Chapter 176

"What King Wei means is that the Gao family in Jizhou City is just a cover, but the real Gao family is the Wuwei Villa." Mo Tiannan said in surprise.

"Judging from the current situation, the Gao Family in Jizhou City should be just a secular branch of the Gao Family. The real Gao Family Headquarters should be the Wuwei Villa." Li Tai nodded and said.

"Doesn't that mean that this plateau is not the real head of the Gao family?" Luo Song said.

"If this king guessed correctly, there are not many people who know about it, even the Gao family in Jizhou City." Li Tai nodded and said.

"It's a waste of time, old man. I spent a long time slobbering with that old Gaoke guy in order to let Gao's family return to Momen." Mo Tiannan said with a sigh.

"Since this is the case, do we still need to continue to implement our original plan?" Xuanhua asked Li Tai.

"Do whatever you want. Although this plateau is not the real head of the Gao family, its status in the Gao family must not be too low. As long as it is in our hands, it will be beneficial to what happens next. Yes." Li Tai said after thinking about it.


It is said that when Mo Hui came to Wuwei Villa, it was already past the ugly time.This is also the darkest time of the night, and the entire Wuwei Villa is very quiet.It's as if nothing happened here.

After Mo Hui entered Wuwei Villa, he didn't run around like headless chickens like Luo Tong and Hua Nan.Instead, move forward slowly with certain rules.

But what surprised Mo Hui was that all the houses in Wuwei Villa were empty.Even in the few rooms where the lights were on, there was no one there.

However, Mo Hui did not become careless because of this, and continued to search cautiously.Finally, Mo Hui arrived, the most gorgeous building in the entire villa.

The building is three storeys high, in the shape of a round tower.There are a total of eight doors that can enter this building.And it can be clearly seen that the eight doors are distributed according to the directions of the eight trigrams.

After Mo Hui looked at it, he didn't enter any of the doors, but directly chose to exit Wuwei Villa.

When Mo Hui retreated outside the gate of Wuwei Villa, he shouted loudly into the villa: "Master Momen, listen up, those two people you got today are the retainers of Momen giants. How to deal with it?" You figure it out for yourself."

After Mo Hui finished speaking, he left Wuwei Villa without looking back.After arriving at the foot of the mountain, he said to the Zhonglang general of the Thunder Dragon Army: "Stand by all brothers, no one is allowed to leave this place without the order of the lord."

After explaining everything, Mo Hui went to Jizhou City again.But Mo Hui doesn't need to enter through the city wall again when he goes back, because the gate of Jizhou City is about to be opened.


"Three uncles, you also heard it just now. I didn't expect that after 30 years, the Momen giant would come to the Gao family again. I don't know how we should deal with this matter." A middle-aged man who seemed to be in his 40s said to asked the three gray-haired old men.

"Thirty years ago, Mo Tiannan, the giant of the Momen, came to Jizhou with the order of the giant. He didn't even find the real location of the Gao family. But this new giant of the Momen, unexpectedly found here directly. It seems that the visitors this time are not good. "One of the old people said.

"Gao Ping, did the two boys you caught open your mouth?" another old man asked.

"Those two boys are very hard-spoken, and they have been beaten all over. They didn't say why they visited Wuwei Villa at night." The middle-aged man named Gao Ping shook his head and said.

"Notice, don't embarrass them anymore. Before we find out the identity of this new giant. We must leave a way out for ourselves."

"The boss is right. Tomorrow, the third child and I will go to Jizhou City. Maybe we will get some useful news."

"Just do what the second brother said. Gao Ping, after you go back, take care of those two people, and provide them with food and drink first. And you must heal their injuries." The old man called the boss said .

"I remember the words of the eldest uncle, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate to let the two uncles go to Jizhou City. If something happens, don't kill me after my father leaves the customs." Gao Ping said.

"There are some things that you can't do. Although we old guys are old, but in some respects, you young people can't compare." Gao Ping's second uncle said to Gao Ping.


"My lord, the whole villa of Wuwei Villa is empty. There is a three-story round tower, and eight doors are opened according to the directions of the gossip. I think the key of Wuwei Villa should be this round tower." Mo Mo Hui said to Li Tai.

"The upper three floors are divided according to the three talents of heaven, earth and people, and the eight gates are distributed according to the eight trigrams. This villa is empty. Could this be the Three Realms Pagoda of the Momen?" Mo Tiannan said to himself after hearing Mo Hui's words.

"Mr. Mo, I don't know what the Three Realms Pagoda you are talking about." Li Tai asked Mo Tiannan.

"There is an ancient building in Momen. The way of building is just like what Mo Hui said. His name is called the Three Realms Tower. It is said that the tower is divided into three realms, and the gate is divided into eight directions. There are empty rooms and no one is there, and there is no exit." Then Mo Tiannan explained the Three Realms Pagoda to Li Tai in detail.

The Tower of the Three Realms is actually an organ building. The three talents of heaven, earth and man, and the five elements and gossip are all existences that deceive people.

And the real power of the Three Realms Pagoda is the organs in the tower.The organs on each floor are different, but they are interrelated.

It can be said that pulling one hair and moving the whole body is definitely a peak-level existence in mechanism art.

But in order to break through this Wuwei Villa, the Three Realms Pagoda is a crucial existence.It can be said that the Three Realms Pagoda is the eye of Wuwei Villa.

In other words, the entire Wuwei Villa is a large array of organs.If someone who doesn't know how to go in, even if you are a unparalleled general, it will be useless to lead thousands of troops.

After hearing Mo Tiannan's explanation, Li Tai couldn't help but gasped.In any case, Li Tai never expected that the Momen Gao family would be so difficult to deal with.

"I don't know if Mr. Mo has a way to break the Tower of the Three Realms." Li Tai asked Mo Tiannan.

"I'm not afraid of your joke, King Wei. Although I'm a giant of the previous generation, I can't do anything about the Tower of the Three Realms." Mo Tiannan shook his head helplessly and said.

"It seems that we can only make a breakthrough on Gao Yuan." Luo Song said to Li Tai.

"What I am most worried about now is that the members of the Gao family will harm Luo Tong and South China." Li Tai said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured. Before I left Wuwei Villa, I told the news that the two generals were the retainers of the giant. I guess his Gao family would have some scruples." Mo Hui told Li Tai Said.

"You have done a good job in this matter. Even if his Gao family doesn't want to return to the Mo sect, he will never dare to do anything to the Juzi's retainers. Otherwise, he will let other families find a reason to do something to him." Mo Tiannan was happy Said.

 Today's Chapter 1.

(End of this chapter)

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