Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 343 Chen Nan Arrives

Chapter 343 Chen Nan Arrives
Outside the main hall of the palace, there were lights and festoons at this time, and it was a joyous occasion.

Today's wedding was presided over by Emperor Chu himself and bestowed upon him.

It can be said that the entire state of Chu is paying attention to this wedding.

Because the two protagonists of this wedding have extraordinary identities.

Therefore, the wedding is doomed to everyone in the Chu state, from the poor to the high-ranking and nobles.

One is the daughter of the left prime minister of Chu State, and the other is the daughter of Chu State's powerful side
On the square outside the palace hall, the Emperor Chu and the Empress sat high above them, giving them a panoramic view of the audience.

And when Emperor Chu saw Qin Fang and Chu Yue who had just walked into the square, his eyes that were originally full of smiles could not help but sink.

During the past six months, he has been sending people to look for Qin Fang in the whole Chu country.

Even outside Chu Yue's bedroom, people were deployed to monitor Qin Fang's and Chu Yue's every move.

Once Qin Fang and Chu Yue saw that something was wrong, he would immediately order these people to get rid of Qin Fang.

But what makes him depressed is that during the past six months, he almost secretly sent people to search the entire Chu country, but Qin Fang seemed to have disappeared completely, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked!
But what he didn't expect was that Qin Fang actually appeared again, and he appeared with Chu Yue in an upright manner.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Chu Yue being the next emperor in his heart, Emperor Chu would really not have prevented Chu Yue from walking with Qin Fang.

After all, Chu Yue was the sensible and well-behaved daughter he had grown up with since childhood.

Ever since Chu Yue showed an intelligence far beyond her peers when she was young, she lost a lot of happiness that children should have.

To be honest, for Chu Yue, as a father, Emperor Chu felt guilty, but for an emperor, he could only consider everything from the perspective of the country!
But he was also helpless, because as the Princess of Chu, these were all her destiny.

Regarding this, Emperor Chu could only feel sorry for Chu Yue.

After glancing at Qin Fang with gloomy eyes, the smile returned to Emperor Chu's eyes.

He has already decided that after today, Chu Yue must cut off contact with such incompetent idlers as Qin Fang!
Qin Fang, who was with Chu Yue, noticed it immediately the moment Emperor Chu looked at him.

However, due to Emperor Chu's gaze, Qin Fang naturally wouldn't take it to heart.

He really doesn't care about an ordinary emperor who can't be in the ordinary world.

If it wasn't because of Chu Yue's relationship, just because of the faint killing intent he showed towards him just now, he wouldn't suggest helping Chen Nan today and make the matter bigger!
This time the Nalan family married the Sima family, and as the witness of the marriage, Emperor Chu would naturally not be ignored by everyone.

Even if someone ignored the Nalan and Sima families who were overjoyed today, they would definitely not ignore the Emperor Chu.

Therefore, although the people who came and went came to attend the wedding banquet of these two families, they mainly did so to save the Emperor Chu's face.

Hearing the congratulations from the people coming and going, Chu Huang was very happy.

Except for Qin Fang who was standing with Chu Yue from time to time, anger would appear in his eyes, everything else made him very satisfied.

Looking at the smiling Chu Huang sitting high above, Qin Fang also showed a smile on his face.

He was looking forward to seeing the expression on Emperor Chu's face after Hou Yi's bow shot past his forehead.

I don't know if I can come out happily!


At this moment, a loud dragon roar suddenly came from the distant sky.

I saw a huge dragon flying over from the sky, and above the dragon's head stood a burly young man with lightning-like eyes and a stern expression.

This young man is none other than Sima Lingkong of the Sima family!
The male protagonist of this big wedding, the male supporting role of the sadistic drama!

Today's Sima Lingkong, wearing a bright red wedding gown, is full of joy and ambition!

A few days ago in the palace, Chen Nan shot his flying dragon to death with a bow and arrow, so he asked his teacher to borrow this mighty dragon.

Moreover, it was originally planned to hold a wedding banquet at Sima's house, and because of Chen Nan's riot last time, in order to appease him and the forces behind him, the Emperor finally decided to hold the wedding in the imperial palace.

This kind of treatment, I believe that no one in the entire Chu country can enjoy it.

So today he, Sima Lingkong, will be the No.1 besides the royal family!
"I have seen my emperor, long live my emperor!"

Getting off the flying dragon, Sima Lingkong knelt down towards Emperor Chu and shouted loudly.

"Haha, get up!"

After the Emperor Chu laughed out loud, he waved his hand to signal Sima to stand up in the air.


At this moment, two black flying dragons soared into the sky and hovered over the Palace Square, and then two red banners fell down.

The letter on the left: A hundred years of good marriage!The letter on the right: Forever united!

"I wish the dragon knight Mr. Sima and Ms. Nalan a happy life!"



All of a sudden, firecrackers went off, and congratulations continued on the square.

Seeing this, Sima Lingkong was full of vigor, and with a wave of his hand, the two flying dragons flew back and landed in the distance.

And the wedding has not officially started, it has already fully driven the atmosphere on the square.

"The bride is here!"

Who knows who yelled, and everyone in the square looked at Nalan Ruoshui, who was surrounded by a large group of people at the door, wearing red makeup and a red veil.

The two maids led Nalan Ruoshui to Sima Lingkong's side, and finally handed over the red ribbon in their hands to the two of them, then withdrew.

At this time, the noise in the square had disappeared, and everyone was looking at Nalan Ruoshui and Sima Lingkong who were standing together.

Not far away, Qin Fang looked at the bustling crowd and the huge happy character hanging above Emperor Chu's head, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.


After a murmur, the smile on Qin Fang's face became more and more intense, and his arms were naturally put on Chu Yue's thin shoulders, and he leaned against Chu Yue's body.

"What are you doing!"

Chu Yue was shocked by Qin Fang's sudden action!

In such a large crowd, she never thought that Qin Fang would actually put his arm on her shoulder.

But for some reason, when Qin Fang did this, not only did she not feel uncomfortable, but she felt a little joy in her heart.

Hearing Chu Yue's words, Qin Fang said indifferently, "It's nothing, it's just that some interesting things may happen in a while, so you just watch quietly."

"What's interesting?"

Hearing Qin Fang say that something interesting would happen, Chu Yue couldn't help opening her eyes wide and asked in doubt.

"You'll see it soon."

Qin Fang didn't answer Chu Yue, but stared at the black shadow at the gate of the palace with indistinct eyes.

This black shadow is none other than Chen Nan holding the Houyi Bow!
(End of this chapter)

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