Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 474 The Great Origin Rule

Chapter 474 The Tenth Origin Rule

With the original rules of the plane and the infusion of the power of the saint, Qin Fang only felt that he was full of strength at this moment.

The black and white beams of light have become weaker and weaker under the oppression of Qin Fang.

At this time, the strength in Qin Fang's body was increasing rapidly, and seeing Tiandao's face getting worse and worse, a cold light appeared in Qin Fang's eyes.

This time, it must be destroyed directly by means of thunder, absolutely not giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang's eyes turned cold!

With a deep shout in his heart, Qin Fang didn't hesitate, and the white beam of light between his hands suddenly increased sharply.


Under this blow, the black and white beams of light disappeared instantly!

Feeling the pressure from his hand, Tiandao's complexion suddenly changed, he clenched his teeth and resisted desperately.

But no matter how he blocked it, it was useless. A sense of powerlessness came to mind.

The power of the combination of light and dark rules is terrifying, but it also has its critical point!

Qin Fang now has four complete original rules in his hands, and with the blessing of the original rules of time, it has completely exceeded this critical point.

So even if it devours Chaos' tens of millions of troops, it will not help.

The difference in strength level is destined to be a drop in the bucket and will not have the slightest effect.


With a roar, Qin Fang's power surged again under the continuous supply of power from the saints.


Feeling Qin Fang's surge in strength, Tiandao's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of panic.

However, regarding his dying struggle, the white beam of light did not stagnate in any way, but was mixed with a force of destructive force, swallowing it with a bang.


With a loud bang, the Dao of Heaven was instantly shattered under this blow!
"Ding dong, 2500 billion origins have been discovered!"

"Ding dong, discover the original rules of light!"

"Ding dong, discover the rules of the origin of darkness!"

"Ding dong, the system meets the upgrade conditions, do you want to upgrade?"


Without hesitation, Qin Fang nodded directly to confirm the upgrade.

"Start to upgrade..."

"update completed!"

"Host: Qin Fang.

Level: Level 80 Underworld God (100%/[-]%).

Subsystem: Underworld Mall (nine-level authority).Underworld (open).Hall of Impermanence (black and white).Nether God Dynasty.Nine Hells.Heaven.

Origin Rules: Spatial Rules (Perfect).

Time Origin Rule (5%).

The Law of Origin (Perfection).

The original rules of luck (perfect).

The Law of the Source of Light (Perfection).

Dark Origin Rules (Perfect). "

Looking at his current information panel, Qin Fang nodded in satisfaction, but there is one thing that deserves his attention, that is, the display after the ninth level of Hades is no longer based on numbers, but on percentages.

Now he is a ninth-level underworld god, with 80% of his origin, and 20% less than tenth-level perfection!

Then Qin Fangfang looked down at the six figures standing on the prehistoric world below.

These six figures are none other than the six great sages of the heavens.

First place, Taiqing Taishang Daode Tianzun!

Second place, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun!

The third place, Supreme Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Venerate!

The fourth place, one of the two sages in the West, guides the Taoist!

The fifth place, one of the two sages of the Quartet, is the quasi-said Taoist!

The sixth place is the great sage of the monster race, Empress Nuwa!
Looking at the six phantoms in front of him, Qin Fang couldn't help feeling a wave of fluctuation in his heart.

Taking a step forward, he came to the front of Liu Sheng, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Looking at the first Taoist Heavenly Venerable, the Taishang Laojun, Qin Fang nodded and then looked at the other five people.

Then he looked back at several people and said, "You saints, if my predictions are correct, you should know who I am."

Hearing Qin Fang's words, the Taishang Laojun and the others looked at each other and nodded to show that they knew. Afterwards, Lao Shang Laojun took the lead and said: "We are all waiting for you, you are finally here."

"wait for me?"

Hearing this, Qin Fang couldn't help feeling puzzled.Could it be that they already knew that they were coming back.

Although he was very puzzled in his heart, Qin Fang still didn't ask, because he knew that the Taishang Laojun would definitely tell him the truth.

Sure enough, at this moment, he went on to say: "At the beginning of the birth of the heavens..."


After listening to the Taishang Laojun's narration, the doubts in Qin Fang's heart were immediately resolved.

The heavens and worlds are created out of nothing, and everything is born and evolved from chaos. With the continuous operation of the heavens, each world has its own proprietary system.

The reason why chaos can create the heavens and worlds is entirely because above the chaos, there are nine original rules that control the countless universes of the heavens and worlds.

These nine original rules are the rules of life, time rules, space rules, plane rules, luck rules, dark rules, light rules, extinction rules, creation rules, nine original rules!

These nine original rules are the foundation of the heavens and the world!
The rules of creation represent the beginning of everything, and the rules of destruction represent the end and destruction of everything.

Because of the rules of life, living beings can exist in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Because of the rules of light and darkness, there is light and darkness in the heavens and myriad worlds. The rules of luck represent the luck of the heavens and myriad worlds, the luck of all living beings, and the luck of all things.

Because of the existence of the rules of plane space and space, the plane space can exist!
Above the heavens, these nine rules represent the source of the heavens and myriad worlds. They are the source of everything and the foundation of everything.

The nine original rules are running endlessly in the heavens.

However, with the continuous evolution of the heavens and worlds, the nine original rules are also evolving, and finally the tenth original rule has evolved.

This tenth rule is the retrograde rule!

Because it was born in chaos, it is also called the rule of chaos.

As countless worlds continue to run, they are repeated, shattered, reorganized, and then reborn.

The tenth rule finally endured enough, so it broke away from the other nine rules, because it was the co-evolution of the nine rule chains, so it has all the other nine rule chains.

Including the control of the heavens and the worlds, after breaking away from the nine original rules, the ultimate goal of the tenth rule is to transcend the heavens and the worlds, because in its cognition, the heavens and the worlds are only nine It is just a "small world" created by the rules of the Great Origin.

So it has endured enough, wants to transcend everything, and is no longer controlled by the nine original rules.

It wants to let all the rules run, to run according to its own will!
For this reason, it did not hesitate to attack the nine rules, and finally it got what it wanted, the operation of the nine rules was disrupted, and above the heavens, the nine rules joined forces to destroy the chaos rules.

But facing the chaotic rules that had been prepared for a long time, coupled with being attacked first, the nine original rules were defeated.

However, when they were defeated, they also shattered one-third of the origin of the original rules of chaos, and used the two major rules of creation and destruction to travel through billions of time and space to seal it!
After this battle, both sides can be said to be a loser!

After that, the disrupted nine original rules had no choice but to use their last consciousness to break through the blockade of the chaotic rules, and to break through the void with their last hope and go away.

The purpose is to prevent the primordial rules of chaos from allowing the conscious dao of the heavens to devour the primordial origin of all living beings and advance themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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