Chapter 1: The Soul of Jia Cong

Chapter 1: The Soul of Jia Cong
In the autumn of the tenth year of Yonglong in the Great Xia Dynasty, the sound of reading aloud was heard from the Jia family school in the capital.

"To be sincere is to not deceive oneself. To hate bad smells and to love beautiful women is to be modest. Therefore, a gentleman must be careful when he is alone..."

At this moment, an illusory transparent panel suddenly appeared in front of the little transparent Jia Cong.

【Name: Jia Cong】

【Four Books and Five Classics (Introduction): 5/100】

Jia Cong thought he was hallucinating because he didn't sleep well last night, and he rubbed his eyes hard.

However, when he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that the panel was still there.

Jia Cong couldn't help but show surprise on his face.

The time traveler’s standard golden finger arrives late but it arrives.

Judging from Jia Cong's many years of experience in online reading, this golden finger should be the proficiency panel.

It is not an invincible cheat that can defeat anyone in seconds, but rather an auxiliary cheat of the nature of God rewards hard work. To achieve success, the host must work hard and sweat.

The role of the golden finger is just to ensure that the host will gain something in return for his efforts.

However, no matter how weak the cheat code is, it is still a cheat code. It is better to have it than not to have it. What else do you need?

He was originally an art teacher on Earth, and his life was quite leisurely, but it was too calm.

Perhaps God couldn't stand his negative attitude at such a young age and played a joke on him, kicking him into the world of the Red Mansion after he got drunk one day.

After waking up, it felt like Zhuangzi’s dream in the morning.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether it was the art teacher from later generations whose soul traveled through time and space to Jia Cong, or whether Jia Cong from the world of Red Mansions had a dream of the prosperity of later generations for a thousand years.

After waking up, Jia Cong was very melancholy.

He actually traveled through time and space to the body of Jia Cong, a little-known man in Rongguo Mansion. What a hellish start.

The Jia family in the Red Mansion, after Jia Yuanchun's death, all the beauties have faded after the three springs, and each must find his or her own way.

In the end, it ended up like "the birds have eaten all the food and fly back to the forest, leaving the earth clean and white."

Jia Cong is fifteen years old now. It has only been more than ten years since the Jia family was confiscated.

If he traveled through time and space to become Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu, or Jia Rong from the East Palace, he would have the status of a legitimate son.

Perhaps he can also change the fate of the Jia family through his own efforts and operations in order to achieve his goal of preserving himself.

However, his soul happened to be transported to the body of Jia Cong, a bastard. The treatment he received in the Jia family was even worse than that of Jia Huan, the bastard son of the second wife.

His father, Jia She, was a licentious and foolish man who only knew how to drink and play with his concubines. He would beat and scold even his own son, Jia Lian, at any time.

Jia She never cared about the life or death of his illegitimate son Jia Cong.

Jia Cong's nominal mother, Lady Xing, was stupid and weak by nature. She only knew how to flatter Jia She to protect herself, and she was greedy for money and property for her own satisfaction.

In the original version of the Dream of the Red Chamber, Mrs. Xing once ridiculed Jia Cong: "Where can I find a live monkey? Your wet nurse is dead, and you didn't even bother to clean up. You have black eyebrows and black mouth. How can you still look like a child from a wealthy family studying?"
Mrs. Xing is Jia Cong's nominal mother, and a mother has the responsibility to educate her children. Jia Cong's behavior is so terrible that it is actually a disgrace to Mrs. Xing, his mother.

The fact that Mrs. Xing could say such a thing shows how foolish she is.

Mrs. Xing even withheld Jia Cong's monthly allowance on the grounds that he was still young and spent money recklessly, and that she needed her help to save it so that she could help him get married in the future.

Even the maids, servants and boys in the mansion never regarded Jia Cong as their real master.

Even his daily meals were terrible.

Jia Cong had developed an inferiority complex and a timid character since he was young. He never dared to fight, which made the servants more wanton and reckless. If it weren't for the protection of his biological mother, Aunt Mei, Jia Cong might not have lived to this age.

Speaking of which, Aunt Mei is also a poor person.

In the boudoir, she was also a famous talented woman, with a beauty so beautiful that she could make fishes sink to the bottom of their chests and geese fall to the ground, and the moon hide in shame on flowers.

But Jia She happened to see her and was immediately struck by her beauty. He immediately sent people to her house, forced her to be his concubine, and brought her into his house in a sedan chair.

After Aunt Mei entered the mansion, she put aside her sorrow and devoted herself to serving her husband.

For a while, she was extremely favored by Jia She.

But Jia She was a philandering scumbag. No matter how beautiful she was, he would throw her aside after three or two months at most and find a new love.

Mei Yi Niang was well-educated and well-mannered, and she often advised Jia She, which made Jia She dislike her even more. He then began to ignore Mei Yi Niang even more.

At this time, Aunt Mei was pregnant and gave birth to a son, Jia Cong. Completely disappointed with Jia She, she devoted herself to raising her young son behind closed doors.

As Jia Cong grew up, he was no longer loved by his biological father and his stepmother.

If it weren't for Aunt Mei who often took on some needlework outside to earn some money to supplement the family income, Jia Cong might not have been able to grow up safely.

Thinking of this, Jia Cong couldn't help but sigh slightly.

It really is the start of hell difficulty.

There are ways to break the impasse.

The most thorough solution is to leave the Jia Mansion and become independent.

With knowledge that is hundreds of years ahead of the world, it is not difficult to be content with a small fortune, even if you don't have to be extremely wealthy.

However, living in this old era where ethics and morals are cannibalistic, how easy is it to break out of the cage and leave the Jia Mansion to become independent?
The Jia family is a wealthy and prominent family that values ​​face and pomp. They would probably rather let the mother and son die in the house than let them leave. This approach is not feasible.

Therefore, the best way is to obey the rules of this era, work hard to climb up, and completely control your own destiny.

Originally this was an extremely difficult thing to do, as his embarrassing status as a bastard's son was a huge constraint.

Fortunately, he still has the proficiency panel.

Now that the proficiency panel includes the Four Books and Five Classics, he can definitely keep working hard to max out his proficiency in the Four Books and Five Classics.

By then, it should not be difficult to pass the imperial examination and obtain fame, and then he would be able to step by step change his current embarrassing situation.

Thinking of this, Jia Cong recited it carefully again.

"When a villain is idle, he does all kinds of bad things. When he sees a gentleman, he becomes disgusted and hides his bad deeds and shows his good deeds. If people look at themselves as if they were seeing their own lungs and livers, what good will it do?"

Four Books and Five Classics experience +1
Four Books and Five Classics experience +1
Gradually, Jia Cong couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of reading around him gradually died down. Jia Cong was startled and stopped along with the other students.

In the classroom, the old teacher Jia Dairu, with white hair and beard, coughed twice and said, "Let's stop here today. Take a day off tomorrow."

"When you go back, don't play around. You must recite this great passage carefully. I will examine you when the lecture begins. If you can't recite it, you will be punished with a stick. School is dismissed."

As soon as the school was dismissed, all the students in the classroom became happy and ran out noisily.

Jia Cong was calmly packing his books. He was too lazy to compete with these children.

Jia Cong was suddenly slapped on the head, and he looked up in shock and anger.

(End of this chapter)