The strongest porter in the last days

Chapter 407 One miracle is enough! (1 more finished!)

Chapter 407 A Miracle Is Enough! (Fifth update is over!)

The huge surprise was intense production. Everyone couldn't rest and had to continue working overtime. Even Zhang Zhen's expectations were doubled. If these people's goods cannot be guaranteed to be on the way within a week, it will have a great impact on consumers. big.

The [-]/[-] production of six production lines is based on [-] yuan. Before the heat in the early stage is reduced, the inventory gap will still be one million.

The rice cooker can't be produced hundreds of thousands per day like a mobile phone, so Su Ho let go of the embarrassment that he couldn't help kissing Zhang Zhen, and talked to Zhang Zhen about how to ensure the supply in the future.

Zhang Zhen has also been thinking about this issue. The first factory has already filled up the production line, and it is possible to continue to work, but the current production line is not efficient enough, and after the consumption heat decreases and returns to normal, the production line will follow suit. Adjustment.

"The enthusiasm of consumers has far exceeded all of us's expectations. Conservatively, the two e-commerce platforms are still the mainstream of online shopping. In the next week, the orders may reach 300 million if we are conservative. Today, our direct sales platform is 20. Conservatively, there will be about one million units. According to the basic principle of delivery within seven days, we can only produce 300 units a day. Adding the current goods, we may have a product gap of [-] million units.” Su Ho worried: “This Not counting the orders that continue to be generated after the seven-day heat period."

Zhang Zhen nodded and said: "There is no way to improve the efficiency of the production line. After Geng Ming personally improved it this time, it reached the limit of [-] a day. Our pot body has to be specially suppressed. With the current technology, it cannot be improved. The product gap is indeed very large. The other site has not yet been renovated, and it will take a month at the earliest for formal mass production such as production line deployment, which is far from quenching thirst.”

Su Ho nodded and said: "Let's guarantee the supply of products within seven days first. I suggest to issue a new announcement. Starting tomorrow, installment payments can be made for up to 24 months. The delivery period for installment payers will be extended to ten days. This will solve part of the gap. .”

"I agree, I'll come this time." Zhang Zhen also had the same idea. After all, the problem of time could not meet the demand, so he could only adopt a compromise method.

At six o'clock the next day, all kinds of media were going to interview, and people from various industries who were familiar with him sent congratulatory messages.

Zhang Zhen directly invited the media to Miracle Company, and some well-known media requested that it be held in the afternoon, because they wanted to send well-known reporters to participate. Zhang Zhen compromised. After all, now it is up to the media to speak, so as not to cause negative emotions to consumers who cannot get the goods. .

At three o'clock in the afternoon, hundreds of people from various media came, and Zhang Zhen started the briefing in the company courtyard.

Looking at the mainstream media and even CCTV that he usually sees, Zhang Zhen feels that he has really succeeded.

"Zhang Dong, how did you manage to sell tens of billions of dollars a day?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I have been paying attention to your company. Except for the public opinion incidents on the Internet, you hardly have any large-scale commercial publicity. It is only recently that there are ground advertisements. You have really created a miracle in the sales industry. "

"Mr. Zhang, rice cookers are different from mobile phones. You are a new company. Are you expecting such achievements?"

"Mr. Zhang, the order was over one million that day. Is there any possibility that the company will be out of stock?"


Zhang Zhen smiled and waited for everyone to ask questions, and then asked everyone to be quiet, and replied: "It is indeed a miracle to sell tens of billions of dollars a day, but it is also within my expectations. We are indeed a new company. Now it is still half a year away, but our products were already very mature before. In the past few months, we have been constantly making the products more perfect. There is an old saying that the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Some people say that this is not suitable for modern times. Business, but with the emergence of new media, the old saying is still valid. People believe in our quality and spread the word. With today’s achievements, I thank those who support me and trust me.”

"Mr. Zhang, your popularity has explained the Internet economy. Are you confident that consumers will continue to pursue smart rice cookers in the future?"

"I am confident. From the beginning of research and development of rice cookers to the completion of products, we have only one philosophy, which is to make life better and let miracles enter thousands of households. Therefore, I believe that my products are worthy of consumers' permanent trust." Zhang Zhen said in a timely manner: "And in order to thank consumers for their support, starting tomorrow, products on all platforms will support interest-free installment payments for up to 24 months. As expected, our inventory is slightly insufficient, and the buyers of these installments may be a little bit wronged, and it will take about ten days for the shipment, I hope everyone understands."

"Mr. Zhang, the sales of rice cookers are so hot, do you have confidence in the quality of the products that come out of such a large number of orders and hasty work?"

This question is very eye-catching, Zhang Zhen smiled calmly: "Don't you know that the so-called quality incident broke out a few days ago? I can tell you frankly that we are working overtime, but it is only the machines that are working overtime. We are fully automated. There will be no problems with the product, and if quality problems do occur, one month refund and three months replacement guarantee will be guaranteed for life!"

"With such a strong after-sales guarantee, it seems that Mr. Zhang is very confident in his products."

"There is nothing to ask about quality problems. There are not all videos on the Internet. Only people with ulterior motives will question the Miracle Rice Cooker." A third-rate reporter said the most straightforward words.

The reporter was extremely embarrassed, but he couldn't be more serious.

Zhang Zhen smiled and said, "Have you all bought my rice cooker?"

"I bought it, I placed an order!" Almost everyone said in unison, and they were very happy.

Zhang Zhen said with a smile: "Thank you for your support, I believe you will have a more real understanding after you get it."

In order to satisfy this group of reporters, Zhang Zhen stayed with them for more than an hour, and asked most of them to ask questions. Afterwards, he arranged for each group of three to experience using the rice cooker in the company. Case photos factory shipments.

After everything was done, Zhang Zhen felt tired and paralyzed again, but he was very satisfied with the return.

That night, many reporters posted news on the Weibo platform, almost all of which were praises, even if the company was out of stock, it was described as a symbol of a successful company.

With the good words from the reporters, and installment payment, and the free seasoning sticks have been used by those lucky enough to get the goods, consumers have also readily accepted the possible delay in delivery, and the out-of-stock crisis has been overcome safely Pass.

Secretary Liu bought the Hwaseong mobile phone branch from Hwaseong. When he ran back, he found out that Zhang Zhen's rice cooker had sold over [-] billion overnight. He felt that he was caught in the game, but he still had to go Go look for Zhang Zhen with a thick face.

Zhang Zhen didn't say a single extra word, and asked Su Ho to sign a new contract, and the money was owed!

Secretary Liu thought that Zhang Zhen was worth tens of billions, and the five hundred million would definitely be given to him. He didn't even think about mentioning it. What's more speechless, Zhang Zhen sent a notice to the people in Huacheng that day, and all the old employees would leave. The Hwaseong mobile phone project declared bankruptcy!
Secretary Liu was stunned. It is understandable not to need employees, but once the bankruptcy is declared, it means that the mobile phone project is directly abandoned. So what did you buy for the [-] million?That building also overflowed to more than [-] million yuan.

The mayor is not there, and the Miracle Company is worth tens of billions overnight. If the overall estimate is that it is a trillion-level existence, only one Miracle Company in K City is enough to get away. What Hwaseong?

Secretary Liu agreed, and lamented Zhang Zhen's ability. Fortunately, he was not stupid at the time and didn't try his best to help Huacheng start a miracle company. Now that Huacheng is really a piece of shit, why did he want to rely on Huacheng? It was a miscalculation, and he lamented Zhang Zhen If you have money, buy an empty shell with [-] million yuan. This is obviously to play with Huacheng. In the future, you must help Zhang Zhen. Once the mayor is promoted, he may sit on it and rely on Zhang Zhen to enjoy the cool .

(End of this chapter)

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