Chapter 902

In a few days it will be the final exam.

Sitting in the examination room, Li Weixi was quite emotional.

Thinking about her character in the third year of high school and later in college, who can imagine how she looked like when she was rebellious?Everyone thought she grew up cold and aloof.

actually not.It's just that reality changed her.She went abroad for university, and in a strange country, she used a completely different language, which made her personality even more withdrawn.

I took two science exams today, and half of the liberal arts students fell asleep in the exam room.Li Weixi played with the pen for half an hour, because in her eyes, these topics were really... quite simple.

She has passed the third year of high school several times, is she still afraid of such questions?
She struggled for a while, and took a pen to calculate on the draft paper.In order to stay attached to science for the last time, she might just pass the exam.

When the results came out, as expected, the emotional value rose again.

It's just because Li Weixi's scores in the three science subjects are very neat, with 60 points in one subject, and a total of 180 points.

Physics is surprisingly rare this time, and biology is the easiest paper I have ever tested this semester.As a result, she scored 60 points regardless of the difficulty level, and the top row of one subject was the bottom row... One can tell at a glance that this is definitely intentional.

The third subject of liberal arts is still terrible, Li Weixi does the math, at least she has passed 150, it seems that there is still hope for her to improve!
It's summer vacation, so there's plenty of time.

To her dismay, Kress still didn't show up.

She wanted to go find Kles, but the world was so big, she didn't even know if Kles was still called by this name, where could there be any clues?Chips are limited in these worlds, and only occasionally have a bug, which is useless.The system is also broken.

He can only wait for Chris to come to her.Kress has her memory, so it shouldn't be troublesome to find it.

Just as I was thinking, someone knocked on the door outside.

The knock on the door came from the living room.Today, Li's father and Li's mother are rarely at home. Li Weixi observed Li's mother's expression, everything is normal, and it seems that her condition is still stable.She said a lot of things to make Li's mother happy, and secretly said that there was something she could tell her, there was no need to hide it, she also wanted to know them better, and hoped that they would change.

Three uninvited guests stood at the door.

Uncle's family.

The experience brought about by the last meeting was really unpleasant, and it was all six or seven years later.Now the uncle's family looks younger, and the cousin's face is also very green, but the face is still familiar.

It's nothing more than greeting her first, complimenting Li Weixi on how good she is, and then asking her cousin to say hello to her.

Li Weixi didn't have a good look at them, and the answer was neither cold nor cold.It could be seen that the cousin was very dissatisfied, but she held back and didn't say it.

My cousin came from the county seat.Li Weixi's family lives in a villa, a small European-style garden house, wearing tens of thousands of sets of clothes, and using the latest fruit machine, which they have never seen.

In front of Li Weixi, she was actually very inferior.

Li's father and Li's mother were quite enthusiastic and invited them to come in and sit down.

After drinking for three rounds, the uncle explained his reason for coming with an awkward smile: "I want to transfer my Xiaoya to another school. Isn't it because our job has been transferred, and it is inconvenient for us to take care of Xiaoya, so I came to ask... can you help me?" help?"

Li Weixi remembered this scene.

Their family and uncle's family met for the first time.Well, this is the beginning of all tragedies.

She picked the fishbone calmly, without interrupting their communication.

(End of this chapter)

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