers, and leaped over the bandit army.

"The dog thief Guan Yu, take your life..."

At this moment, Zeng Tianyang, the general of the bandit army, held a nine-ringed thick back knife in one arm, and killed him without hesitation, descending with an aura of death.

The nine-ringed thick-backed saber was like the scythe of death, every blow was made by Zeng Tianyang in anger, harvesting countless dead souls.

Guan Yu looked at it, frowned frivolously, and said lightly, "Here it is again", and then snorted extremely contemptuously.

"A defeated general, how can you speak bravely? Today, Guan, your right arm, has accepted it..."

"Ah, damn it, Guan thief, I will fight you to the death today..."

"Kill, Azure Dragon Birth Strike!"

Guan Yu stopped talking nonsense and showed his attitude and determination with practical actions. Today he will definitely kill Zeng Tianyang, the "bug"!
"The world lacks a knife, the heart-breaking style!"

Sure enough, following Zeng Tianyang's ultimate move, his face began to turn pale, and a stream of angry blood flowed from his mouth. It seemed that it was a deadly combat skill that killed one thousand enemies and self-damaged eight hundred.

"Hey, interesting, Guan wants to see how many more times you can perform it?"

When Guan Yu saw that Zeng Tianyang used the forbidden move directly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was only a trace of surprise.

"Qinglong goes to sea!"

The Yanyue knife pierced the sky with a blue light, and with the momentum of thunder, it hit Zeng Tianyang directly with the momentum of Mount Tai, and it was about to cut Zeng Tianyang in half.

"Ah, there is a lack of swords in heaven and earth, the splitting heart style!"

Following the "heart-cracking pose", Zeng Tianyang vomited blood, his face turned pale, and his muscles began to tremble.

"Hmph, is the end of the mountain? Take my move 'Qinglong Zhanyue'! Die..."

Guan Yu snorted coldly, looked at the pale Zeng Tianyang, and swung the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in an instant. This move was particularly poignant, as if it were beautiful.

The silver moon turned across the sky, the green dragon struck the sky, and with the momentum of thunder, it slashed towards the silver moon...

This artistic conception is particularly beautiful, which makes people amazed again and again.

"Ah, you don't want me to live, then you can die with me, heaven and earth are short of swords, soul breaking style, cut!"

Zeng Tianyang watched Guan Yu's Qinglong Zhanyue Saber fall slowly, knowing that he would surely die with this move, he was determined to die, and no longer cared about his own life and death, he directly used the big forbidden move of burning jade and stone together.

"Qinglong Yutian!"

Guan Yu really didn't expect that Zeng Tianyang still had the energy to use the forbidden move, his expression changed drastically, and he used a big move that he had never mastered before in a hurry: Qinglong Yutian!

At this moment, Guan Yu and Zeng Tianyang were instantly razed to the ground within a radius of ten feet, and there were no bones of those who approached. No matter whether it was their own soldiers or local bandits, they all died without a place to bury them!
The billowing yellow sand flooded this area, and I couldn't see anything clearly!
"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

Zhang Fei and Liu Yu, who were on the side, were shocked when they saw this, and roared angrily.

The bandit army is also difficult to accept. After all, Zeng Tianyang is the current chief general of the bandit army. Once he dies in battle, the blow to the soldiers will be extremely serious. If he is not careful, it will become a turning point in this battle!
"Ahem..., it's all right!"

As the dust slowly dissipated, Guan Yu's low voice came from the dust, as if he was seriously injured.

"General Zeng? Are you all right?"

Hong Xiuquan also roared with great concern, but it's a pity that he hasn't heard back for a long time, and it seems that life and death have long been on the spot.

"Kill Guan Yu, avenge General Zeng, kill..."

Seeing this, Hong Xiuquan's face turned black, and with a roar, he rode his horse and rushed in the direction of the dust, intending to kill Guan Yu in one fell swoop when Guan Yu was seriously injured, so as to avoid future troubles. In this way, he not only avenged Zeng Tianyang, but promoted Morale, and can turn the tide of the battle and defeat the coalition forces in one fell swoop.

"Protect Guan Yu!"

"Who dares to hurt my second brother?"

Zhang Fei shouted angrily, and rode his horse towards the direction of the sand, but it was still a step too late, and a general of the bandit army had already charged into the yellow sand.

"Hahaha, Guan thief, you will die in the hands of me, Li Kaifang..."

Just when Zhang Fei's eyes were cracked and his anger was soaring, suddenly, a blue light flashed out of the yellow sand, and then a head flew out, and upon closer inspection, it was actually Li Kaifang's head.

At this moment, the footsteps of many soldiers who were about to charge were stagnant...

(End of this chapter)

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