I played the world alone

Chapter 63 Lessons

Chapter 63 Lessons
This group of people did not know where to get hundreds of guns, and the force is considered strong in this area.

Just based on the reactions of the people around them, it is obvious that these people's reputation is not very good.

Among other things, the general who is close to 60 years old is going to marry Mrs. No. 16 in a few days.

Moreover, there are usually a lot of searches, and the people are oppressed by force. The people complain a lot, but they have nowhere to redress their grievances.

It is said that when it was first occupied, the richest families in the county either paid a lot of money to save their lives, or were directly ransacked to fill military use.

It is said that there are still many hanging corpses outside the city, poor people who are disobedient and are being used as a warning to others.

At this moment, the people in the teahouse also noticed that a Taoist priest had come, and immediately someone greeted him with a teasing tone.

But Lu Chen couldn't understand, but the others laughed, probably because they said something impolite.

The gentleman reading the newspaper looked up at him, frowned, and spoke that strange official language again.

"Old Taoist priest, we don't have anything to give you here, so hurry up."

Food is in short supply due to the war these years, and most of the local people live with their belts tightened.

Haven't you seen beggars everywhere on the street?

As soon as these monks and Taoists appeared, they were just begging for money and food, and they were all used to it.

He didn't intend to ask the other party why he came, so he just wanted to drive him away rudely.

It seemed that Xiaoer, who was fourteen or fifteen years old, was also ready to come up to chase people away, pushing and shoving him out.

What's strange is that the old Taoist laughed, flung his hands away skillfully, took out a wine gourd from somewhere, put it in his mouth and took a sip, and then said: "I have wine in this way, I don't like you rough tea."

"Hey, you stinky Taoist priest! Get out of here! Otherwise, we will do it!"

Xiao Er's spoken Mandarin was exactly the same as that gentleman's, and now he was glaring at him, rolling up his sleeves, fearing that he was about to make a move.

The old Taoist laughed, turned and left.

"I'm afraid it's not crazy."

Xiao Er turned around and cursed in a low voice, but when he turned around, he saw all the customers in the store pointing at him and laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" He was at a loss.

Immediately, he suddenly felt a chill in his crotch, and looked down in astonishment, only to find that his pants were completely wet at some point, and it looked like he had peed on his pants.

Hearing the laughter of the people around him, he blushed with embarrassment, and immediately covered his bottom and ran to change his pants, cursing at the same time, wondering why he suddenly became like this.

And here, Lu Chen taught this contemptuous guy a little lesson for a while, and walked on the street chicly, while looking around, as if he really was a Taoist priest who came here to play.

After shopping around, he soon found a suitable corner.

For some reason, it was empty there. Although there were many small vendors around, and they were facing the popular shops, no one wanted to grab the position there.

He thought for a while, walked over, sat down on the floor, put a handful of beans in front of him, and called out in Mandarin: "Sell beans."

Then close your eyes and meditate.

However, he could also feel the strange gazes from the people around him, as if they didn't understand his movements.

After a while, someone came up to him and asked in a low voice, "Did you come from outside?"


Lu Chen opened his eyes and saw that the other party's official language was quite clear.

I saw a ragged boy standing beside him, about ten years old.

But it was obvious that the child was malnourished, skinny, yellow and emaciated, his hair was messy and dusty, and he was holding a broken bowl in his hand. He seemed to be a little beggar here.

Seeing Lu Chen's reaction, the other party lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "Let's go, your current seat is given by Boss Liu. When he comes later and finds you here, you will be beaten to death!"


Lu Chen looked around, secretly thinking that it was true.

This room is so spacious and the location is unique, it doesn't make sense that it will be empty all the time, as expected, someone has taken it.

The so-called Boss Liu should be a kind of local ruffian here, and either there are people behind him or he is strong in force, so many people dare not provoke him.

He shook his head: "It doesn't matter. I'm an old man, I'm used to idle clouds and wild cranes. I just sit here with my old bones. If he has the ability, he will beat me to death."

"It's you, little guy, you speak official Chinese well, who did you learn it from?"

These days, it is not easy for people who have never read a book to learn standard Mandarin.

"I... I learned from my father." The boy scratched his head, "My father used to be a scholar, but then died of illness on the way to escape, and I was left alone..."

"No wonder."

Lu Chen was not too surprised.

Most of these beggars have come here for similar pitiful reasons.

But since this child is the only one who has the kindness to remind himself, then maybe he can give him a small reward.

Just as he was thinking about what he could give to the other party, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps in the distance.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw not far away a burly man in a big mandarin jacket with his chest open leading two people towards this direction aggressively.

"Boss Liu is here! You're going to be finished! Hurry up and run!" The boy was even more anxious, he took Lu Chen's hand and wanted to take him away, but he couldn't pull it as if he was pulling a huge boulder, which made him sweat profusely.

Lu Chen was as stable as Mount Tai, and looked at the so-called Boss Liu with a strange gaze.

"This physique...is quite rare in this age."

After the other party approached, the height of nearly two meters also gave people great pressure, and the boy next to him was trembling with fright, his legs were shaking like sifting chaff.

Boss Liu looked down at the old and the young in front of him, and spit impatiently on the ground: "Old man, which way are you dare to take my seat?"

Although the boy was very scared, he still bite the bullet and whispered: "Yes... I'm sorry, this old Taoist is from another place, I'll take him away..."


Boss Liu sneered, and rubbed his knuckles to make a sound like fried beans: "If you just leave like this, where will I put my face, Boss Liu?"

"You two, each break an arm, I will let you go."

The boy turned pale with fright.

"Don't do it? Then let me do it myself."

Boss Liu sneered, waved his hand, and signaled the two people behind him to go up together.

"Whoever dares to occupy this seat in the future, I will cut off your limbs, so that you can no longer live!"

He yelled and pointed at the people around him.

Although there were many people around, no one dared to stand up to refute, and also did not dare to stand up to help, everyone was timid, avoiding their eyes and not daring to look.

But at this time, the old Taoist priest who seemed to be in great trouble laughed out loud.

"Interesting and interesting, the young people nowadays are really angry, but I see that your seals are black, and the poor do the calculations, it seems that you are going to be unlucky."

(End of this chapter)

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