In the hallway of the hospital...

"How's Xiaoyun?" After receiving Jiang Chuan Shashu's call, Bai Yinchen and Chen You rushed to the hospital without delay, panting heavily, and asked, "Is the injury serious? Listen Said that the muscles and bones are broken? How could this happen?"

Don't rush to misunderstand why Jiangchuan Shashu knew about this, here is an explanation. (─.─|||

The reason is that when Fengzisa sent Sakaki Xieyun to the hospital without any money, she called Jiangchuan Shashu, and within a minute after Jiangchuan Shashu put down the phone, Chen You just called him again and told him that Nan Jiacheng Appendicitis surgery, may not be able to participate in the campus festival.

At this point, Chen You learned that Sakaki Xieyun injured his arm.But the problem is that Jiangchuan Shashu's Chinese is not good, and the description is not very clear, so the oolong incident has multiplied like this.One by one +

"In the emergency room." Feng Zisa sat on the chair in the corridor and waited, with her knees propped up and her chin resting on her chin, dazed like a bewildered doll.

I have never seen a female hooligan in such a state, so the two guys who came later thought that Sakaki Xieyun was seriously injured. →_→

Seeing this, Chen You patted the handsome shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't worry, just listen to what the doctor has to say when he comes out later."

At this time, Bai Yinchen pursed his thin lips and asked, "What did you do? How could Xiaoyun get hurt?"

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