Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 148 Returning to Fox City

Chapter 148 Returning to Fox City

Yet it is true.


Panda glanced at Chen Feng with a drunken eye, thinking that this guy seemed a little familiar, he always liked to call himself "Master", then hiccupped and fell to the ground with a thud.

He was actually drunk!

"..." Chen Feng was speechless, what about the promise of a thousand glasses of non-drunkenness?This is down?


Under Chen Feng's gaze, Panda was already snoring and fell into a dream.

Chen Feng scratched his head, thinking that he was worried that this foodie was just asking for trouble, so he hurried back to the bedroom he had chosen for him—the former bedroom of Lieutenant General Xin Jide.

Now Chen Feng has 90.5 evolution points in his hand, if he collects a little more, he will reach 100 points.

According to Chen Feng's consistent style, the evolution point must be the first to evolve Huang Quan.But Huang Quan has reached level 3 now, direct evolution requires 1000 points, the difference is too far, it is not worthwhile to wait any longer.

Similarly, to evolve from level 0 to level 1, although it is the most economical, only 1 evolution point is needed, but the CD time of 9 days is a bit too long.

Exactly how to use it really needs to be carefully considered.

Apart from Huang Quan, originally Chen Feng's top choice for evolution should be Zol Zhuoni brothers, but it is best for these two brothers to evolve together, otherwise it will always feel weird to be one in front and one in back.

The next pick should be Thunderbird King Eagle, Great Sage Zhuyan, and Nightmare Warrior Tony.

These few now require 100 evolution points.

"I still need to work hard..." Chen Feng sighed, and secretly decided to wait until he returned to the city of the end. If you haven't evolved yet, you can use the [Direct Evolution] ability, anyway, it only needs 1 point.


That night Chen Feng slept soundly.

There is an army of pets such as Huang Quan watching the night, so the security is perfect.

The next morning, when Chen Feng got up together, he found a piece of good news.

The green mist has faded a lot, and it seems that within a month, the entire southern part of the city will become history as a no-man's land.

"Well, it's been three days, it's time to go back and have a look."

Chen Feng washed his face with bottled water, while Panda was imitating it.Immediately, Chen Feng got on his horse and started on his way home.

"I don't know how Wolfgang's attack on [Heisha] is going..."


Fox City, Dongcheng District.

[Meat Dragon] Outside Bolton's luxurious manor.

Wolfgang was frowning, looking at the closed gate, like a [Heisha] lair in a fortress.

Within three days, his [Blood-colored Mad Wolf] made great strides all the way, completely destroying the power of [Heisha] with almost no effort, and went straight to the Yellow Dragon, trapping their boss [Flesh Dragon] Bolton in this manor .

However, things changed unexpectedly at this time.

Unknowingly, Bolton invited two very strong guys from there, not only defending the manor, but even faintly showing a tendency to counterattack.

If it weren't for the two brothers Xiong Daxiong, maybe [Meat Dragon] Bolton would have successfully broken through.

So far, the remaining [Heisha] forces have broken through the siege twice, and each time has become more violent. If this continues, the third breakout, Wolfgang is not sure to stop it.

It was not that he had not tried a storm, but the losses against such a fortress were too great, and after the initial attempt, Wolfgang temporarily abandoned the idea.

But now, a trace of hostility frowned between his brows, "If you drag it on, you may really let [Meat Dragon] Bolton run away! If the boss doesn't make a move, he won't even be able to take a little [Heisha]!" Come down, that would be too embarrassing!"

"Master Legion, we are ready!"

A young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, full of heroic spirit said behind Wolfgang.


This young man from Chinatown was full of hatred towards [Heisha] and Bolton.It was this person who ruined his family and killed Uncle Yang who had been taking care of them.Therefore, after learning that Wolfgang was preparing to attack, he, Du Wei, Luo Li and others volunteered to play as forwards.

All three are evolutionaries, and if they can join the stormtroopers, the success of the storm will increase significantly.

"it is good!"

Wolfgang clenched his fists, bone spurs protruded from the front of the fist, and let out a roar, "Launch a strong attack!"

"Ow, ooh—!"

Li Cha and the others roared up to the sky like a pack of wolves. This is the unique war declaration ceremony of [Scarlet Wolf].

Gunshots rang out suddenly, and a bullet hole appeared on the forehead of a black soldier on the wall of Heisha's lair in the distance. He didn't find out where the attack came from until he died.

It's Draven.

Now, after four months of combat experience, this senior cadre of [Blood Wolf] has grown into a 2-star evolutionary, and has two abilities of [Super Long Range] and [Precise Shooting].

In the field of sniping, looking at [City of the End], only Chen Feng and Helena can overwhelm him.

With this gunshot, the Dire Wolf Army took the lead in charging.

Wolfgang took the lead and rushed to the forefront of the team.

On the wall of the opponent's fortress, gunfire was fired, and countless bullets fell on Wolfgang.

However, there is no use for eggs.

"Break it for me!"

With a roar, Wolfgang rushed up against the storm of bullets. At the foot of the city wall, he jumped up suddenly!

"My God! Monster!"

The two Heisha warriors looked terrified. They were completely terrified. They only had time to scream before being pierced through the heart by Wolfgang's bone spur.

In the camp of the blood-colored wolf, a figure rose from the ground, as if flying, jumped more than ten meters high, and then landed from the sky behind Wolfgang.

It's Richard!
Ability: [Super Jump]!
Swish swish!
In an instant, a bright knife light flashed, and the throats of the two soldiers who were about to attack behind Wolfgang were instantly cut open, blood blooming.

Wolfgang noticed Li Cha behind him, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and at the same time raised his eyebrows:
"Boy, you rush up with me, can you hold it?"

Li Cha grinned, "My lord, I'm just here to admire your heroic figure from a close distance, so I'm leaving now!"

After all, he really jumped up and fell back into the formation of the scarlet mad wolf.

Heisha's people got angry, pretending to be aggressive and wanting to run away?

Immediately, countless bullets chased after Li Cha's figure and shot towards him.

And Li Cha had just landed, when his defenses were weakest, and he was about to be beaten into a sieve.


A tall figure came out from the side, protecting Li Cha behind him.

crackle crackle.

The bullet hit this person, and there was a crisp sound of metal colliding, and they were all stopped, but this strong and tall boy was not injured at all.Looking closely, the boy's whole body's skin shone with a metallic luster, and the bullet hit it without leaving any bullet marks.

"Nice job, Luo Li!" Li Cha patted the tall boy's shoulder vigorously.

Good brother, forever.


At this moment, the gate of [Heisha] headquarters manor was blasted open from the inside.

Amidst the smog, two figures gradually appeared.

Seeing the appearance of these two people, Wolfgang and Richard gritted their teeth, "It's these two guys again!"

(End of this chapter)

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