Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 308 Flood Dragon Awakens, Murderous Intent Appears!

Chapter 308 Flood Dragon Awakens, Murderous Intent Appears!

Hearing Ren Tian's words, Chu Yue's eyes flashed a gloomy murderous intent.

Rentian, the royal family of the Moon Kingdom, the Emperor of the Moon Kingdom has many children, and this Rentian is the most talented among the many children, and is deeply loved by the Emperor of the Moon Kingdom.

Ren Tian's strength was similar to Chu Yue's, both at the middle stage of the third rank.

This kind of strength may not be as good as the top young people of the major forces, but compared to others, they are already geniuses.

"Ren Tian, ​​I hope you understand that this is Chu State, if I kill you here, no one will know!"

Speaking of this, a dagger suddenly flew out from around Chu Yue's body!
Seeing the daggers wrapped around Chu Yue's body, Rentian's eyes flashed brightly.

This is the flying sword, the natal magic weapon for ascetics!

Ren Tian did not expect that Chu Yue would have such a means.

If there is no backer today, I am afraid that he really is not Chu Yue's opponent!
But after glancing at the old man in sackcloth standing silently behind him, Rentian soon calmed down again!
The old man in sackcloth was a master sent by his father to protect him, and Chu Yue's strength might be good among the younger generation.

But in the eyes of the older generation, it's not enough to see!


Just at Rentian's dazed effort, Chu Yue spotted the timing!
Feijian instantly transformed into a rainbow light, which went straight to Rentian's throat.

Chu Yue's attack has already reached the level of killing.

The moment Chu Yue launched the attack, a sharp sword was continuously enlarged in Ren Tian's pupils.

At this moment, Rentian knew that he was doomed, he had already seen death.

Chu Yue's sneak attack came when he was completely unprepared.

He was unprepared before adding him, and he couldn't run away at all under mental calculation or carelessness!

Just when Ren Tianxia consciously thought that he would die under this sword, he saw a withered and thin palm suddenly blocking him.

At this time, I was looking at Chu Yue's flying sword, but at this moment, the owner of this terrifying palm clamped it tightly with two fingers!

"how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yue's eyes widened.

It never occurred to her that the sword that she regarded as a must-kill was actually blocked with two fingers!

This made her very unacceptable!

"Haha, how about it, I have His Highness Chu Yue, are you planning to retreat by yourself, or do you want me to personally send you on your way?"

With this mysterious strong man by his side, Ren Tian didn't have to worry about whether Chu Yue would attack him. According to his observation, there was no strong man above the third rank among Chu Yue and his party. He wanted to clean up Chu Yue and her party. Man, it couldn't be easier!

If it wasn't important to do business, he really wanted to keep Chu Yue.

Not only is Chu Yue powerful, but her appearance is also stunning. He really doesn't want to let such a beauty go.

However, he just thought about this kind of thing. If Chu Yue was really moved, once the Emperor Chu knew about it and started a war, the consequences would definitely not be something he could afford.

Don't look at the fact that the three kingdoms are at the same time, but if it really competes with Chu, Baiyue Kingdom really can't beat it.

Once both sides lose too much, or both lose, what awaits them is definitely the attack of the surrounding small countries!
Therefore, what can be done now is to drive away Chu Yue and get the dragon in front of him.

Once this flood dragon is obtained, the strength of the Moon-Worshiping Kingdom will definitely rise to a higher level. It will not be difficult to annex the surrounding small countries and finally defeat the Chu Kingdom!
"Your Highness, what should we do!"

Zhao Sheng came to Chu Yue's side and asked with a serious expression.

The situation in front of them is not good for them!

Although they have a large number of people, they do not have high-end combat power at all. The mysterious old man's strength is really terrifying, and they are not something they can deal with!

Hearing this, Chu Yue just glanced at Empress Ren Tian coldly, and said directly: "Retreat!"

Then he took the lead in walking towards the outskirts of the mountains.

It seemed that he had indeed chosen to compromise and planned to leave.

However, Qin Fang, who was standing high above the sky, would not think that Chu Yue would just give up.

With Chu Yue's intelligence, since she knew the preciousness and value of Jiaolong, she couldn't have been prepared!
Sure enough, as Qin Fang expected, when no one was paying attention, Chu Yue's right hand was across her chest, forming a complicated imprint.

But at the moment when the imprint was formed, the eyes of the dragon, which was still sleeping, suddenly opened!

In the red eyes, there is a brutal killing intent!

A deep roar that resembled the roar of a beast and the chant of a dragon resounded in the depths of the empty canyon!
Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical atmosphere filled the air, mixed with an incomparably terrifying killing intent!
Jiaolong, who was recuperating and falling into a deep sleep, was furious!


There was another terrifying roar.

The dragon's hundred-foot-long body suddenly stood up, and its huge head looked down at the dazzling Rentian and his party!

At this time, Chu Yue and her party had already reached the outskirts of the canyon and hid themselves.

And the unlucky Rentian staring at people fully attracted Jiaolong's attention.

"Damn! Senior, what should we do now!"

Facing the Jiaolong exuding a ferocious and murderous aura, Rentian panicked and was so frightened that he trembled all over and looked at the old man in sackcloth who was also "the complexion has changed drastically!"
Facing the terrifying dragon in front of him, the only thing he can rely on now is the sackcloth beside him!

"My lord, this old slave will desperately cling to this beast in a while, you have to leave as quickly as possible, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the old man didn't continue talking, but Rentian understood what he meant.

Failure to escape means death, he knows this very well!
"Let everyone pay attention, don't let anyone go!"

Chu Yue, who had successfully hid in the dark, gave orders to Zhao Sheng, who was in the same room with a shocked face.

Hearing Chu Yue's words, Zhao Shengzai looked at Chu Yue with fear and awe.

Chu Yue's calmness and hotness have exceeded his imagination.

It never occurred to him that Chu Yue planned to use Jiaolong's hand to completely keep Rentian and his party behind.

This ruthlessness and decisiveness made me feel awe and admiration at the same time!

Of course, if he knew that the appearance of Ren Tian and others, and the sudden awakening of Jiaolong were all planned by Chu Yue, what would he think!
"Naughty beast, this old man is fighting with you!"


I saw the old man beside Rentian roaring, his strength at the beginning of the fifth level exploded instantly!

Recklessly rushed towards the dragon!

And Ren Tian rushed towards the hiding place where Chu Yue and the others were hiding as soon as the old man rushed out!
Little did they know, the direction he was running was the entrance to hell!
Looking at Rentian who was getting closer and closer, Chu Yue's eyes flashed coldly.


Seeing Ren Tian getting closer, Chu Yue said calmly to Zhao Sheng who was ready to strike at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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