Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 101 The Messenger Visits

Chapter 101 The Messenger Visits

Da da da, da da da——

On the spacious road, a burning flame, as if a war horse that came out of hell, is galloping indulgently.

There are no traffic jams, no traffic lights, no passing vehicles, and no traffic.

The Fox City in the last days actually gives people a sense of tranquil beauty.

The forest originally composed of reinforced concrete actually has a bit of a "forest" flavor.

Chen Feng rode on Tony's back, embracing the oncoming breeze with open arms.Looking up at the sky, the sky is very blue. All industrial enterprises have stopped production, and the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles are about zero. After there is no pollution, the sky quickly returns to its original color.

But in this blue sky, there are four small black dots hovering high in the sky, three of which kept going back and forth around the other small black dot, and after a while, the fourth little black dot Point devoured.


A dragon roar suddenly sounded in the sky.

Then the three little black dots swooped down towards Chen Feng one by one.

It's Zall, Zhuoni and Eagle King!

"Oh my God, what have you done!"

It was only when the three "cute pets" flew to Chen Feng's side that he realized that the fourth little black spot was actually a mutant flying beast. It seemed to be quite big and powerful, but it was a pity that it was unlucky. , met three air overlords, and was finally dismembered directly in the air.

Zhuo Ni bit a large piece of leg meat and brought it to Chen Feng, meaning that "good things" should be eaten first by the owner.

"Hehe, this..." Facing the pet's kindness, Chen Feng could only respond with a wry smile, "Zhuoni, you can eat it yourself, the master only eats cooked food."

"Google?" Zhuo Ni tilted his neck, looked at Chen Feng with a pair of long eyes, as if he was thinking that cooked food is delicious with fresh flesh and blood.

But then, Zhuo Ni flicked his neck, threw the piece of leg meat into the air, and then blurted out a breath of fire, and when the piece of meat fell down again, it had already turned into a piece of delicious roasted meat.

"Uh, haha... this... well... well, I'll just eat one piece." Looking at Zhuo Ni who brought the "food" to his mouth again, Chen Feng burst into tears, so he could only take it and take a bite.


Unexpectedly, the mouthfeel was full of meaty aroma and excellent taste, like a mixture of fish and beef, which surprised Chen Feng.

"Hey~Goo~" Seemingly aware of the master's satisfaction, Zhuo Ni rubbed his head on Zhuo Ni's body as if he was acting cute.

This guy is a dragon, obviously a puppy, okay?

"Unexpectedly, the meat of mutated animals is so delicious, and the nutritional value should be amazing, but it can be analyzed by Professor Carlos' scientific research team."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng called the Eagle King, handed him the last piece of miniature energy fragments and a piece of mutated beast meat, and wrote a note, asking him to return to the Dusk Farm as quickly as possible and send it to Professor Carlos. inside.

On the note, Chen Feng made two demands.

One is to hope that Professor Carlos will add this tiny energy fragment when developing Chen Feng's special pulse rifle.

The second is to study whether the nutritional content of the mutated animal meat is suitable for human consumption.


The Eagle King uttered a loud cry, soared into the sky in an instant, and flew away in the direction of the Twilight Farm.

Occasionally playing a cameo role as a carrier pigeon and doing small things like delivering letters is also cute.

After seeing off the Eagle King, Chen Feng continued galloping his horse in the northern part of Fox City. Zhuoni and Zhuoni's two pterosaurs hovered above him, while Xiao Huang was always walking leisurely within 500 meters around him.

Even if Chen Feng was relaxing, he was also inspecting his own territory.

If you encounter walking corpses wandering around, kill them easily. In many buildings, there are some stubborn corpses that are difficult to destroy. The scale may be around a hundred. Under Zhuoni's dragon flame, they are burned to a pool of ashes in an instant .

After eliminating [Heart of Iron and Steel], Chen Feng gained far more than just one police station building, but a whole eight blocks, including three super-large blocks, which were originally under the control of [Heart of Iron and Steel].

Now it has changed its name and belonged to Dusk Farm, or Chen Feng.

Counting the three blocks originally covered by the oil refinery, Chen Feng has already controlled most of the northern part of Fox City, including the oil refinery, oil field, city police station, steel factory, a garment factory, a construction factory, two hospitals, There are two large shopping centers, four medium-sized supermarkets, and many small shops.

Looking at the entire Fox City, Chen Feng is now the overlord.

It has been three months since the end of the world broke out. Due to Chen Feng's unexpected rise, many things have deviated from the established track. For example, during this time period, the Sanctuary Company has basically controlled the entire Fox City, but now it is almost extinct in this city.

Besides Chen Feng, the major forces in Fox City have undergone some integration, and now there are only the last two most powerful organizations left.

One is the [City of God] entrenched in the Xicheng District, which is the rich area. This is an organization dominated by Catholics and white elites. There should be a shadow of the shelter company behind it. Stand out in a short time and dominate the west of the city.

The second is [Heisha], which is entrenched in Dongcheng District, which is a slum area. urban area.Similarly, behind this organization is the shadow of [New Hope Company].

The New Hope Company was originally one of the biggest competitors of the Shelter Company.

These three families divided up three-quarters of Fox City, and the southern part of the city, together with the Mi Army base in the southernmost part of the city, became a mysterious no-man's land. Came out alive.


Chen Feng's eyes gradually narrowed.

In no man's land, there are many important resources. Among other things, the rice army base alone is enough to make everyone salivate.

With Chen Feng's current strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to go in and explore.The only problem is the attitude of the other two organizations.

At this time, Chen Feng happened to come to a fork in the road. The right side was the Xicheng District, which was the site of [God City], and the left side was naturally the site of [Heisha].

"[City of God] and [Heisha] it better to do that first?" Chen Feng kept tapping his fingers on his thigh.

At this moment, there was a violent engine roar from behind, and a fiery red Ferrari sports car galloped at a speed of more than 200 miles per hour. It flicked to a sudden stop at a distance of about 20 meters from Chen Feng. After two laps, the side of the driver's seat was pointed at Chen Feng.

Such a coquettish way of driving can only be Wolfgang.


The car door opened, and Wolfgang came out from inside, wearing sunglasses, handsome and energetic, "Boss, there are envoys from [City of God] and [Heisha] visiting, and they are waiting for you at the police station building. "

Yo?Whatever you want.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

 What do you want, what about recommendation tickets? ps: Thanks to clement001 for the reward. (Second update at 20:00)

(End of this chapter)

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