Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 311 Chen Nan's News

Chapter 311 Chen Nan's News

When Qin Fang returned to Fengning City, Chu Yue and his party also hurried back.

Because there was no need to worry about being discovered when going back, so Chu Yue and the others traveled very fast along the way, and returned to Fengning City in only half of the time it took to go there.

Chu Yue, who was so angry because of a well-planned calculation, was set aside by someone, and for a while, she forgot the embarrassment between Qin Fang and Qin Fang.

Qin Fang naturally knew about Chu Yue's return.

Looking at Chu Yue with her pretty face tensed and her eyes full of depression.

Qin Fang couldn't help showing a smile in his eyes.

I don't know how she will feel after letting her know that Jiaolong finally fell into his hands.

However, Qin Fang just thought about it. Naturally, it is impossible to really hand over Jiaolong to Chu Yue.

Of course, even if it was given to her, it would not be now!
Because, he couldn't explain why Jiaolong came into his hands at all.

Although he could expose his strength to Chu Yue, it would definitely arouse Chu Yue's suspicion at that time.

Of course, with his strength, he can naturally solve all problems in the human world.

But he didn't want to do that, his purpose was to wait for the final decisive battle between Chen Nan and others and Tiandao, and then take advantage of it.

So I don't want to be too high-profile and attract the attention of the devil and others.

After all, he walked out of the cemetery of gods and demons.

His every move will be noticed.

For the sake of the long-term plan, the devil and others will never allow him to jump too much.

The layout of all walks of life has basically been completed. If there is a restless chess piece, the only consequence will be destruction.

With the system in place, he naturally doesn't have to be afraid of being destroyed by a taboo existence.

But in this way, he is equivalent to being exposed under the eyes of the devil and others and Tiandao, and he will definitely not have his share in the last fisherman's profit!

So for the final plan, he should keep a low profile.

What's more, he also wants to make a good breakthrough in this world.

At least before his strength grows, he should keep a low profile, which is still indispensable!

Glancing at Chu Yue who was still angry, Qin Fang didn't care, but walked straight towards Chu Yue's residence.

With Qin Fang's current relationship with Chu Yue, it is natural that he can do whatever he wants in the City Lord's Mansion.

After entering the courtyard where Chu Yue lived, Qin Fangfang saw Chu Yue who was sitting on the side, sullen.

"Seeing you go out in a hurry, why did you come back so soon?"

Qin Fang asked pretending to know nothing.

Chu Yue, who heard the voice, saw that it was Qin Fang who came, and panic flashed in her eyes.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of the embarrassment she encountered when playing chess in Qin Fang's room.

However, Chu Yue was not an ordinary person, so she quickly recovered her composure, "It's nothing, I just encountered some minor troubles."

After finishing speaking, he changed the subject and said to Qin Fang, "What can you do with me?"

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about Jiaolong, Qin Fang didn't force it, anyway, he knew what he should know.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that your soul needs to be strengthened, so I heard that you came back, so I came to have a look."

For things like lying, Qin Fang naturally made it up.

Hearing that Qin Fang was trying to strengthen her soul, Chu Yue nodded, looked at Qin Fang and said, "What should I do?"

Facing Chu Yue's suspicious gaze, Qin Fang slowly stretched out two fingers, and gently touched Chu Yue's eyebrows.

"what are you doing!"

Seeing Qin Fang's move, Chu Yue's complexion couldn't help changing, obviously she was puzzled by Qin Fang's sudden move.

Seeing this, Qin Fang didn't answer, but just responded with a relieved smile, signaling her not to be afraid.

Then Chu Yue couldn't help but take the next step, pointing her fingers directly on the white and clean eyebrows.


The moment Qin Fang's fingers touched the center of her eyebrows, Chu Yue could only feel her whole body, even her soul, feel unprecedentedly comfortable.

Feeling the faint warmth from her fingertips, Chu Yue only felt her heart, which was unprecedentedly calm.

Slowly closing her eyes, Chu Yue's body couldn't help but lean forward slightly.

At this moment, Chu Yue, whose body and mind were at an unprecedented ease, just wanted to sleep quietly.

Just like that, Chu Yue, who closed her eyes tightly, vaguely felt her body leaning against a broad and warm embrace.

At this moment, she only felt that everything was very comfortable.

Looking at Chu Yue lying in his arms, Qin Fang couldn't help but be taken aback, this is the second woman lying in his arms besides Shui Bi.

Smelling the unique virgin fragrance from the tip of his nose, Qin couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Originally, he was just planning to help Chu Yue's soul and tidy up Qi Jue's soul fragments, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this, which made him a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared, which immediately resolved Qin Fang's embarrassment.

"Your Highness, there will be important things to report in the end!"

Outside the door, Zhao Sheng broke in suddenly, and said loudly as he walked.

But when he saw the scene in the courtyard, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and his face was full of disbelief.

The big princess who he admired was lying in Qin Fang's arms with a peaceful expression at this time, and she seemed to be asleep.

This made him feel a little unbelievable.

But at this time, because of Zhao Sheng's sudden appearance, Chu Yue, who was not fully asleep, opened her eyes immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a flush of blush appeared on her fair cheeks. At this moment, Chu Yue couldn't be too beautiful.

Even Qin Fang, who had seen many beauties before, couldn't help being taken aback.

As for Zhao Sheng, he was dumbfounded, but then he realized and quickly lowered his head. The princess's beauty is not something he can blaspheme.

Chu Yue, who was not completely asleep, remembered everything the moment she opened her eyes.

As soon as she thought that she fell into Qin Fang's arms on her own initiative, she felt her face burning hot.

At the same time, he couldn't help scolding himself for being useless in his heart, and actually let his guard down in front of Qin.

If someone wanted to do something to her just now, she would definitely fall!

Pushing Qin Fang away, Chu Yue stood up abruptly, and said indifferently to Zhao Sheng who bowed her head, "What's the matter!"

"Your Highness, there has been news of His Highness Chu Yu!"

After speaking, Zhao Sheng immediately took out a bead flower and handed it to Chu Yue.

"What did you say!"

Hearing Zhao Sheng said that there was news about Chu Yu, Chu Yue's eyes immediately revealed a gleam of joy.

She came out this time mainly for that dragon, and secondly to find her younger sister.

But she has stayed in Fengning City for several months, and even found that dragon, but there is still no news of Chu Yu's.

Now the sixth-order flood dragon has no fate with her, but it is not bad to hear the news of Chu Yu.

Looking at the pearl flower in her hand, Chu Yue immediately asked Zhao Sheng, "Can you find Yu'er?"

"I've found it, it's in a small town under Fengning City..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Sheng immediately told all the news he got about Chu Yu.

When he mentioned the down-and-out young man staying with Chu Yu, Qin Fang knew that Chen Nan must be right.

Fate still made Chen Nan come together with the girl Chu Yu.

After glancing at Chu Yue beside him, a smile appeared in Qin Fang's eyes.

Next, Chu State is bound to have an annual drama, Chen Nan's first love after his resurrection.

(End of this chapter)

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