Chapter 1 End of Watch: Endless Affixes

Chapter 1: End of Watch: Endless Affixes (Update !)

The night in the cemetery seems to be closer than that in the city.

While the small town at the foot of the mountain was still basking in the afterglow of the setting sun, the cemetery on this isolated hill was already shrouded in a kind of darkness.

Yi Dong was no longer as flustered as when he first came here.

He stood calmly on the path in the cemetery, gazing into the distance, with a forest of quiet tombstones standing beside him...

Strictly speaking, this small cemetery does not have any substantial need for security work.

But even in the most remote villages, it is inevitable that one or two remarkable people will occasionally appear.

Yi Dong still doesn't know the full name of his real boss.

I only know that everyone in the village calls him "Mr. Chen"...

This is where Mr. Chen’s ancestral grave is located, and it is also the resting place of his parents...

Returning home in glory - this seems to be a certain obsession that runs through the people of this land.

At this time, Yi Dong also benefited from this ancient tradition.

Mr. Chen firmly believed in Feng Shui, or perhaps some unpleasant rumors about it made him feel that his ancestral grave still needed to be guarded.

Therefore, this job came into being.

The city has its neat order and laws, and the village has its complicated human relationships and interactions.

So when the old village chief came to him and asked him to help look after the cemetery, Yi Dong agreed.

He studied mechanics in college, and after graduation he originally planned to follow in his parents' footsteps and continue to be a teacher.

But until his parents died suddenly, he no longer had this intention.

Guarding graves is certainly not necessarily a pleasant job.

But for Yi Dong, who suddenly lost both his parents at that time, he had no other ideas.

So I worked for three years...




The faint light from the lighter brought some light to the cemetery where there were no street lights.

Maybe there are cemeteries with streetlights, but this one is clearly not one of them…

The intertwined shadows of the tombstones look like wriggling worms.

Yi Dong lit a cigarette.

Three years had given him enough familiarity with every corner of this cemetery.

It also made him no longer worry about those cold tombstones and earth mounds.

Strangers coming up the mountain would make him even more alert.

Just like the fisherman and the murderer who dumped the body, they had a consensus on certain ideas.

Some individuals who commit crimes out of passion will subconsciously choose places with few people...

For this reason, Yi Dong always carries a pickaxe with him when he patrols the garden.

In addition to being very convenient for weeding, it also has another way to open it...

The street lights in the county town at the foot of the mountain have gradually lit up.

The orange light is the warmth of home. Yi Dong glanced at it from a distance and took a deep puff of cigarette.

He seemed to be forgotten in the darkness along with the cemetery...


Something still stubbornly remains there.

Even the night has not stripped it of its clear manifestation:
"Connected to the Multiverse Integrated Game Network (hereinafter referred to as the Integrated Network) successfully, reading version information..."

"The current version of the "Comprehensive Network" is set to: End of Watch - Endless Affixes."


This version is only born in civilizations that meet [Myth Graveyard], [Miracle Decay] or [Civilization Island]

1. In this version, the local conventional cross-time and space transmission channel of the comprehensive network is closed, and some multiverse activities are removed from the push (this version feature is only effective in the native plane, and is automatically removed after the character obtains the legendary template)
2. In this version, the number, types and rewards of dungeons that characters can challenge have been greatly increased

3. In this version, all loot of the character will be given Chaos affixes (Chaos affixes will provide additional skills, skill enhancements, form changes, and other benefits or special effects)

ps: Zongwang...offline version? ——Multivariate Observer-Grigorias



“Based on the player’s choice and version restrictions, the player will obtain a limited basic profession: Guardian.”

"Based on the player's civilization lineage and version environment, the character guardian profession has undergone an adaptive transformation..."

The player's personal information is as follows:

Name: Yi Dong
Occupation: Guardian (lv1) This occupation has been locked and the minimum level cannot be lower than level 1.

Genealogy: The sequence of the ancient extraordinary civilization in the East

Faction: Old Gods

Health: 100% (Health determines the health and endurance of the character. When the health is less than 10%, the character will be weak. When the health is less than 5%, the character will go into shock. When the health is less than 0%, the character will die.)
Mythic Power: 5/5 (Guardians can consume mythic power to enhance their skills or perform mythic abilities)

Strength: 10 (Strength determines the character's muscles and physical strength.)
Agility: 10 (Agility determines a character's reaction, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, and balance.)
Constitution: 12 (Constitution determines the character's health and ability to resist attacks.)
Intelligence: 10 (Intelligence determines the character's ability to learn and reason.)
Charisma: 9 (Charisma determines a character's force, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, leadership, and physical attractiveness.)
Wisdom: 12 (Wisdom determines the character's willpower, common sense, judgment, perception, and intuition.)
professional skills:
1. Food is the Heaven (limited mythical cornerstone ability):

The character gains more immediate recovery from food, and can permanently retain the temporary benefits of food by consuming 1 point of mythic power (some benefits cannot be stacked).

2. The Way of Protection (Not Selected):
(1) Body Refining: Whenever you take damage, you can consume 1 point of mythic power to absorb it (the absorption effect depends on the character's relevant resistance, basic attributes, and class level). The absorbed damage can be taken again to permanently improve the character's basic resistance and basic attributes.

(2) Taming: As a swift action, you can spend 1 point of mythic power to enhance your spirit beast, animal companion, or mount, empowering it with its bloodline or granting it stat enhancements.

(3) Shieldman: As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mythic power to block or leap/blink/teleport (based on your class level) to an ally/follower (based on your class level), blocking attacks against them and granting them an additional resistance bonus based on your save.



What exactly is this?
Yi Dong didn't know.

These words had been appearing on his retina ever since he woke up from his nap.

As a contemporary young person, I am also a heavy internet surfer.

Yi Dong probably had some guesses about this.

Although when all this really happened to him, Yi Dong's first reaction was:
He eventually fell ill in this dark cemetery...

It was not until the afternoon that he walked around the cemetery several times with a somewhat uneasy mood.

Looking at his parents' tombstones, Yi Dong was certain of one fact:
Damn, it’s my turn finally!

(End of this chapter)