Chapter 1 Prologue

Chapter 1 Prologue
I have read many books, but I don't know how to understand them. Someone hoped that I would make a change, and it would be better to write a story like this. But at that time I was still hesitant. On the one hand, I was hesitant whether I could write it well, and on the other hand, I was hesitant whether it would be popular. I couldn't write such long paragraphs of philosophy, just bland and boring narration. But the person who gave me the advice told me: the story does not need so much philosophy, as long as it is a good story, it is enough.

What is a good story like? One that brings laughter? One that is full of emotion? Or one that simply tells you that there is such a person in the world, he did such and such a thing, and what happened to him in the end... I think this is a very simple thing, and even I can write it.

So I started writing.

Many books begin like this: This is a story that happened a long, long time ago.

So I'm going to write this, too: "This is a story that happened a long, long time ago."

"In the city of Linwell in the Kingdom of Great Britta, there is a young man named Linger."

"That is our protagonist."

"Recently, he's been having some...little trouble."

(End of this chapter)