Chapter 145 Diary


At a critical juncture, the mutated corpse king once again used his housekeeping skills, mind control!

An icy and cold spiritual power spread instantly, silently intruding into the consciousness of all the pet legions, trying to seize control and become the puppet of the Mutant Corpse King.


However, immediately after, the Mutated Corpse King let out a howl of pain, which was from the burning of the soul!

Mind control itself is a double-edged sword. It is necessary to withdraw part of one's own consciousness and turn it into a mental tentacles to invade the target's consciousness and seize control.

However, once they entered the consciousness of Chen Feng's pet army, they found that they were all facing monsters!

In Zhuoni's sea of ​​consciousness, the mutated corpse king could only feel a mass of burning flames, instantly burning its spiritual tentacles.

But Zall's sea of ​​consciousness is even colder than it. The endless ice field is shrouded in absolute zero, and the whole world is only ice!
Understand?With the power of the king blessed by the blood of the white tiger, how can a small mutant corpse king be able to test it?Shred instantly!

Nightmare horse?In hell, the endless nightmare demons followed the clues, and in turn attacked the mutant corpse king frantically.

Fairy Crane?There seemed to be a little chance at first, but a black and white pattern that the corpse king had never seen before emerged, forcing him out in an instant.

The scariest thing is Huang Quan.

Once the mutant corpse king's spiritual tentacles entered, he didn't feel anything, and was directly swallowed.there is none left.Completely stripped from the body.

That feeling, even a walking corpse who doesn't know what fear is, is extremely uncomfortable.

The mutant corpse king swears!Absolutely will never use mind control on Huang Quan for the second time!
Of course, he didn't have this chance either.

Mind control is not enough to steal chickens and rice, and it did not cause any obstacles to Chen Feng's pet army, but opened the door to the mutant corpse king.


First of all, two dragon breaths fell first, one on the left and one on the right, giving the corpse king a double sky of ice and fire.

Dabai then charged forward, roared, and slapped the mutated corpse king's chest with a move [White Tiger Cutting Out His Heart], which could tear even 700mm of heavy armor, not to mention that this half-carbonized flesh and blood body, directly slapped Make a blood hole.

Crane Fairy flashed past, and gracefully took off the mutant corpse king's two eyes.

And the fatal blow was of course done by Boss Huang Quan.

It flickered directly in the void, appearing on top of the mutant corpse king's head, aiming at the bulging brain with a paw.

With the power of Xiao Huang's claws, even an iron ball can flatten it, not to mention the brain of the Mutated Corpse King, which has the weakest defense, exploded directly, and the brains were scattered everywhere.

"Predator, don't think you have won. You are still weak and pitiful!"

Before he was about to die, Chen Feng suddenly received such a passage in his consciousness, which made him baffled. This mutated corpse king was talking nonsense.

I am weak?
I'm weak, I don't have to do it myself to kill you!
With the death of the mutant corpse king, a void energy rose from his shell and was directly swallowed by Huang Quan. It was the [soul] of the mutant corpse king, or it could be interpreted as pure spiritual power.

For Huang Quan, it is definitely a great supplement!
And Chen Feng's eyes also brightened, and two blue evolutionary spirits exploded beside the mutated corpse king!
That's a full 20 evolution points!
Chen Feng chuckled, the boss is not polite, and immediately included it in the system.

Immediately, the total number of evolution points of Chen Feng reached 90.5, leaving only 100 points away from the 9.5 mark.

As soon as the Mutated Corpse King died, the remaining walking corpses in the base stopped immediately, and then started wandering as if they lost their minds. After discovering Chen Feng's figure, they rushed over again.

From the looks of it, it should have lost the mind control of the Mutated Corpse King and turned back into an ordinary walking corpse.

Zhuoni flew over and exhaled directly, and everything was done.

The entire camp was finally quiet.


A worry suddenly appeared on Chen Feng's eyebrows.

Why did the mutant corpse king die, but the green mist didn't disappear?
Could it be that this mutated corpse king is not the chief culprit of No Man's Land, but someone else is behind the scenes?

If the problem of this green mist cannot be solved, even if all the threatening mutated life forms in this area are killed, it will not fundamentally solve the problem. Ordinary people will definitely not dare to enter, and this place will still be no man's land.

What is going on behind all this.

Chen Feng felt that the cloud of doubts covering his heart and the sky over no man's land not only did not dissipate, but became more intense.

He had a vague feeling that perhaps there should be some connection between No Man's Land and the beginning of the end times.

This feeling is very mysterious and unreasonable, but for some reason, Chen Feng knew it was true.

Suddenly, Chen Feng had a flash of inspiration.

"Yes! The mutant corpse king has not come out on the third floor of the small Pentagon. The green fog there is also the thickest. There may be clues."

Hastily walked back to the third floor of the building.

At this time, the dense green fog entrenched on the entire third floor has completely dissipated under the action of Ssangyong's biokinetic fans. The entire floor is a large bay, and except for a few load-bearing columns, the entire floor can be seen at a glance.

Although it has gone through a big battle, overall, the place is still very tidy, without that kind of wasteful and messy feeling.

Chen Feng first came to the desk where the Mutated Corpse King was originally.

Now that table has been overturned, but it can be seen from some scattered items that this table was the desk of the lieutenant general when the mutant corpse king was alive.

Chen Feng searched carefully, and there was nothing special. Just about to get up, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Wait, this drawer seems to have a mezzanine!"

Chen Feng lifted his spirits, and tapped the backboard of the drawer with his fingers, and there was a hollow sound!
Take out the dagger and swipe at the wooden board of the drawer.


A hidden grid was revealed.

Will the secret of no man's land be in it?
Chen Feng held his breath, and took out the things in the dark compartment.

It is a diary.

Open the title page, there is a line of words written on it:

“In me the tiger sniffs the rose.”

It was signed by Singed Jackson.

This is a famous poem by the British poet Siegreve Sassoon: When there is a tiger in my heart, I smell the rose carefully.

And this Singed Jackson should be the name of the lieutenant general.

Judging from the font, the strokes are powerful and flamboyant, with a hint of iron-blooded pride, worthy of being a lieutenant general in the army.It's just that now it's turned into a headless corpse.

Chen Feng randomly turned a page:
"On May 5, I received a letter from my daughter again today. The little girl is getting more and more sensible. In the letter, she prefers to call me Singed instead of Dad. This is very good, which means that we are very close. I have Can't wait to go home and be with my family, one more month until end of June and I'll be on vacation to take my daughter to Disneyland."

It's normal, boring routine.

Chen Feng flipped through a few more pages, but they were all about the same content and were of no value, so he simply turned to the last page.

Before reading the content, Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat when he saw the date.

6 month 25 day.

The day before the end of the world broke out.

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(End of this chapter)

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