Chapter 938 You Look Sweet (17)

But seeing her laughing, it is false to say that she has no sense of accomplishment.

The two of them chatted for an unknown amount of time. From late at night until the sky became bright white, Li Weixi asked softly, "Don't you need to rest? It's getting late."

Vampires rest during the day.

Adler nodded without refusing, "Well, then I'll go back."

As soon as I took a step, I suddenly heard the soft voice of the girl behind: "Thank you...! I am very happy. You are the first vampire I met who didn't want to suck my blood. You are a good person."

The smile on his lips widened.

silly girl.

Who wouldn't want to suck your blood?
His ultimate goal is to ask for your blood.

After leaving the door of the back garden, Li Weixi was playing with a rose that he had picked, with a smile on his face.

I didn't expect this vampire to be really stupid. After talking all night, his throat was almost dry, and he didn't get any news about her, but his old background was completely wiped out by her.

Although those words were exaggerated, but put it all together, Li Weixi almost knew Adler.

——You can make good use of it.

She felt that it was a good idea to cause a vampire civil war.As for Cress, she was reluctant to let him do it. Naturally, the civil war had to be resolved by those three insiders, and she and Cress could reap the benefits of fishing.

Kress leaned on the bed and played with his mobile phone, like a watchman.

Five hours.


He saw it, Li Weixi went out, and Adler also went out; Li Weixi didn't show up for five hours, and Adler didn't show up for five hours.

It seems that this time Li Weixi is targeting this wild man.

But this guy didn't notice it yet, he opened the door openly and came in and threw himself into his arms, rubbing against him and saying, "I'm exhausted...I've been standing all night!"

"Stand?" Chris sneered, "He didn't let you lie down?"

Of course, he knew that although Li Weixi had no morals, he still had a bottom line, so saying that was all out of anger.

So he still caught her steadily, put down the phone, and let her lie down in a comfortable position.

"He didn't let him go," Li Weixi followed his intentions, and smiled a little deeper, "So I just lay on your body."

Kress: "Oh." Woman.

He stretched out his hand to scratch the back of her neck, which made her giggle, and she laughed for a while before saying stop.

Then did not do much.

At this moment, the screen of Kleis' cell phone suddenly lit up - it was Julina who sent the message, this woman who got Kleis' cell phone number at some point, and at some point left a note... oh yes , These electronic products were bought by the three vampires, so it is understandable to keep them.

The phone screen lit up, and so did Li Weixi's eyes.

Without setting a password, she swiped open her phone and read the text message openly: "Are you interested in the human world? Do you want to check it out?"

Chris: "..."

Hey, there seems to be something wrong with your reaction.

There is a slutty woman who asks her boyfriend to go shopping, doesn't she blacklist the woman immediately and then ask her boyfriend "what is the relationship between this woman and you"?

Why do you look hopeful?That kind of look is probably...wish? ?
"Dashun," she said with a rare stern look, "I have a major task related to the construction of social//ism to be entrusted to you."

Chris: "..."

All he thought about was, um, harmony.

(End of this chapter)

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